State of the Beta - Post #7 (Beta Patch and Wipe)

Ok, I like it.

Looks like I will be leveling up some kind of Arc again. The Nerf to Glacial Cascade seems about right, I had a Cascader this last patch and it seemed way OP

Thnx Qarl for your update.
Hardcore is how we play ™

Best ladder ranking so far: OhSnapIsRerolling, rank 85 HC Nemesis League
EAKZOI wrote:
But that's what i'm talking about, if you're dealing a ridiculous amount of cold damage, you won't get freeze/chill for the desired duration.

Which implicates in the Three Dragons which changes the status ailments, now lightning damage causes chill/freeze, my question is since i'm not dealing the amount of cold damage necessary to increase its duration from status ailments, will it work normally ? Or the lightning damage is interpreted as cold damage to apply the effects of the helm ?

Nothing changes about Three Dragons ailment conversion. Lightning damage will still chill/freeze with Three Dragons, but just like it does now, you scale it with lightning damage. The more lightning damage that you do, the greater the chill/freeze duration will be. It's exactly the same as it is now, it's just the calculation that has changed.

Rephrasing your question a bit, if that's what you mean by "Is lightning damage interpreted as cold damage for the purposes of chill/freeze duration?" Then the answer is yes. Just like it does now. But of course you still scale it with lightning damage.

But to be explicitly clear, it's only the damage itself that is taken into account. For example if you deal 1% of a target's maximum life, using lightning damage, WITHOUT 3D, you will shock for 60ms. If you wear 3D, you will chill/freeze for 60ms.

If you are using lightning damage with 3D in order to apply chill/freeze, any status ailment duration you pick up off the tree will *not* be converted.

In other words, when you're wearing Three Dragons and dealing lightning damage, you cannot scale chill/freeze duration with shock duration, since you are not shocking. You are chilling or freezing. Therefore you will still scale your actual damage with lightning or elemental off the tree, but you will scale your chill/freeze duration with chill/freeze duration nodes, not shock nodes.

As per the Wiki.

I hope that clarifies things.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Jun 16, 2015, 2:12:18 PM
Hodari wrote:
Daxora wrote:
So maybe I missed it, but when does this patch go live?
If understood correctly, it's not the July 1 patch yet.

There are at least 3 patches involved. One was done on the beta last night. The second will be around July 1 and add a few more levels and bosses. Then everything will be added on the LIVE server sometime later on(currently expected "early July"), though this isn't leaving much time for testing or any issues that arise with the new content once its added to the beta.

IGN: Maelifica
So we have to relevel our character again only to see if its viable?(lifeleech) instead of giving us a few days to try it out before the wipe?!
Almost got deleted
Fire Nova Mine has changed from 75% to 20% Effectiveness

to compensate the mana reservation changes, (pre-1.3 wrath, hatred).
Herald of Ice has changed from 30% to 80% Effectiveness
Herald of Thunder has changed from 40% to 120% Effectiveness

GGG - can you sell MTX that removes effects from these gems.
still waiting my beta key, thank you ggg for letting me out of the hype!
Zed_ wrote:
Zaffax wrote:
So if I am reading this correctly, CI either just got a significant (but needed) buff by becoming immune to elemental status effects or fucked royally (since dmg would always exceed the equivalent of 100 percent life).

Can we get some clarification on this?

Is it how much damage is actually lost or damage as compared to life?

Why would you be immune? Damage vs CI always takes your "hidden" hp into account, that you would have before CI is applied. All builds should be less vulnerable to status ailments now, including CI (not counting changes to monster damage). Far from immune though.

Even taking hidden values into account, CI users, with no life nodes taken, only have a few hundred hp. When mobs hit for dmg in the high hundreds or thousands, CI will received max ailments consistently.

The reason I said the chance of 0% is because of the way OP is written, it suggest actual dmg instead of theoretical dmg.
Any news about trading system?
All they've said about the trading system is that they'll start looking into it after 2.0 is released.

So, earliest expectation would be 2.1 (est. Oct. '15), but I'd estimate more likely 2.2 (Jan. '16).

The above months are just my pure speculation estimating 3-month league durations.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Do the new changes to status ailment durations mean that we can cause shock, freeze, and chill below the minimum durations that exist on live?

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