Like to farm? Then dont level your char.
If you are like me and like to farm for items, dont level your character past lvl 70ish. When you are close to leveling, run straight into the closest pack let go of the keyboard and mouse.
Because if the level of the map is to far below your level you get exp nerf AND drop nerf. (not sure about the exact lvl diff) I didnt know this, so i leveld my char to 89 (after alot of farming, and doing tons of mid 70 maps and using 100+ chaos,tons of vaal and alch) and now i hardly get any rares or uniques (or map drops)on lvl 75 maps or lower. I could just farm higher level maps, right? Wrong, its near impossible to sustain a steady supply of 75+ maps. I alch all my maps (and vaal if i have any) and get 80%-130% iiq but you just dont get enough high level map drops. I have to use the 70-75 maps and x my finger they drop higher level maps (but as my char is 89, i hardly get any drops from 75 or lower maps so im screwed) example: Did at least 10 maps (level 73-75),aleched and vaaled them and i have 102% iir myself (maps was 80%-130% iiq + iir) found close to none rare, 1 unique (piss unique) 3 low lvl maps. One time i killed 3 rares, and 2 magic packs + opend a Ornate Strongbox (rare) and i didnt get a single rare item drop. So what can i do? I cant sustain myself with high enough maps, so i have to join a party. Problem is that all map drops in a party goes to the person who started the map, and i dont like to play with random people. I have to wait for my friends, but they are lower level than me and do low 70 maps, and they keep on making new chars once they hit lvl 75 +/- (as ggg intended i guess) I could buy maps? Sure, 1 or 2 then i would be broke (its insane prices on high level maps) so here i am, lvl 89, doing 73-75 maps (geting 0%-2% exp pr map) and alching and vaaling with insane mods (bloodmagic/temp chains/ reflect/ ellemental weaknes/...etc) so they would have a chance to drop anything, and if im so unlucky that i die :S i just lost 10 maps worth of exp. I dont get any Exp, i dont get any loot...why should i bother playing? Im a bit frustrated atm, but as a born optimist i keep runing the low to mid 70 maps and hope i get something worth my time. ps:If you find any typos, just keep em ;) |
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This is completely untrue (with regards to getting items, at least). The drop penalty:
1. Only applies to currency, not to any other items. 2. Never treats your character level as higher than 68, so farming zones of level 61 or higher will never impose a currency drop penalty regardless of your level. I'm not going to comment on experience gain and sustaining map pools because I don't like delving too much into opinions on such a divisive subject, but you're not being penalised in terms of drops because you're high-levelled. Have you done something awesome with [url=]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!
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I'm not sure if 2.0 changed it, but I didn't see anything in the patch notes..
Your character level is never considered to be above level 68 for drop penalties, and this only applies to currency. So, you could go down to a level 66 zone and not suffer any penalty for it, no matter your level above it. EDIT: I would of gotten away with replying first if it wasn't for those damn teens and their meddling viper! "You go on pretending that you own the universe, And we'll all be here watching as you're falling down to Earth." Last edited by XigTek#3396 on Jul 28, 2015, 9:18:31 PM
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I can't stand farming.
hehehehehee Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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" There are no drop penalties in maps. Drop penalties (which apply to currency and divination cards only) do not apply after level 68. (So any world area of level 68 or higher is treated as being level 68 for the purposes of penalties.) | |
Hmmm.....I think they have ninja nerfed something, i done alot of testing before i made this post. It could just be RNG, but then i must be unlucky as hell for the past few days.
I did do some 77 and 78 maps, and drops looked fine (same old crapy rares, but at least there where rares). But when i do 75 or lower maps, i get nada. First i thought it was just bad luck, but then i asked around and other people experience the same, over and over again. (thats not rng? is it?) I dont say i dont find anything, but i dont have to use any tp to go up and sell as i get every rare drop on a map in one go (sometimes only 2-3 rares). If im on higher level maps(77+) i have to tp at least 2-3 times to sell. But i dont know, im just talking from experience and words from other. |
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Sometimes, I find good stuff.
Other times, I don't. Must be voodoo. IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh |
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It's witchcraft!!
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Probably just an episode of confirmation bias.. happens. It'll pass, Zims. :)
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I will run 70-71 maps till level 82 (more precise by reaching lvl 82), then the exp-drop is unbearable.
" Masterpiece of 3.16 lore "A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Jul 29, 2015, 3:40:44 AM
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