(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™
" I would reserve 100% of your mana on auras. [ Hatred + Herald of Ash + Arctic Armour ] works best unless you have gross amount of dps and want more movespeed ( Haste ) when mapping. The best weapon base comes down to your intended playstyle and budget; i often suggest axes because of Kaoms primacy being perfectly viable until 85ish and by that point you should be able to farm/have enough currency to afford an Atziri Disfavour which can last you forever. If you had unlimited budget and can self craft a perfect 6t1 weapon, I would suggest swords as they have better bases for attack speed which scales incredibly well the more raw pdps you gain. Personally I would choose a mace as I enjoy using Vaal Ground Slam while playing Cyclone and I find the increased Aoe and Culling Strike On Stun enjoyable. LightyGaming.com Last edited by Lighty#2687 on Oct 19, 2015, 6:53:50 AM
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G'day Lighty,
Just seeking a bit of expert feedback on my current gem setup. If you could point out some area's you may make changes, what I may be missing out on, or other ways you'd set it up. This is HC blood support axe cyclone. 6socket 5link - cyclone, blood magic, life on hit, fortify, Melee phys. 6th socket arctic armour. 6socket 4link/2link - Blood magic, Increased duration, Blood rage, Enduring Cry./ LvL 1 CoDT, Lvl 5 Enfeeble. 4Link1 - Max CoDT, Max Immortal Call. Herald of Ash, Hatred. 4link2 - Vengeance, EnduranceC on melee stun, Stun, Blind (swap blind for Vaal cyclone on some maps) 4link3 - Blood Magic, Leap Slam, Flame golem, Endurance C on melee stun. Some notes on my choices * No faster attack in leap slam?- I find with my high attack speed that Leap slam doesn't need faster attacks. I use quicksilver a lot for my movment. *Vengeance set up - I tend to open a lot of fights with a leap slam and then vengeance fills up my endurance charges, after immortal call activates I quickly Enduring cry to fill up my charges again. I find the blind does lower incoming damage noticeably. Some changes I'm considering - *I'd like to fit Molten Shell in there somewhere. *As I get closer to 10k Armour I'm considering Determination in place of Arctic/Herald. Would a CoDT, spell totem, determination setup work instead? *I tend to use 2 granite flasks, one with staunching and one Warding. Considering swapping one for bonus armour when active as staunching on my main heal pot seems fine although the longer immunity is helpful at times. Thanks for your time, I understand if it was tldr it all, but any advice you can give is appreciated. - Tincat |
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" Okay so if I don't mention something its because I think its fine. Please let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to look at and if I wasn't clear enough in my comments or explanations.
LightyGaming.com Last edited by Lighty#2687 on Oct 19, 2015, 5:42:48 PM
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Thank you for this build!
As I started the game in this season and saw this post, was a great guide to understand the game and have success on it. The only problem I find are the bleeds, the damn bleeds... But I have no potion that makes me immune to them, so, well, I still need more improves. Thanks Lightly! |
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" Thanks buddy! Let me know if there is anything you'd like to know or you found wasn't explained fully/clearly enough. Always craft your flasks before starting mapping; having a staunching flask is almost a prerequisite for mapping and being in late-game in general! LightyGaming.com
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Thanks for the reply Lighty, that's very clear and helpful.
I'm going to aim to 5L my chest piece then and combine the vengeance/leap supports. My links will then look like this: Weapon (standard setup 5link + Hatred in 6th slot) 5L - Leap Slam, Vengeance, Blood magic, endurance charge on stun, Stun. 6th slot unlinked Aura *arctic armour*. 4L - CwDT *max*, Immortal call, Molten shell, Increased duration 4L - CwDT *1*, Enfeeble, Summon golem, Aura *Herald of ash* 4L - Blood magic, Enduring cry, Blood rage, increased duration Any thoughts on Arctic Armour + Herald of Ash versus Determination? I know it's the age old DPS vs Defence argument and it's most likely a personal preference thing, I just don't know the numbers on how vital Ash is for dps or how much effective mitigation Determination will give me. Thanks again for your time and efforts Lighty. - Tincat Last edited by Tinofcatfood#6345 on Oct 19, 2015, 8:13:53 PM
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Hi, again Lighty,
thanks for your help last time. This is my Gear now:
Last time I did not post the Skilltree:
https://goo.gl/CwocTw Used Url Shortener from Google
My next Goal is to do Atziri, is 5,1k HP with ~30k DPS, 5k Armour (HoA, Hatred, AA, Frenzy Charges) enough? Gearing Advice: Is Chaos Resist needed? Should I swap my 2nd Ring with a Ming's Heart? What's the general math or what's the factor to decide, if I want to know if Kaom's Heart (non legacy) is > my Body Armour/Belly of the Beast? Replace Doryani's Belt with Rare Rustic Sash with High HP, Armour, min/max Resistances and Flask Recovery? |
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" Given the recent reduction to the amount of pdps act 4 mods do I believe that running Determination over AA + HoA isn't the right choice for 2H Cyclone; possible maxblock with aegis for obvious reasons. In a HC setting however you could argue the hyper-safety of having such high armour but Personally I would take Hatred + HoA + AA even in HC. Losing the chilled ground is actually a big deal and since you predominantly invest your passive points defensively ( aside form very effective dps clusters ) you want to "pick up the slack" dps wise from your auras and weapon. In regards to your [4L - Blood magic, Enduring cry, Blood rage, increased duration] setup; im not sure what I would replace it with just yet but Increased duration serves a very minimal roll in that 4l. Bloodrage is almost always up from self-refreshing and Enduring Charges are almost always refreshed from vengeance/leapslam/warlordsmark/SelfcastingEC; Possibly Abyssal or Rallying Cry. LightyGaming.com
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" You have the gear and level for atziri; however it ultimately rests with your ability and patience. I suggest gathering a few (3-5) sets before you first attempt Apex Of Sacrifice. Dont feel rushing and take your time, dying on her is very common and for your first few attempts try and understand the flow of the fight and the timing of everyone's abilities. Q: Is Chaos Resist needed? A: Not required but desired. Certain monster between bosses deal chaos damage and during the trio fight the black clouds on the ground created from both a boss dying and the cycloner moving is chaos damage; it can/will kill you if stood on. Q: Should I swap my 2nd Ring with a Ming's Heart? A: If you can stay resistance capped and be over 4.5k life Yes its very good for both dps and achieving a high chaos resistance. Q: What's the general math or what's the factor to decide, if I want to know if Kaom's Heart (non legacy) is > my Body Armour/Belly of the Beast? A: You would be gaining roughly 1.5k life and loosing 1k armour ( before scaling); more importantly 6 sockets worth of gems. You wont be able to run a vaal setup and most likely will have to re-evaluate your gems & links situation all together. I would suggest saving your currency and investing it into a 6L Atziri Disfavour or similar pdps weapon. Q: Replace Doryani's Belt with Rare Rustic Sash with High HP, Armour, min/max Resistances and Flask Recovery? A: Ideally yes you would replace your Doryanis Invitation with Either a Headhunter or a Mirror Rare. LightyGaming.com
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Hey, I'm wondering what the differences are between Facebreaker and 2H Cyclone builds? I know that facebreakers can achieve higher dps and survivability but in exchange sacrifice range on their cyclone. Is the sole reason of running a 2H over facebreaker cycloner the faster mapping?
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