Path of Exile 2.0.0: The Awakening Patch Notes

Firestorm: It now grants 1% area damage per 1% quality instead of reduced delay between fireballs.




why can't we have nice things
Thank you very much, GGG. Even if I get frustrated at times, I love the game you created. And you.
Chris wrote:
The Dread Thicket is now always 50%.

Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Chris wrote:

[li]Vaal Storm Call: Damage increased by 20%. The Radius on the explosion has been increased to match the new value on Storm Call. The base Soul Requirements have been increased to 16. Critical Strike Chance increased from 5% to 6%. [/li]

Please either put it back to 8 base charges or set it to 12, 16 is not acceptable for its popularity level and damage output even with a 20% buff. Your overestimating something there and i'd really rather not see the skill suffer because of it.
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
Skyforth wrote:
So basically the Beta was never to test balance, rather than fix bugs.

It's apparent that everything that went into the beta, came out of the beta. No debates whether X was a good change over Y, or if X shouldn't have been changed/implemented. What's in is said and done.

Actually i played CB and i saw a whole lot of stuff revamped and scraped.
And where do people get this arrogant idea that they have the right to assume that whatever they suggest should be taken into account?
Beta was not so much about testing if/which spell/skill/item is too OP,it was more about testing the areas,mobs and bosses to see how well they stand against the tools that player would use to chop them.
The largest and most commonly made adjustments were done to monsters.
You got a huge set of balls if you think you got the right to expect an addition or a revamp of anything just cuz you suggested it.
No rest for the wicked.
I think Plagueretch moved to my basement.
Well, it smells weird down there.
You guys removed my favorite Spell Shrine, Static Shrine, the only Spell Shrine that I wouldn't just immediately turn off due to spammy screen clutter annoyingness. RIP only tolerable Spell Shrine.
TY to those who called me out on my BS on these forums. There is no benefit to being so selfish as to fail to acknowledge others' differing beliefs of what "should be" or believe your own opinions so supreme as to be factual and thus dismiss others' opinions as being somehow a lie or delusional.
Plagueretch has moved out of Chamber of Sins Level 1 and has been replaced by Black Death. We wish Plagueretch all the best on wherever his new journey takes him.


Aside, I don't understand the 50% thing about dread thicket either. Anyone?
Thank you GGG, what i've seen in the new patch is that equipment will count even more than before, becuase after playing a litle while I see than before I can slay packs of monsters without any problem from lvl 61 to 63, now i'm dying and dying if i get more than five or six toguether. This is not nice, i'm not rich and i can not afford good equipment. and also thanks for erase completely my skill tree. I'm tired of this game right now.
Guilds neglected once again.

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