Beta Map Drops and Patch Deployment Delay

All of you people keep saying the same thing (We need a wipe to test the new content in all difficulties!!). However, what you're not mentioning is the other major thing that must be tested before launch... The new Map Drop Rates!!

How many people are going to make it to 78+ maps in 4 days? Because that's what really needs to be tested, how well people can sustain the middle and upper maps. They shouldn't do a wipe, and here's why. If they do a wipe, yes everyone tests the new content with brand new chars, but no one (or very few) will test high level maps. However if they don't do a wipe, not only will people be able to test high level maps, but there will still be plenty of people that make new chars to test out the new content. Some people will even do it self found, so it's the same as if there were a wipe.
LMTR14 wrote:
neurolergic wrote:
Seriously guys! I suck at PoE and arpg games in general, yet I don't need more than 3 sessions of ~3 hours to reach merciless with any build. 4 days is enough. Also I am pretty sure that they act as if beta wouldn't end on 10th so that in case of any vis major situation with the release they still can continue the beta.

I play solo only. I need 3 hours to go through ACT 1

I play solo self found 99% of the times, and I need 55-58 minutes on average for act1 normal.
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
I really don't understand people sometimes. They seem to think that they are entitled to everything.
Is this alpha? I don't think so. So, this must be beta. If this is beta then that means the content has been through alpha. Which, in turn, means that the content is complete. If the content is complete then one has to ask what the beta is for. I believe GGG made that quite clear when they said it was for testing new stuff and getting feed back.
Testing new stuff, what does that mean? Anything from new skills to server stability.
Feed back, same question. I personally don't think it means whine back, I think back, or I'm going to talk right in front of your back. It means give a response on how something is working and not on how you think it should work.
When data from new stuff and constructive feed back have been tested, then what is left to test? Server stability.
During most of the year people tend to work from Monday through Friday. Which means that there are fewer people on the servers and less stress on the servers. With fewer people on the servers it makes easing patches and content into the game easier.

So, what does all this mean? It means that we got to see new content before most of the player base and, hopefully, helped GGG fine tune The Awakening.

As to only having 4 day to get to merciless, lol,How important do you think you are? All GGG needs to see is a stress test in act4 normal.

Good job to everyone at GGG :) and don't work all weekend. Everyone deserves a day or two to relax and regenerate their creative juices.

As long as the release is on July 10th i'm happy. I've played the beta content and I'm impressed at what an amazing job GGG has done. WP

Looking forward to release :)!
asdf2000 wrote:
top2000 wrote:
Then will there be a wipe on July 10th???

?? dude, of course, that's the full release lol

of course NOT

the permanent leagues NEVER get wiped

that's why they're called PERMANENT

you will probably get a free full respec of your tree, but your character and stash will remain
obadonke wrote:
I'm hoping the 10th of July release will just put this content into the live realm. Really dont want my last 3 years work to be wiped... but yes in terms of beta: that realm will no longer exist so it's effectively a wipe for beta players.

so you've been p;laying for 3 years, have bought many supporter packs over this time and still don't understand PERMANENT leagues
pr13st wrote:
VERY BAD decision. It's a beta, release broken content with known issues list so people actually test the new stuff and leave the broken parts behind.

Unless of course the broken stuff IS the new content, then... Shame, shame, shame, DING.

stupid post ^

do you honestly people to read the "list of known issues" and not report them ?

why in the hell release a patch when then the bugs in it are already fixed
Whats funny is that all i see on here are complaints about a four day work week, not enough time to test, 4th of july, etc etc. What you guys are forgetting is that also means they have the same. They have put countless hours into path of exile and provided it completely free to you and you want to hash out at the developers doing their jobs and not releasing content that could really hinder all gameplay. Some points are valid like testing the new map drip rates and such, but, at the same time, they have a huge amount of responsibility to the community. If they release broken content then you same yahoos will complain about that. GGG has exceptional staff with over bearing and game changing goals. So, let them do what they plan. Thanks GGG for your hard work!!
You say there is no point however this is irrelevant, your essentially giving us less time to test the new gems, 4 days instead of 6/7. Doesn't it make more sense to just put it in, tell us its broken, and notify us of what parts you are already aware need fixing? With the release so close, quality assurance on the beta realm isn't really valid. Telling us what you know and getting us to find what you missed in the bugs, makes more sense with the looming release. Reconsider! You may regret it latter and end up pushing the release back at the last minute!

Was looking forward to testing Frost Blades and Wild Strike testing.
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
chris wrote:
Carl has posted information on improvements to Map Drops that we'll be trying in the next Beta Patch. We had indicated that we were trying to get the patch out before the weekend, but our quality assurance department has found enough last-minute bugs with the new content that we're currently aiming for Monday (US time).

I'm very sorry about the delay, but there's no point putting broken content on the Beta realm when we have already found some issues to fix in our internal testing. Many members of the Beta development team are very disappointed at my decision to postpone it to after the weekend, but it'll produce a better play experience when you get a chance to see it. There will be a wipe when that patch is deployed.

This does not affect our release date of July 10.

On another note, if you haven't checked out today's other news post about Jewels, then it may be of interest.

Finally some good news!
The new changes to map drops look really promising and the unique jewels seems to be fine too.
No need to be sorry about the delay because there is a good reason for it.
There is only one thing that seems a little strange. Do you really want to apply a wipe on monday when the end of the beta is friday? That way you will not get much high level/endgame feedback.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"

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