| 2.0 | Crown's Cyclone Facebreaker
Can you level up a new character fast enough? Actually yes you can ... it takes ~16h to go from 1 to 70 and another 8 to get from 70 to 80 .. if it takes you hundreds of hours to reach 80-85 then you are doing it wrong. So no free respecs of tree and bandits , that's true but rerolling a new char actually is a thing. Selling all your gear ... wtf man ... you don't need 76123871523123 exalts to get a build working. You don't need full mirrored gear nor level 100 char to see if a build is good or not and if you like the playstyle or not.
The whole "why bother wasting huge amounts of time and currency" falls short when you just look at new leagues ... you start with nothing yet it seems that the majority of players enjoy that .. so yeah ... there is that. Wasting time really ... playing PoE by itself can be considered a wasted time ... how does playing with a new character is a time wasted and playing with your old one is not ? And the problem is not that most people don't want to try and play a build taht is viable, the problem is that many players don't won't to play any build UNLESS it is considered "the best" ( though in many occasions that's just not the case ) or the "oh my gawd everyone's doing it so must i" build. For me personally it's very sad to see that Poe which main selling point is replayability and the ability to create tons of different viable builds tailored by you and for you, has slowly turned into this fotm type of game where 90% of the people play 2 builds for 4 months then GGG nerf them then the same people cry like there is no tomorrow and then they proceed to play the new 2 "best" builds ... then GGG nerfs them etc. etc. etc. etc. That way many things remain unnoticed, many builds are underestimated, mechanics - neglected and that effectively destroys the build diversity ( which again is the best thing about PoE ) I remember some years ago when i was saying "Hey guys you know what - block chance is absolutely amazing!" and everyone pretty much laughed at me and said "Pff noob block chance is shit only one thing is playable and that's freezing pulse ... kripp says so and everyone is doing that so .. yeah ... go play with your little block... noob" Or when for years i've been explaining and showing with vids etc. that facebreaker builds are insanely good and actually way too good compared to what you need to get them running. A year ago ( or maybe more ) Blender builds where the fotm ... and i've talked to friends basically saying hey guys blenders are cool and all but they are more expensive and you end up with better results if you just go for the god damn facebreakers, better survivability, better damage at half the price. And most said that i know nothing that they don't care about the videos, about the screenshots about the prices of the gear etc. etc. And on the question "well ok why blender guys? " the answer was simple yet disturbing : "Because everyone is doing it! We don't care about screenshots and videos and comparisons Now shut up!" You see in my opinion all that "i'll do the fotm and the fotm only" takes so much of the joy of playing PoE for so many people that it hurts me .. it truly does. And i just find it ironic that many people that i know and to which i've explained about facebreakrs for years have now told me "Hey man you know there is this new build it uses the shitty facebreaker gloves and it's the best thing ever! You should definitely try it out everything else is crap when it comes to melee!" Hell 2 guys even recommended me my own damn guide! It's ironic and it's sad. That's my personal opinion of course ... and it seems like it is not very popular ... buti think that i've made it pretty clear that i don't care if something is popular or not. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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" I understand your point but PoE for me is like capitalism. I want to get powerful and get currency as efficiently as I can. My goal is to get a mirrored weapon and THEN do my builds. Doing random builds and testing around with low currency will get me nowhere (Also, I started playing a month ago and played like 10h/day. I have managed to hoard ~60 Ex until now so I'm not that far away from a mirrored weapon). Yes, playing PoE is a waste of time but playing PoE inefficiently is an even bigger waste of time so why not play efficiently? The result is important for me, not the road. Don't tell me you play this game for any other main reason than mowing down monsters (beside of some theorycrafting etc. but that part comes last for me). I have a goal and it keeps me motivated. This game is very punishing if you make false decision while making a build and I have absolutely no interest in wasting any more time. 2.0 is a waste of time already with these constant one-shots every 3-4 maps that sets my XP back right where it was before those 3-4 maps. So why waste more time? That's my opinion. |
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Well i do understand your point of view even if it has nothing in common with mine. For me PoE is not economy simulator for me PoE is something that i do in my free time to have fun. Playing with some that i don't like because it is most popular at the moment or being angry at the game because it was changed or became harder just isn't fun for me. But again ... it's all a matter of what you are looking for in PoE and what makes you happy, there is no correct answer.
What's funny about playing what's popular at the moment is that you most likely are missing to play something even more efficient ... i've seen this over and over again from 2012 to this point. One thing on farming "the best" gear though... having "the best" is not required to faceroll all of the PoE content ... gear close to "the best" gear is not required. Having it is indeed a goal but not a requirement for anything ( handling everything that the game can throw at you, farming fast, accumulating currency fast, leveling fast ). I'm sorry about derailing this thread. That's all from me here. If someone wants a discussion or wants to express an opinion on the matter they should feel free to PM me, i'm always happy to talk :) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 21, 2015, 2:54:45 PM
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How much resistance do you have dude :O ?
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bad dps bad res... not good
welcome to path of trading!
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Umm do you take the 40hp from bandits or the skill point? I took 40hp hope i didnt make wrong choice =(. Im still beginner so idk a lot of things.
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" Given that resists seem to be so hard to cap with this build, would that be another option worth at least considering? |
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currently running this build with a little bit of tweaks in it. Currently at 49.1k DPS Cyclone with Fortifty And 3 Frenzy + Endurance Charges. Ez.
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