Unique Rebalance for The Awakening

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If you plan on spending more than a league on your build and haven't acquired the items you need, You're Going To Have A Bad Time.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
DagonxXx wrote:

In comparison, the Beta version does 26% MORE damage at level 20 than the Live version does.

26% more damage while mob hp got tripled. And auras out of question now. No buff here. Not even close.
In years to come
You hear my name
When darkness falls
On judgment day
Last edited by Lorginir#5740 on Jun 23, 2015, 4:36:16 AM
Heyyyy please, I think it is safe but somebody who certain knows it please answer me. Can I still use divine orbs on my windripper to get a closer to 10 crit chance, or if I use a divine now I will get the new nerfed values??
Falafas wrote:
Heyyyy please, I think it is safe but somebody who certain knows it please answer me. Can I still use divine orbs on my windripper to get a closer to 10 crit chance, or if I use a divine now I will get the new nerfed values??

One would think it is obvious if you read the original post here which says the changes apply as The Awakening gets live.

So until then, feel free to divine your Windripper
“Losing a limb is no excuse for cowardice.” - Master Sollis, "Blood Song"
Good to see some underused items getting buffs.

I would have preferred to see no Legacy items in the game, but alas. It does not effect me all that much, as I harldy use, nor have the need to use one.

Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
and the legacy bullshit continues. Shame on you!
@GGG what is the point of making items legacy?
A wild stab in the dark:

1. correcting made errors in balancing
2. balance temp leagues to provide a better gameplay experience
3. make old content compatible with upcoming content (no abuse of mechanics etc.)

As for "made errors", quite a few players never experience them, yet they cry about them. Astounding.

I do guess you also imply why legacy items are not altered to the new versions. I like to think it is to respect the player's investment to gather such items. If GGG was just changing the most important, hard to comy by parts of my gear to the worse I would quit, simple as that.
“Losing a limb is no excuse for cowardice.” - Master Sollis, "Blood Song"
Marylene's Fallacy
40% less crit chance still sucks :(
Hyrri's Ire too OP, 70% dodge and 60% spelldodge for nothing

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