Constant lag spikes
" "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" |
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just a short notice on how i solved my lag spikes:
network latency went up when playing today in intervals of 10 to 15 seconds there were outages where i received no packets and, due to lockstep, my char stopped all the time. first thing i did, i switched from frankfurt to the amsterdam server which solved nothing, so the problem was on my end. started procmon from microsoft to watch network packets for any errors, even started wireshark but there were no issues at times where the spikes happened. --- solution was to ask my girlfriend in the living room to close some of her background windows where she watched some online series which were only buffering content (hopefully not uploading anything :) i wouldn't have suspected something like that as i'm on a 100/6 MBit cable line from Kabel Deutschland (now Vodafone). weird, i'm now suspecting the fritzbox router to have some issues, if nothing helps i probably have to set it up to preferably treat packets from my gaming pc ... offline
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Hi to everyone. Never had a lags (spikes) before. I havent been playing in this game like One year and now, when Ive came back - Ive noticed, that on evenings I have a so-called spikes. But these "spikes" not like a usual, when ur character freezing 2-6 sec. and then everything begin going on; mine spikes just a very little, like after each 5-10 sec. for 0,1 sec I have a spikes. Still can play but its irritating and my mood going down, really. Its just uncomfortable to play.
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Constantly getting lag spikes aswell, makes it incredibly frustrating - let alone unplayable.
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50-65ms shooting out to 150-1600ms. like watching a stop frame movie.making me feel sick
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I have about given up hope. In two years of gameplay I've never ever experienced the problems i'm getting constantly now with POE.
It is no longer playable. I'm done for a while. will come back in a week or so but this league is dead. you can't play a game that refuses to let you connect. |
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3 days now i cant play the game more than 3 seconds without 350ms spikes, searched reddit and noone is talkin about it. dont know whats going on
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never mind, it lags again :( I had this exact same problem. Then I updated my router. To update your browser, open the command prompt, type IPConfig and check your servers ip-adress. Then open your web browser and type that ip-adress in the field where you usually put the webpage adresses. in my case the ip-adress was yours should look about the same. To access the router you need a username and a password. The default username/password is admin/password on most routers. Once "inside" the router you need to update it, how you do this varies based on your router. Hope it helps, worked for me anyhow :) Last edited by Guldburkan#0171 on Oct 7, 2016, 3:26:34 PM
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Same issue here. I get on PoE (Washington DC) and my game has frequent lag spikes into flatlines into frozen screens.I try to reproduce the problem, however I cannot replicate it 100%. I can however come to the conclusion that my game freezes when I move into a new pack of monsters.It also freezes when I switch zones sometimes. It also freezes when I walk in my hideout. It also freezes when I pretty much do anything that requires GGG servers (Washington DC) to send and receive NEW PACKETS. If the content is already pre-loaded on my computer, it seems to have less of an effect. However, still present.
I tried the California server, and have experienced these lag issues a total of ZERO times. I tested Washington for 2-3 days and it was all over the place. I'm on day 3 now of the California server and I get ZERO problems with regards to this exact issue. This has only been happening recently and I can assure you that nothing on my end has changed. I have investigated all possibilities before I point the finger at GGG. I know how frustrating it is for Tech Support to be blamed for everything. I myself work as a technician and can understand how much of a hassle it is when people point the finger at you when they have no idea what they're talking about. This being said. I'm pretty sure the problem is as follows. 1- Packets get sent to Washington server. 2- The server is loaded with information that has not been properly stored and or optimized. 3- The packet gets rejected (causing a lag spike or a minor flat line "packet loss") 4- The packets have a TIME TO LIVE(TTL) meaning they will continuously try to get back into the server for whatever time the TTL is set to. 5- The packets are rejected and your game freezes because it cannot proceed. I don't know if this helps anyone at GGG. Please fix thanks! |
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Spiking constatnty on frankfurt server, its almost unplayable for me....died with my main aswell due to entering a map and than freeze screen 10 sec to first pak GGG
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