Oh unable to pick up item key not working sometimes was a bug? i thought i was going crazy. i couldn't figure out why i had to keep mashing it multiple times to pick up items. lol. glad i'm not crazy.
Posted byzengrath#4310on Jul 13, 2015, 8:53:15 AM
Good change.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Posted byCoconutdoggy#1805on Jul 13, 2015, 8:55:57 AMOn Probation
I must've spent at least 30 minutes (and many deaths) trying to beat the final boss on Normal as a summoner. Most of the time, my minions were dead before they even had time to move.
I now dread the Cruel fight a little less :D
Posted byVarthorne#1753on Jul 13, 2015, 8:59:00 AM
I'd like my warbands toons /death counted to have 18 deaths revoked...
Looks like good changes
Posted byGixxerdude#1194on Jul 13, 2015, 8:59:43 AM
Arkwright wrote:
maxkardinal wrote:
How is it possible, that you were 'testing' content for a weeks and dind't get data that last boss have way too much HP and damage. And got this in a few days after relesse?
That happens every time, every new league. You are trying to make game 'challangin' and making it retardedly bad ballanced. Accept the fact that you don't know how to make your game challanging. Your ballancing team is incompetent. Stop this bullshit already.
Simple. We were not given access to anything beyond the entrance to Belly of the Beast - that just took us back to Twilight Strand. So, no final boss testing was available. OK?
There were plenty of threads saying that everything in act 4 is overtuned, which means there was enough feedback.
Secondly, GGG simply doesnt read feedback threads.
People in beta said everything was overtuned, created plenty threads, but since they managed to cope somehow, GGG´s only feedback is that everything is fine.
Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Jul 13, 2015, 9:15:48 AM
Posted bygh0un#3019on Jul 13, 2015, 9:13:51 AM
gh0un wrote:
Arkwright wrote:
maxkardinal wrote:
How is it possible, that you were 'testing' content for a weeks and dind't get data that last boss have way too much HP and damage. And got this in a few days after relesse?
That happens every time, every new league. You are trying to make game 'challangin' and making it retardedly bad ballanced. Accept the fact that you don't know how to make your game challanging. Your ballancing team is incompetent. Stop this bullshit already.
Simple. We were not given access to anything beyond the entrance to Belly of the Beast - that just took us back to Twilight Strand. So, no final boss testing was available. OK?
First off, thats incorrect.
We were given access to it very late, but we did have a chance to test it.
There were plenty of threads saying that the fight was overtuned, which means there was enough feedback.
Secondly, GGG simply doesnt read feedback threads.
People in beta said it was too hard, created plenty threads, but since they managed to still kill malachai without too many problems, GGG´s only feedback about the fight is whatever data they have access to through ingame data.
GGG doesnt read threads in the forums, if they did, a lot of the nonsense they patched into 2.0 would have been averted.
They only start changing stuff after 90% of the playerbase dies 50 times during the malachai fight.
Thats actual data they have access to, so they dont have to bother reading threads.
I killed malachai during beta without dying a single time, yet i created a thread saying how overtuned the fight was and that malachai had way too much HP.
What does GGG get from that feedback? Gh0un killed malachai while dying zero times: no need to change anything.
I'm sorry, but the information you are posting there is incorrect.
The support team reads every post that is posted in the forums. The developers read every post that is posted in feedback & suggestions, along with some other sections, the art & audio team read every post that is posted in the art & audio feedback forum. Gem feedback is read by the balance team. Bug reports and some other sections are read by the QA team.
Please contact support@grindinggear.com if you need any assistance.
Posted byGary_GGGon Jul 13, 2015, 9:17:48 AMGrinding Gear Games
Chumps couldn't beat, a simple avoid AoE fight. Sure it was hard but its the final boss, it's suppose to be... Gamers these days.
Posted byFrozenheartt#7612on Jul 13, 2015, 9:30:00 AM
Secksy wrote:
The thing is that he wasn't really that hard.
It is a fight of mechanics..it isn't a rush in blindly face and dps. That is what gamers come to expect now I guess.
The fight is actually a classic style fight that I have played in many games over the years.
It is a sustain fight. You avoid the boss, and focus on the minions. There is a stream of minions to sustain your flasks.
You slowly work down the boss while focusing mostly on the minions. Then when there is a heart you widdle away at it.
The fight is supposed to take a while. It is a test of endurance.
This type of fight leaves you feeling awesome after you beat it. But now its like..meh..
I just killed him normal level appropriate and didn't even come close to dying a single time. I never even got half health.
Piety's miscreation form was harder than he was.
I just don't understand people....instead of calling for nerfs learn the encounter. If a player cannot progress past the final boss then it forces them to become better at the game. They enjoy it more.
The players that will quit because they have a hard time beating the boss are not the player type that drops money on the game anyway.
I'm salty.
I disagree with your last comment. If you go back and look at the threads, you'll see MANY and I mean MANY people with several supporter packs under their profile complaining about the over powered final boss in normal.
Again, keep in mind that it's only because it was on "normal" that people were complaining....They called it "normal" for a reason. You are looking for a steady progression upwards. You aren't looking for fairly easy bosses and then being killed 50 times because you didn't time every move perfectly. It's the sudden steep progression.
A sport analogy: It would be like playing basketball in high school and then skipping college basketball and trying to go right to the NBA. Great work GGG. Thanks for listening to the people!
Last edited by Mentoya#7912 on Jul 13, 2015, 9:37:47 AM
Posted byMentoya#7912on Jul 13, 2015, 9:35:05 AM
i hope you will not overnerf a4
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Posted bykamil1210#5432on Jul 13, 2015, 9:51:35 AM
Thank you, GGG, for staying on top of everything in such an intense manner. I'm always impressed with how you all keep everything running smoothly!
Posted byUnethrope#1265on Jul 13, 2015, 10:23:30 AM