Item Affix Changes

I must say I really see the introduction of a new affix tier as a bad indication.

I hold GGG in high regard as a company because og the way they in almost everything show great understanding of what their players want and view as fair.

Path of Exile is a game that, for me and many others I assume, is about constructing a build then seeing it in action and feeling great about how it works in the way it does. After achieving this the goal of the game becomes seeing your build in its most perfect form - which means you strive for and hope to get perfect items for it. Getting a BiS for your build often requires a huge currency and thereby time investment (which is made fun because of the gameplay). This means that when/if you finally get that perfect item it feels like an accomplishment and I love playing the game because of this.

While increasing the potential power an item can get from affixes doesn't make curret items bad in any way, it does however take away the feeling of fufillment that you own the "perfect item" for the build. This means that players who have spendt months or more farming toward this goal will have it completely taken away. Their character will still be great but no longer perfect.

I really hope that GGG will reconsider or explain the reason for introducing a new affix tier. So that players will not feel robbed of their achievements.
Last edited by Sharix#2091 on Jun 16, 2015, 4:39:02 PM
KorgothBG wrote:
I must disagree with you 666lol666. I'd say "Remove mirrors!" OR "Remove eternals!". Removing both is an overkill and while eternal orbs on their own bring something good to the table ( making the already extremely hard crafting easier ) i don't really see what good the mirrors do. Thus i'm more for the first statement "Remove mirrors!"

I really can see your point. I always saw mirrors as some kind of loot-jackpot but in the end you are right mirrors don't do anything good. Nevertheless I would like to see both removed from the game! :)
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
666lol666 wrote:

I really can see your point. I always saw mirrors as some kind of loot-jackpot but in the end you are right mirrors don't do anything good. Nevertheless I would like to see both removed from the game! :)

Well part of me agrees with your opinion. Because part of me doesn't want the PoE crafting to be easier via eternals and more important that part wants crafting to be more of a gamble and eternal orbs, as a way to "save" your item and therefore eliminating the chance to fail-craft it, kind of got rid of that. And lets not forget that we have master crafting now which already fulfills that role of "safe crafting" . The fact that you can't craft the best mod tiers is a very elegant way to limit those players who prefer a less risky crafting method while sometimes rewarding a those who want to try their luck.
Some might argue ( including the other part of me ) that there is nothing fun in destroying your item while loosing in the crafting process not only the item but also the used currency. Well that is very unpleasant indeed ... but that makes a successful craft 10 times more enjoyable!
In the end ... i really can't say with 100% certainty that there should or should not be eternal orbs ... but when it comes to mirrors ... well ... i already stated my opinion on that matter. :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jun 16, 2015, 5:17:24 PM

So completely worthless unique ? Or buff incoming ?
I dont like it looks like uniques will be just shit items for early end game.
Last edited by pesslovany#1551 on Jun 17, 2015, 5:25:18 AM
666lol666 wrote:
KorgothBG wrote:
I must disagree with you 666lol666. I'd say "Remove mirrors!" OR "Remove eternals!". Removing both is an overkill and while eternal orbs on their own bring something good to the table ( making the already extremely hard crafting easier ) i don't really see what good the mirrors do. Thus i'm more for the first statement "Remove mirrors!"

I really can see your point. I always saw mirrors as some kind of loot-jackpot but in the end you are right mirrors don't do anything good. Nevertheless I would like to see both removed from the game! :)

the fact are... mirror Blocks crafting... i wud be using every single orb(10+pages) i had to craft gear if there was a point... so if i cud craft "loath banes" and sell em for equiv i spend or loose/win depending on rng... i wud.. so the mirror is blocking a natural consumation of orbs" that was intented with the orb/currency system. the end is that many endgame players like me. got nothing to do with currency then sit and brag or measure penis in who got what and how much... since u dont convert exalts into mirrors they just switch hands...

also mirrors scream RMT.. while i and many others i assume.. have used years generating. grinding and trading... and feal huge saticfaction to craft perfect gear... then u meet a lvl 60 who dont know what a map is.. with perfect gear set... that gives me a bad taste in my mouth. shure. the removal of mirrors dont prevent ppl from doing rmt.. but it significant reduces it since there wont be shell price labled items to pick from a grosery list..

and every player now can craft.. no its not limitied to anx. jinz, ventorr, and so on...
IGN jauertemplar
But why stop at mirrors and eternals? Why not go all the way and remove every single orb? That way, you can grind ALL you want towards that non-mirrored and non-crafted gear! This should enable most, if not all players, to keep on grinding continuously to attain the items they wish to attain!

Or, maybe doing the exact opposite of whats being suggested here would be most beneficial. Increase the drop rate of all in game currency to a ludicrous amount. That should plummet the people who sell their stuff on eBay out of business. Is this a really good idea though? Not really; this should crash the economy of the game to a certain extent and people would be unhappy with how un-challenging it is to craft items. But HEY, if we're trying to combat people selling their stuff on eBay, isn't this the most effective way?
I agree on the fact that end goal is not crafting gear but mostly stacking currency until you can buy a mirror and get the perfect gear already made by other people.

2.0 is the perfect time to fix this, end the path of flipping era and go back to play the game.
i acculy want ingreased drop rate of eternals... shud lower the price significant.. like3ex each... els eternal will get even more expencive... and agein lock the high craft to 0,01% of player base.

in my game time i dropped 2 et... and maby 100-150 ex
IGN jauertemplar
The drop rate of eternals is fairly non-existant. I've ran over 150 quantity for 2 years and had 1..yes thats 1 spelt one >> eternal drop. Yet somehow so many are used/have been used. Is duping currency real?!?.. or does GGG sell orbs to sites that in-turn sell orbs to players. I'm not sure which .. but one has to exist based on numbers alone. There isn't near enough players to come up with the amount of eternals used in this game, dont try to convince me otherwise. Mirrors are a different issue. Perhaps some have it right that they should be removed. I honestly am not bias to either side of that argument.

I honestly can't predict what would happen if eternals dropped say the same rate as exalts. since my exalt/eternal drop ratio is roughly 150:1 .. I suppose if ggg did this then removing mirrors would most certainly have to take place. Then people could focus on farming and playing content to craft their own items. It wouldnt really even get out of hand since my exalt/eternal rate was over a 2-2.5 year period. That is with good iiq so the numbers would be lower for most. I've crafted a few 6t1 items (not weapon) and they roughly took 30-60 eternals on average so you could say with eternal drop rate increase it would take a player roughly 1 year to craft a 6t1 item. They would have to really want it to ignore t2 or even t3 rolls. Which would drastically reduce overpowered items.

I dunno maybe im an idiot and said nothing right but thats just my 2 cents. No need to flame me.
aaaahh too much whining here
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