New Unique Items - Kingsguard and Call of the Brotherhood!

That would look great with my character and i so badly want it
Wooser69 wrote:
kolyaboo wrote:
that ring is the most redicilous thing i have ever seen in this game, holy moly

Think about it again.

Yeah, splitting your elements means penetration is only half as powerful and penetration is pretty much necessary unless you're dual/triple curse. Meanwhile the shock can only apply after your first hit, which would need to be a crit in order to freeze, unless you invest in both chance to freeze and lightning damage, which would be inefficient as most chance to freeze nodes are behind cold damage which is only half as powerful with that ring on.

yeah pretty much.

Theres those builds with the heralds where you trigger HoT and it then freezes and shatters via HoI or whatever I think with the 3 dragons etc etc...


Use arc, spec lightning damage and cast speed, life and mana, kill everything, vendor the 3 dragons, vendor that ring, demolish the game. thats my take on the whole thing, but some people enjoy the herlad builds so maybe nice for them I guess.

If the chest has a skin maybe itll be good for that, if not vendor the chest as well and be done with it.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
that ring is insane, screw all the haters, frost ball ftw ;)
That ring + the new elemental facebreakers gloves is going to awesome or am i missing something? <--- mirror Thread
Brotherhood looks broken and chest is fine will be fun to try it
Write random stuff here
Oh my yes. I am going to have so much fun with those. Can't wait for Awakening.
Hello Romira's Mjölner Discharge chest.
holy shit, I need both of those with my mjolner toon, well played GGG, well damn those are both sexy as shit
That chest doesn't look good for just mjolnir. On a 6-7 endurance charge build and you're looking at anybody that uses immortal call getting basically a free pot. If you're not spec'd into endurance charges though, yeah, mjolnir builds.

I wonder if that chest would apply with the Nullifier nemesis mod though.
This Armor max discharge IMMORTAL gg (who gives a shit about leech when you get life on hit discharge :D).

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