Path of Exile 2.0.0: The Awakening Patch Notes

and yet my missing Elreon bench still going MIA even after Awakening. Good job GGG!!
Lynerus wrote:
Coulda saved alot of typing by just typing

- Nerfed everything
- All monsters now auto kill you if your in range
- Rekted everything else
- Added act 4 after 2 years

BoondockSaint wrote:
i have few questions:

1. in submit divination cards challenge there are 47 card sets and it says submit 25/28 sets, what is wrong here, to many counted sets or is 25/28 wrong?

2. nothing said about divination cards, as in do they drop only in specific zones, or they drop in all zones and maps, only some zones have a lot bigger chance to drop them?

3. "Concentrated Effect: Now functions multiplicatively with other area of effect." - is this buff or nerf to conc effect dmg?

4. Is zana nerfed, and what map levels can she give at level 8?

5. how long will leagues last? - i understand if you dont want to say how long will they last, all i wanna know if you will say how long will they last or you wont.

6. is enlighten max level still 3 (corrupted 4) and is exp needed to get to level 3 still the same?

7. how bad is immortal call nerf? it worth it to self cast enduring and then immortal,? if it last like 1 sec with 3 charges, then its not worth it, but if it lasts like 3 sec with inc duration then it is worth it imo.

8. will there be jewels with increased aoe rolls?

I'll answer what I can.

1) It doesn't require you to turn in all sets. Just a portion of them, so not all divination cards are included in the challenge.

2) If it hasn't changed from Beta, they are largely relegated to specific zones, though some are specific to tilesets. Ie, Emperor's Luck drops in Imperial Gardens, but also drops in Courtyard and Labryinth.

3) Buff to (or at least on par with live) damage (as long as you invest in enough AoE dmg), nerf to actual radius (changed from reduced to less, ie, subtractive to divisive).

4) Probably adjusted in line with change to base map levels. I honestly forget from Beta, wasn't paying close attention.

5) More than 3 months. Earlier today Chris posted on reddit that 3 months was too short. So, expect a minimum 4 months.

6) Yes to level, not sure about experience.

7) Sorry, never used it.

8) Unless something changed between Beta and by the time it launches, not actual area of effect, but there will be area damage.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Jul 10, 2015, 7:04:15 AM
Chris wrote:
Blood Rage now deals physical damage over time rather than chaos, and grants increased attack speed and life leech for the duration of the buff regardless of the state of the player's life. The leech values are now in line with the game-wide rebalance of leech. It now also drains a percentage of physical damage based on Energy Shield, on top of life. It now only has a 25% chance to generate a Frenzy Charge on kill.

i can see why you felt blood rage needed a change after you buffed frenzy charges, after all most builds are just gonna use frenzy charges to increase the damage they do. BUT for Flicker strike this is a huge nerf, finally after removing the biggest issue that flicker strike had (desync) u go ahead and change the source of frenzy charges which are needed for flicker to function.

maybe add a Chance to get Frenzy charge on kill with flicker strike?

honestly as much dmg as im gonna gain with the new frenzy charges id much rather have the old ones back if it meant i could keep the Frenzy on kill from blood rage.

please give Flicker Strike an increased effect of blood rage or something.
Plagueretch has moved out of Chamber of Sins Level 1 and has been replaced by Black Death. We wish Plagueretch all the best on wherever his new journey takes him.

This can't be this simple? I'm assuming this means Plagueretch will be killing people in a map somewhere lol
C4ph wrote:
• Hailrake will now always drops a life or mana flask.

drop! not drops

• For the end of Merciless Act Four to approach the challenge and reward of mid-tier maps.

That bullet point sounds incomplete/confusing to me

• The new item levels required for Mana Leech Mods are: Thirsty: 50, Parched: 70.

Forgot italics on "Parched"

This is why we can't have nice things!
Last edited by KESEDH70#5447 on Mar 20, 2017, 6:11:54 AM
ArgosBridge5 wrote:
Lynerus wrote:
Coulda saved alot of typing by just typing

- Nerfed everything
- All monsters now auto kill you if your in range
- Rekted everything else
- Added act 4 after 2 years



The Dread Thicket is now attached to the Northern Forest rather than the Wetlands. The Dread Thicket is now always 50%.

50% what?
In game name: Sirlancealot
Nice !!!!

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