[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" I believe the OP is actually correct. I've played this build for 2 leagues now and I have found that we come by so many rares to be IDed that we are always short on wisdom scrolls. By using the portal gem it allows you to sell all portal scrolls to the vendor in exchange for wisdoms, thereby effectively doubling the amount of wisdoms you will come by. Portal scrolls are never an issue: you only use up to 5 per map, but wisdoms you will use dozens per map. Legacy SC IGN: Octora Standard SC IGN: Octyte Last edited by Nick42#4121 on May 26, 2016, 12:15:35 PM
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" Oh. I had the feeling I might be wrong and now I understand Serleth is actually right. That's a smart way to put it in the OP, well played. Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist, with her gilded purple boots. "You want my sockets?" Last edited by Jadran#7994 on May 26, 2016, 1:16:20 PM
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" 2.2: 50% Deadeye 10% Drillneck 10% Pierce node > 10% Projectile damage > 30% Pierce from Piercing Shots (40% Pierce combined) 100% Pierce chance. The right side path of Piercing Shots adds an additional 10% (5 + 5), which is where you were getting 110%. The assumption I'm making here is that players aren't reaching level 93+, whereby they might decide to save a point by pathing to the left in the Piercing Shots wheel and invest that in something like life, or a jewel node, which would leave their current setup at 100% pierce chance in 2.2, and thus drop down to 80% pierce in 2.3. Higher level characters who path to the right would be at 90%. An offline planner tree should be up sometime around Wednesday or so. Maybe earlier. As for Flameblast, the +4 to radius of Prolif should be enough to make it worthwhile. I'm relatively certain Elementalist's proliferation node doesn't stack with the gem, but I'm uncertain about that, so I'll likely futz around with a Witch open to confirm, unless somebody here already has knowledge of it? @Hank: Thank you for your kind words. <3 Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on May 26, 2016, 2:40:05 PM
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" It's already here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4l30vr/poeskilltree_228_230_skill_tree_data/ " And what about my kind words?! ;P Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist, with her gilded purple boots. "You want my sockets?" Last edited by Jadran#7994 on May 26, 2016, 3:56:12 PM
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" Not the planner itself :P I meant a tree for this particular build using the offline planner. And yes, yours as well, thanks. =) The dangers of replying to this thread before I'm caffeinated enough =D Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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" Impossible for me to get enough wisdomscrolls by myself, easily solved by buying massive amount of transmutes and selling them for wisdoms. Or how do u guys do it ? Not being forced to pick up wisdoms/portals saves time. |
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" Yeah I do this as well. Like you mentioned, I won't stop to pick up an individual scroll, but I'll stop for a transmute because this is like picking up wisdom x4. And buying around 40 transmutes for a single chaos will net you 160 wisdoms a pop. Legacy SC IGN: Octora
Standard SC IGN: Octyte |
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" I am clearly not as efficient as you all. I try to pick up all the things! I might have a problem, and the currency tab makes it easy to hoard. @Serleth, thanks for pointing out the difference between the left and right path of the pierce wheel, I had them backwards. |
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Right, but even if all you do is pick up wisdoms/portal scrolls after you demolish bosses/exiles, that sorta thing, you'll end up with an extra 8 or so scrolls per map.
Doesn't seem like a lot, but let's say 160 scrolls is a chaos, that means every 20 maps you're saving a chaos you otherwise would've spent on transmutes to vendor for scrolls. Pays off, long term. Even if you're still buying scrolls, you buy less thanks to the Portal gem. But yeah, as long as you don't really go out of your way to grab scrolls, it's not a waste of time. Pick up whatever's near the loot and you're good, save even more chaos that you won't spend on transmutes. I don't typically ever have to buy transmutes just doing that and avoiding most non-bow/staff 2h pickups unless they're chrome vends or Vaal Axes, that sorta thing. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on May 26, 2016, 9:33:01 PM
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"Agreed 100%. I've read every post in this thread, (not all at once, mind you!) and IIRC I've seen Serleth resort to pulling out the claws twice in total. I've seen a lot of folks elsewhere pooh pooh on CA MF, claiming they can make more currency doing Uber Atziri runs with whatever flavour of the month build is currently ridiculously overpowered, however, those are typically nerfed *hard* at league end, while this one lives on with minor tweaks. :) This is the first build I've run that generates enough currency to finish all 40 challenges easily. Actually, I have 14 pure exalt extra, and probably 3 times that in equivalent orbs / store stock, so it's OVERfinanced 40 challenges. It's also the only build I've ever stuck with over more than a single league. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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