Item Affix Changes

Bows get biggest buff out of all these changes? Seriously, it's beyond a joke right now.
Dark_Chicken - lvl 100 Marauder
Divine_Chicken - lvl 100 Duelist
Interesting. Roll a blue emperor's on an ilvl 83 harbinger before the release, and then craft without using a divine after the release and you could sneak in an extra 5% to guarantee that you lock in mirroring for years to come.

That said, this would be really, really hard.
IGN: Fiona_Falconstrike, Geldar_the_Barbarian, Natalie_Fellshadow
Last edited by InsaneWallaby#6740 on Jun 11, 2015, 11:57:13 PM

1.3 249% VS 2.0 258% LOL
cant see any sense here except something we dont know
IGN Jinloman
08:00~24:00 UTC+8 TAIWAN R.O.C.
Mirror Service-thread/556020

WTB 6T1 items for 10 chaos each. IGN: AXN1314
To grind or not to grind, that's the question.
Did I miss it, or are there no new crit tier mods?

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

What I'd like to know is... Why is that?
Does this means our actual weapons are not fit for a new overall difficulty at endgame content? Or that there is gonna be another wave of even more OP weapons to make content so extremely easy and dull that who has them are gonna stop playing?

Druga1757 wrote:
Did I miss it, or are there no new crit tier mods?

There are several mods with no new tiers. Another is all attributes. I'm not surprised to see no new crit mods, since crit is understood to already be quite powerful.

Imagine a harbinger bow, wand, or dagger with +42% crit chance!
IGN: Fiona_Falconstrike, Geldar_the_Barbarian, Natalie_Fellshadow
Kingoko wrote:
Remove mirrors from game YAY :P
Just change mechanic that mirror cant be used now and change mirror recipe that it give now some nice amount of eternals and all will be happy :P

Or change that item can be mirrored only once :P

The better change would be to add a time limit of 24 hours on the imprints so people can't make multiple mirror worthy items from the same base.
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Redblade wrote:
Kingoko wrote:
Remove mirrors from game YAY :P
Just change mechanic that mirror cant be used now and change mirror recipe that it give now some nice amount of eternals and all will be happy :P

Or change that item can be mirrored only once :P

The better change would be to add a time limit of 24 hours on the imprints so people can't make multiple mirror worthy items from the same base.

You could limit the number of copies of one item to one and it would be even more restrictive.
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