[2.0] Enraged Psycopath (Frost Blades+Soul taker) 100% HC Viable, (0.17a)

Tempada wrote:
In terms of your links, do not use LMP/GMP! Frost Blades is a comparatively weak skill and you don't need to decrease the damage of its projectiles further. Chain suffers from a similar issue; try Fork instead (unless you somehow get crazy damage anyway). I also think Knockback is a waste. Hypothermia is excellent, though, since you don't get freeze chance any other way, and you might find that with FB + Multistrike + Fork you don't need Faster Attacks.

You might consider grabbing Sniper for the projectile speed (allows you to hit enemies that are farther away). If you can fit in a jewel slot, Warlord's Reach is a nice option. What about taking frenzy charges on the tree?

Btw, Life Gain on Hit is insane with Frost Blades (even just a little on gear goes a long way). You can facetank pretty much anything that won't one-shot you.

I agree with the first paragraph totally but the use of Faster Attacks is quite essencial even having a bunch of atackspeed, fork is a good one to try out.

Yes im considering Frenzy charges in the build! When i did the bandits on merciless i dint helpd kraityian and im stackin regrets to grab the +1 frenzy also im lookin forward for +1frenzy blood dance boots and the one bellow our start in the tree, this would be the best way to reach 6 frenzy charges without the problem of spending to much nodes.

When i was leveling i used LGOH a lot and its much better than life leech on my opinion but the nerf on it was more severe than leech, i remember grabbin 30life gain on hit at the <<< of the tree at my cyclone build XD, now you can get 4 with 5 nodes its kinda useless if we can spent those 3 nodes in leech! The gem is quite good too i allways carry one in my inventory aslong as grace for harder and tougher bosses or areas.
Last edited by SirD on Jul 16, 2015, 9:15:57 AM
Im tired and having some personal issues ill post new stuff and change the focus of the build later night

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