[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" But you need to cast Golem, Curse/Frenzy/Split and Vaal L Trap too... I don't think there are enough gem slots available to add a bm gem to every skill. " What he was refering to is using the new prefix master craft: lvl 1 bloodmagic (from vagan lvl 7) Last edited by mescalito#1491 on Jul 27, 2015, 3:47:46 AM
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Ah, ok. Well in that case your point stands, mesc. Socketing becomes impossible depending on unreserved mana. Grace and AA alone is fine, but throw in PoE or Vitality and you end up with ~20 unreserved mana. Not enough.
That, and it takes away the DoT prefix option. +2 = prefix, +1 = prefix, Leo DoT = prefix = no more prefixes. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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I'm using the curser/barrel breaker setup you suggested (Frenzy-GMP-Curse on Hit-Vulnerability)
Is there any point to running Blood Rage anymore? Seems like I can generate my charges with Frenzy, and the gem slot could be used for increased duration (right now I'm running in a 4L: Enduring Cry-CWDT-Immortal Call-Blood Rage) |
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" Mind sending me a pm aswell for Leo DoT service aswell? :) |
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Hi there love ur build!
Im sitting at level 85, with 5 Linked +2 bow, goldwyrm and sadimas. Got around 3-4 exa saved up now, thinking about buying andvarius, but the prices are off the roof from 3.5 exa - 50, for bad rolls. I see gold rings with almost as high Rarity (55ish) going for 1 exa. Im thinking it might be better 2 buy 2 55ish gold rings without - to res, and buy aureseize aswell. Will not really be an big loss what do you say? thanks for an awsome guide! |
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Hey! First of all, thank you, Serleth, for sharing this build.
I'm level 88 atm, playing this build, and I have a couple questions for you/the other players frequenting this forum. 1. What map clear speeds do you have/consider one should have, including picking up all you can, ID'ing, selling, stash etc.? - I guess mentioning map level here is relevant. 2. Is it better, in your oppinion, to clear higher lvl maps, but slower, or lower level maps, but faster? Or otherwise phrased, what level maps do you preffer running and what is your acceptable max clear speed? I read the whole thread but I don't remember reading about this (though 90+ pages is a lot of comments and I may have forgotten - sorry, if that's the case). I'm curious to know what you think on this. |
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" I personally prefer continuing to run Blood Rage, but it's just a playstyle thing. I find for most mobs I'm not cursing anyway, so actually stopping to Frenzy and curse slows down my clear speed for most situations. For me having Frenzy added on is just for more prolonged fights. " Because of the nature of maps now rolling IIR, which is multiplicative with the gear you have, it's better to still run Andvarius. Let's (for arguments sake) say you're running 15/65 Andvarius rings with a 20% IIR gloves. That's 80+80+20 = 180%. Versus 55+55+50 = 160%. Now let's say you're running a map with 40% IIR. 160% * 1.4 = 224% IIR versus 180% * 1.4 = 252% IIR. The loss ends up being a lot more palpable in maps. You should eventually push for dual Andvarius or worst case Aurseize and 1 Andvarius with a 15/30+ rare gold ring. " 1. It should take you 3-5 minutes to just straight up clear the map, depending on the tileset and how much running around you have to do, and how difficult the map is. Each portal you take should add no more than 1 second for a portal, let's say 5 seconds load time (max), and 20 seconds for a vendor (depending on your organization skills), so 25-35 seconds per portal. Let's build a range though to say maybe 45 seconds per portal in case your ID/handspeed isn't reasonably fast. On the low end then, 25 seconds per portal, 4 portals (average blue map) = 1.6 minutes, 3 minute map clear = 4.6 minutes. On the high end, 45 seconds per portal, 6 portals (high IIQ/IIR maps) = 4.5 minutes, 5 minutes per map clear = 9.5 minutes. It really depends mostly on how quickly you can identify items, recognize what to keep, and organize where you put your recipe items or items worth keeping, etc. 2. Middle-ish maps for me personally (so, 74-76), which allow for good rares with (the new) T2 resistance, and regal recipes. If I find I'm low on alcs (which I use for jewelry, and if an alc misses, I put the item into a regal recipe), then I go to low level maps (68-69) to rebuild my alc pool and do unid chaos recipes. In essence, I switch depending on my crafting mats. Max raw clear speed (not including portal trips) on a linear map (Promenade, Underground Sea, Gorge) should be around 3 minutes. For more twisty maps, it really depends on the RNG for the map drawing and the tileset itself (Ie, Mine and Tunnel are absolute nightmares to navigate and you can expect even 7 minute map clears). Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Are you still trans+aug'ing 73s and under and alching 74+? I seem to have hit a streak of bad RNG lately and I'm completely out of 73s, and the only 3 74s I have left are Labyrinths. Can't seem to get any good map drops and might have to resort to buying maps.
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" Yep. No problem sustaining here atm,
map pool
Then 1.5 columns of 73s and etc. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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After ripping at lvl 80 to a tripple ghosted channel boss i rerolled with the currency i made with this char.
Today i hit 70 again and bought a +3 bow for 6ex. 6s in 400 jewlers 6l in 43 fusings Blew 600 chromes trying to get 4 offcolors, but im really happy none the less! This build (I took the recommended HC variant as a guideline) is working out great in Tempest! Thanks Serleth an all you guys for making and refining this build! I'm having a blast with it! Last edited by mescalito#1491 on Jul 27, 2015, 2:35:23 PM
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