[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
Won't be as fast as I normally do, wanna rebuild a bit more liquid funding. Got all the bits now, picked up Kaom's yesterday. I have a thing where I don't like having a low bank. @cloud: You're welcome =) Not much room for you to upgrade anymore, tbh. All you really have left is to get perfect Andy's, upgrade your Goldwyrm to 20% quant, +1 arrow Drillneck maybe (not worth it if you have Carcass, tbh), 5L your Carcass for extra utility, and squeeze out maybe a better amulet? Even though that one's dope, other than the fact you should bless it to 20% implicit. Basically, min-maxing. Tbh though only thing I'd concern yourself with is better Andvarius' rings and upgrading your Goldwyrm. Those are low rolls across the board. Otherwise, farm away. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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so I'm seriously considering making this build once again. I was around for when it was PA way back when. And I'm pretty set on making a Scion for the build. Are the 2.2 leveling guides still pretty accurate in regards to the best skills for leveling? Or is there a better skillset to take me to the 60s? Also.. is Scion still pretty good for Prophecy SC? Serleth.. thanks for the all the leg work. The build has definitely matured and been optimized.. :) |
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" thanks a lot! is there any spreadsheet or probabilities to see whether buying perfect or near perfect andvarii is better or worse than Divining them a bunch of times? |
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" Well, all outcomes on a divine are equally likely. So it's not hard to work this out on your own :-) If you're in pursuit of a near-perfect Andy, it's almost certainly not worth divining to get it. It would make sense to divine an Andy if you have a very bad one and just want some soft of improvement - assuming of course that better Andy's are pretty expensive. If you have enough exalts, another thing to look into is well-rolled Ventor's Gambles. A well-rolled VG will give better magic find than an Andy and has IIQ to boot - which is a bit better than the product of IIQ and IIR suggests. |
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" The levelling guides are designed for start-of-league play. There's plenty of other options available to you when you have twink gear at your disposal. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with. Most of the time my alternate characters end up levelling with Tabula/Bladefall though if you want to invest less in respec points, I'd go the Storm Cloud ---> Doomfletch route. Scion is the choice for SC, yes. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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" my Andy are both 55+15%, so pretty low. Every 80+% Andvarius in Prophecy SC costs around 70 chaoses, which is around 6 divine orbs. EDIT: Hypergeometric calc. 21 population size (50<->70) 6 successes in population (65+) 6 = sample size (6 divine orbs at 13c each are 1ex, the price of a good andvarius) 1 = successes in sample (when you get the first good andvarius, you actually stop) Cumulative Probability: P(X >= 1) 0,91 = 91% Last edited by cloudscraper#4014 on Jul 15, 2016, 4:25:01 AM
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" Fire_Marshall_Bill has a 66/15 Andy for 60c. So if you simply want an Andy that's 65+ they're cheaper than 1ex. Watch POE for bargains. Divines seem to be 13-14c as you note above. But, you can sell a bad Andy for 25c at least. Cost of a 66/15 Andy is therefore 60c - 25c = 35c. Chance of rolling 67, 68, 69 or 70 is 4 in 21. 50% chance of rolling 67+ occurs at: n = log(.5)/log(17/21) n = 3.3 ------ You'd expect to spend roughly 3 * 13 = 39c in divines to roll a 67+ Andy. ------- So it's close. If you feel lucky, try divining. If not, watch POE.trade for bargains. You might want to broaden your search to include rings with imperfect implicits which you could then fix using Blessings - use similar math to figure out the expected cost to fix up the implicits. ======== Math stuffs... A hypergeometic distribution describes a situation where you select from a fixed population without replacement. This distribution doesn't apply to the current situation. For our case you have a 4/21 chance of success each time you use a divine. In a hypergeometric situation, you have 4/21 the first time and then if you fail, the population is now 20. So the second time you try you have 4/20 chance of success (this is what is meant by "without replacement"). In other words, each time you select from the population in a hypergeometric distribution the resultant population decreases. ----- To achieve a 91% chance of success when trying to divine 67+, you have (17/21)^n = (1 - .91) n = log(.09)/log(17/21) n = 11.4 So to have a 91% chance of success to roll 67+ you'd need to use a bit more than 11 divines. ------------ Edit: Actually, I think the way that most orbs work (divines included) is that some sort of change is guaranteed to occur (GGG implemented this so that players would stop complaining when their orb apparently didn't do anything). So, in the above, the number of actual outcomes on a divine is 20, not 21, because the current value is excluded. But... I might be wrong here wrt divines/blessings. I'm pretty sure I used some sort of orb in the recent past and once used found that the target item didn't change. At any rate... whether the number of possibilities is 20 or 21, the above is going to be pretty close and if it's 20 and if you care you can adjust the math accordingly. Fence post anyone? Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jul 15, 2016, 9:03:04 AM
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Thanks a lot for serleth and han for the answers.
So far the statistik is o.k. And your right. i stoppt every time if i had a 5l. But if i look at statistik its totaly equal if i fuse a new item or use the fuses on a item i used 1000 fuse bevor. so i used till now not over 4000 that s was wrong but 2867 fuse. and 1978 chance orbs. so i thougt it was ovre 4000 fuse but it was 4over 4000 trys to get a item. and if the average is 1000 fuse, then it says nothing about the single try. Thats correct. BUT if some account have in 4000 trys 5 or 6 successfull hits and many many players have nothing AND its a computergenerated rng than it can have some reasons why it works so. My friend has 6 l 3 items with 3200 fuses and chanced over 10 items with less then 1500 chance orbs. If i have 1200 fuses i give him my maraketh bow and the fuses and we will see if he can 6l it. If this will happen i am really shure the computerbased rng from ggg is something what has to do with server load, people online, gateway times and so on. If i look the drops (they are also rng) then i can prophecy :-) that if one unique drop in a map there will be more. And if one map drop then there will be more map drops. Thats not only thinking i wrote it for 150 maps on paper and there was a significant conformity with my presuposition. But all in all your right. More trys will get more chances and at any moment i will get my 6 l. so i try now all 6 socked items one time to 6l and then i vendor it. so i have the chance and a little profit :-) |
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Keep this in mind. Although the average cost of 6-linking may be 1200 fuse (presumably... I'm not sure if GGG has actually confirmed this), sometimes it will take less and sometimes more. And given the large number of players in POE, it's not surprising that you'll find some "very lucky" players who seem to 6-link with few fuses quite often and others who spend lots of fuses to no avail. But this is just the way randomness works. In your case, your lucky friend has no better chance to 6-link than you do. ------ With regard to unique drops, the chance is determined by the product of your magic find and the map's. If you're in a map with high IIQ/IIR then that map has a greater chance for uniques to drop than a map with low IIQ/IIR - and yes, it's more likely that several uniques will drop in that first map than in the second one. Another factor is the number of mobs in the map. The more mobs, the more chance that a unique will drop. But it's all randomly generated according to map packsize, map IIQ/IIR and your IIQ/IIR. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jul 15, 2016, 6:45:01 AM
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@Those who completed the 300 maps from map bosses challenge
How did you complete this challenge? Just run a bunch of maps or farm Merciless Piety? Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jul 15, 2016, 6:52:16 AM
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