[2.2]The CoC Slam - Groundslam AoE Cast on Crit - Build Guide [SC]

Updated for Ascendancy
This build uses Groundslam to trigger Cast on Crit with several AoE spells,using the power of the Vagan "Hits can´t be evaded" Mod to ensure a high rate of casts with easy gearing.
We use AoE scaling to increase the size of our Groundslam, getting more casts and range while boosting the effectivness of our spells at the same time.

I played this build in 1.3 inspired by the Arctic CoC Slam and now updated it to 2.0 on my Standard Character as well as leveling a new one up in Warbands.

I played a lot of CoC Builds and really love this style of play and out of all of them this one is my favorite. If you like CoC Builds you should really give this one a shot!

UPDATE - I reworked the Skilltree, Gear and Links Sektion! - Lifeleech+ Vaal Pact and better Singletarget now

[playstv id="55b865c26bffec1eba"][/playstv]


+ High speed gameplay / fast map clear
+ Not expensive to gear
+ Can do most map mods
+ Great AoE clearing
+ Can use a variety of spells and Attacks to change the gameplay

-Can have Problems with high health singletargets without any adds (Atziri/Daresso)
-Thornflesh Mod and ele reflect maps are really dangerous
-Can hurt your FPS pretty hard, depending on spells used



Bandits: Oak - Kill All - Alira

As you can see you can also do this Build as Shadow with minor changes to the starting nodes.
For a Shadow Version i would go with Asassin Ascendancy ofc.


Main Skill / DPS

Groundslam - Cast on Crit - Multistrike - Life Leech - Spell1 - Spell 2

I do not recommend using anything less than a 6L. The Link is the most important part about the chest, everything else comes in after that.

You can make it work on a 5L if you skip the Life Leech and curse Warlords mark instead of Poachers Mark.

A Tabula Rasa or a corrupted Chest with the right colours is a good way to get a cheap 6L!

Auto Curse
4 Link:
Herald of Thunder - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark - Poachers Mark

We use Assasins Mark for extra Damage and additional Critical Strike Chance for our Attacks and Spells its also the way we get our Powercharges.

We also use Poachers Mark for the Mana + Life on hit and getting Frenzy Charges for Attackspeed and more Damage.

You can also curse with Warlords Mark to get more Life Leech, the Mana Leech will also work for us to sustain our Attacks.

4+1/2 Link:
Whirling Blades - Blood Magic - Fortify - (Faster Attacks)

Leapslam - Faster Attacks

We use a Scepter and a Dagger so we can use Whirling Blades and Leapslam.
Whirling Blades enables the fast paced Gameplay while Leap Slam is used to jump up and down Ledges.

The Fortify buff is just to good to pass up and with the higher manacost of Whirling Blades, its better running it on Blood Magic to not go out of mana just from whirling between Packs.

If you have trouble getting enough sockets you can allways skip the Faster attacks link!

Single/No Link

You can use any Purity you wish to fix resists on your gear, i recommend fitting it to the Element of the Spell you are using to help with Reflect.

Arctic Armour helps with Physical Damage mitigation, as well as reflected fire damage if you use a fire spell.

3 Link
Cast when Damage taken - Summon Ice Golem - Arctic Breath

The Golem grants additional Crit Chance and can serve as distraction during Boss fights.

Keep the cast when damage taken at low level, this way the golem wil lbe up all the time.

Arctic Breath provides chilled ground, which is a nice additional defense.

If you have trouble finding enough sockets jsut skip the Arctic Breath.

Single Target Setup
4/5 Link:

Vaal Lightning Strike - Cast on Crit - Fireball/Stormcall - Freezingpulse

Vaal Lightning Strike is a perfect Singletarget help for Cast on Crit!
After the initial hit Lightning Strikes the target and can trigger a lot of Crits.
It also can store 3 Charges so even if you don´t crit with one of hit there are more to come.

If you can get your Hands on a Item that has the corruption "supported by cast on crit" you can make it a 5Link, using a additional Spell, added Cold/Lightning or Life Leech/Multi Strike depending on the socket colours of your corrupted item.

You also can use a Deadhand Talisman that solves all singletarget issues you could ever encounter!
Check this Video for Details on this!


First off my Sets of Gear in the current Version of the Build:



By Slot:

Mainhand Weapon

The only thing you need is a Scepter with the Vagan Mod "Hits can´t be evaded"
Later on you want to Multi Mod it but only the Vagan Mod and crafted Crit Chance is perfectly fine.

If you want a good Base for Multi Modding you need one with the Vagan Mod, then Regal it and hope for a good Prefix or good Attack Speed/ Critchance with your Regal Orb.

If you get a bad Suffix its broken, as you can´t multi mod attack speed + Critchance then.

The Base for the Scepter is up for debate, Karui Scepters have the highest Attack Speed, while Crystal Scepters provide a higher base Critchance and more Elemental Damage.

Any Vagan Scepter will work but higher Crit Chance / Attack Speeds are of course preferable.

Offhand Weapon:

We want a Dagger with the 80% Global Crit implicit here.
Groundslam uses only Maces/Scepters so we don´t attack with the Dagger its only there for its stats and to get the Dual Wield Bonus.

The implicit mod is the most important part, other good mods are Spell Damage, Crit Multi, Flat Elemental Damage to spells and Resists or Manaregen if you need them.


We want a Rat´s Nest here for the Crit Chance and Attackspeed. As its expensive in the new Leagues you can use a Starkonjas Head instead and even get a good ammount of Life in exchange for a lower Crit Chance.
Starkonjas is really really cheap so this one should not be a Problem.

Keep in mind that we don´t need Accuracy on Gear as we use a Vagan Mod Weapon.

Update: At the moment i think a Starkonja is better than a Rats Nest, as you really need all the life you can get and the Crit Chance on Starkonja is good enough.
You can also buy a lot of them for cheap and corrupt them for the singletarget Setup. (see Links Sektion)


You can use Maligaros or just Rare Gloves with Life, Resists, Attack Speed.

If you use Maligaros or Rare Gloves depends on your Budget and Choice of Boots.

Keep in mind that we don´t need Accuracy on Gear as we use a Vagan Mod Weapon.


We have many good options here!

If you are using Maligaros in the Gloves Slot you will need your Resists and Life here.

If you use Rare Gloves and don´t need more Resists you can use Kaoms Roots or Atziris Steps.

Kaoms provide a good ammount of Life and make us immune to stuns. I found that this boosts our surviveability by a great deal as getting stunlocked is one of the number one causes of deaths with the new high physical damage mobs and loss of the CwdT-EC-IC Combo.

If you feel like Spell Dodge would serve you better Atiris Step are a option to boost your spelldodge.

Another Option are Windscreams. They have Elemental Damage, some resists and save you some points in the tree as you don´t need to get Whispers of Doom.

Keep in mind that we don´t need Movespeed on Boots as we are using Whirling Blades to move around.


I really recommend to get a 6 Link here no matter what chest, a 6 Link is the most important part.

Good budget options are Tabula Rasa or a corrupted 6 Link chest with fitting colours and some life / resists on it.

Later you can aim for a Carcass Jack for more Damage and AoE.

Belly of the Beast is also a option but its hard to get the right colours.

Volls Protector can work, but you will need some mana on your gear or skip one Aura to have enough open mana to attack.

A Rare Chest with high Life + Resists can allow you to use Maligaros and unique Boots without resists.

Keep in mind: a "bad" 6Link will be better for this build than a 5Link Carcass Jack! The Link is the most important part!


Belt: Aim for high Life and Resists you need. Life is 100% priority.

Rings: Get Diamond Rings with Life, Resists, Attack Speed. Life and Resists are most important.

Amulet: Get Crit Chance, Crit Multi, Spelldamage and Life here. Its also a good Slot to fix Problems with Dexterity you might need with a Jade or Tourquise Amulet. The Amulet is a DPS Slot, don´t use it for Resists only.


Get one Surgeon´s Life Flask with Bleed or Curse immunity, one or two instant Life Flasks with Curse/Bleed/Freeze immunity

Get one Surgeons Mana or Hybrid Flask for emergency Mana Problems.

Last Slot is open Surgeons Resist Flask or Atziris Promise are good Options.


You can use a wide variety of Spells.

As long as you don´t have a high Spell Crit Chance or some extra Flat lightning damage added to spells its best to use Shock Nova to ensure shocking enmies to trigger your Herald of Thunder.

Most Spells with a AoE Tag will work, my Favorites are Glacial Cascade, Flame Surge, Magma Orb, Shock Nova.

Double Nova with Ice Nova and Shock Nova is also a possible fun combination.

Feel free to try other Spells, Frost Wall can be mad fun ;)

If you use a Volls you can also try Cold Snap!


Templar Leveling as Crit Attack Build (Groundslam/Frostblades/Cyclone)

30 Points
Get the Melee Crit Nodes, get the Accuracy Nodes you can spec out of them later.

50 Points

Get the longways done while skillpoints still come in fast.
At least for me it feels better this way, fill out life and other stuff along the way later.
If you don´t have a Doedre's Damning for leveling you might want to get Whispers of Doom now.

70 Points
You can start CoCing now if you have a Vagan Scepter for that level! (at least try it if it does not work wait some levels)
Try to get a Ungil's Harmony while you are leveling.

From up there you can fill out the final tree in any order you like.

If you start as Shadow, i would advise to level as Crit Caster, while using Manaleech Gem and/or Elreon Jewlery to manage the mana cost.


What Gems should i get Quality on?

Power Charge on Crit and Cast on Crit both get Crit Chance with Quality and can help a lot with getting your Crit up.
Your curses have a higher chance to grant charges with Quality which can be nice but isn´t al lthat important.
Depending on your Spells they can have good Quality bonuses, need to check for each Spell.
Quality, Groundslam, Multi Strike isn´t important at all.

You can also check all my Characters and latest builds in this Thread!

Edit: Fixed spelling, thanks to jackcoverley for help!
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Mar 26, 2016, 12:12:30 AM
Last bumped on Jun 1, 2016, 3:31:42 AM
This looks super fun! I'd like to do this as Shadow, what tree would you recommend?
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Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Jul 26, 2015, 10:46:22 AM
With the change to "shotgun" stuff does this build work? How expensive would it be to get off the ground on say Warbands?
shahmat1972 wrote:
With the change to "shotgun" stuff does this build work? How expensive would it be to get off the ground on say Warbands?

While I can't speak to the cost of buying the needed items, shotgunning is not a factor in this version of the CoC build. The offensive abilities used here are all area effects rather than multiple projectile effects. The shotgun change targeted multiple projectile attacks/spells.
shahmat1972 wrote:
With the change to "shotgun" stuff does this build work? How expensive would it be to get off the ground on say Warbands?

Exactly what Thaelyn said. Its all AoE Spells with overlapping Areas, no Projectiles that shotgun.

Its really not that expensive to start with, you need a Vagan Scepter and a 6L.

Get a corrupted 6L or a Tabula, the Vagan Scepter can even be a blue one with just Vagan Mod and crafted Crit Chance, i still have the one i used for leveling if you need it jsut drop me a message ingame.

The Offhand Dagger can be anything, as long as it has 80% global crit implicit.. and yeah then you can try to get at least 1 or 2 usefull mod on it ;)

For leveling you can use Flame Totems or any crit attack skill, if you are using Flametotems, i suggest to get some Mana reg in the tree and spec out of that later.

For leveling with attacks some Elreon Jewlery + Poachers Mark has that covered.
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
The OP is a super awesome dude, showed me the build in game and even helped me with a starter weapon. Thanks for the kick arse build and help getting started.
A question for you, OP.

Do you think it would be worthwhile to do Heartbreaker in the offhand? While it only has 40% crit as an implicit it does offer 40-50% spell damage and gives spells culling strike. Is the culling worth the decrease in crit chance?

I ask primarily because I specced my 2.0 reset templar (74) to this and don't have the weapons yet, lol. Right now simply using a Bright Beak and a Heartbreaker while waiting for Vagan to have a scepter after a daily.
shahmat1972 wrote:
The OP is a super awesome dude, showed me the build in game and even helped me with a starter weapon. Thanks for the kick arse build and help getting started.

Thanks and no Problem, i love to help others :)

Thaelyn wrote:
A question for you, OP.

Do you think it would be worthwhile to do Heartbreaker in the offhand? While it only has 40% crit as an implicit it does offer 40-50% spell damage and gives spells culling strike. Is the culling worth the decrease in crit chance?

I ask primarily because I specced my 2.0 reset templar (74) to this and don't have the weapons yet, lol. Right now simply using a Bright Beak and a Heartbreaker while waiting for Vagan to have a scepter after a daily.

Uhm i guess if i would recomend a unique dagger i would use a Divinarius for the increased AoE.

Sure heartbreaker will work too but i´d say its for sure not the best choice.

Afterall the offhand dagger won´t make or break the build.

If you need a Vagan Scepter to start the build in Standard just send me a message when i am online, i have some "bricked ones" in my Standard Stash and could give them to oyu for free or cheap.

(Bricked meaning regaled a bad suffix so they are no longer good bases to multimod them)

I did some Updates to the Guide in the Skills & Links Section, as i am using Fortify on Whirling Blades now and link it to Blood Magic because of the high Manacost of WB after the patch and Fortify just beeing to good to not use it.
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Hi can i make this build as a scion ? and why use ground slam instead of barrage with GMP ?

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