Constant lag spikes
Dude ive been lagging for 2 weeks, its messing up my fucking pc, ever since i started this new league. it goes up and down like a fucking wave from 10 to 35. Then to 900 ms like wtf. Why dont they ever reply? Im done.
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Thank god I'm in vacation right now. Hoped they get it fixed until next week but it seems that this is not happening.
Will switch to Grim Dawn and keep supporting these guys who actually listen to their community. ign: CycloneThatBitch
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Thank god I'm in vacation right now. Hoped they get it fixed until next week but it seems that this is not happening.
Will switch to Grim Dawn and keep supporting these guys who actually listen to their community. ign: CycloneThatBitch
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Having the same as you guys, ping is completely random, occasional flatlines and spikes up to 2-300 for minutes at a time. Here is a winmtr. donn't have packet loss like this with anything else... here is google for instance: |
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So tired of not being able to even finish a Lab run because of this issue, I came back after a long break to this game and was very excited when Ascendancy started.(There was also no issues with game play). Now the game is unplayable,and I have never had an issue like this with POE. Why cant GGG have normal,seamless game play? Oh well,it was good for a couple weeks....Cya.
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The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
{6B3B8D23-FA8D-40B9-8DBD-B950333E2C52} and APPID {4839DDB7-58C2-48F5-8283-E1D1807D0D7D} to the user NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE SID (S-1-5-19) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool. I looked around my computer to try to figure out whats going on, this is errors that seem to correspond with PoE and latency. Literaly every second while playing. No other games like this. This is literally messing up my pc and modem/router. I uninstall the game and internet is fine. I played on a new PC at someone elses house, downloaded it and it messed it up just like its doing now. And that was a different provider/modem/router/pc but same login name when downloading PoE. There may be correlation to steam and PoE because i tried it on Non-steam and it seemed fine but i didnt get to test for extensive times. Please if anyone knows more about computers and can show us how to fix, let us know. Thanks! (Its shell service and poe/steam, i could not find out what one of the codes were on the list) Last edited by OshaigahV2#4432 on Mar 30, 2016, 9:38:50 PM
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I switched to predictive mode and it seems to have mitigated the problem. I was having this problem on a Windows 7 and Windows 10 rig.
Let me know if it lessens the problem for you all. |
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Hi there.
Sadly that lag spikes still persists in patch 2.2. Basically unplayable, even more when you start playing maps and get chain-killed. One reason i ended the last league prematurely. Like i said early in this thread (p.39) the lag spikes happened to start with patch 2.1 and the Talisman league. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
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Is there any difference between using Steam or Standalone version when it comes to these spikes? Or performance in general?
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" You haven't really solved the issue, but you have improved your playing experience in game. You are still having those lag spikes (press F1 and you will see it)...the difference is that rather than you syncing to the server, the server syncs to you every once in a while. You may find that you will see your character rubberbanding to previous positions or maybe enemies that appear out of nowhere... There is some issue with POE. I have had this ever since the release of 2.0. I have battled with ISP for a month in regards to this, but they insist that they have tried everything on their side. I personally believe that GGG's particle effect, shadow and other rendering is flooding packets back to clients (just a suspicion) in order to keep the client in sync with all of the crazy rendering happening on the server. It can't keep up so sends lump packets and basically "clogs the processing valve" of the ISP hops. Regardless of what happens with this (I'm having the same issue)... Predictive and /OOS is a good way to get a better gameplay experience... even though it really is a visual bandaid fix for the end user and doesn't really fix anything. I bet if GGG ran the numbers of players that switched from lockstep BACK TO the old-school predictive mode since the release of 2.0, they would see a drastic increase in numbers. Don't worry'll have plenty of Value Posters tell you that it's your ISP, router, computer...pretty much anything to detour the blame to the user as opposed to the game code. Lucky for GGG that their game is extremely unique and fantastic from a gameplay perspective...otherwise a lot of us wouldn't have put up with this shit and bounced to other games long ago. Last edited by Prizy#1622 on Mar 31, 2016, 1:10:09 PM
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