Item Affix Changes

The problem of game now is mirror gear..(and i own several origninals). Now with 2.0 stats.. remove the mirror!!(i got 0 stashed) that wud solve the game... Every very good rare item, now get equiv value and not just not 6/6= 1 chaos...
So new tiers wud not be mirrorble... Meaning all wud have to craft them self..(add higher drop of eternals)...
this wud also allow ppl to do a little endgame craft on temp leagues. and ppl who craft like 4/6 t1 wud not have to be told they basicly just vendored 300 exalts.. then items wud start be valued after the acculy amount of currency put into them.
Also current mirrored gear will still have equiv value since it wud be very very hard to beat it. even with the new mods.
Plz plz plz, this is the change we all been waiting for. All wud have to craft and the following tears and joy.. Or make a living of crafting multible copys instead of just one, that closes all endgame crafts of its kind.!!!!!!
GGG wud make it better game simply by. remove mirror add eternal drop rate..
And thoes who got a mirror stashed.. give em a fishing rot a towl or some eternals or something.. or just make em legecy and the most expencive item of all game....
IGN jauertemplar
Last edited by Jauer#2388 on Jun 14, 2015, 2:32:48 PM
swib wrote:
Sure, why not buff bow even more?

Sure, game is unbalanced, lets nerf everything. Now lets do better mirroed items.

Then listen to everyone cry again.

Thats - absolutely - not the way to go. It's pretty awkward because you own the game and sometimes it just feel that you cant predict what will happen.

Do you think that everyone which have mirroed gear that are complaining about OP builds? It's not, they buy the mirroed gear to build the OP builds.

Do you know how broken a TS well geared user perfom? Do you know that bow users dont use low life? Do you know that bow user usually run max 3 auras and dont even care about running more?

I see what you are doing there, but its just plain obvious that it will not work and people will complain even more. Theres plenty bow skill that can perfom very well, you cant nerf all of them, and theres more than one way to have good gear, you can stack physical or elemental or +level gems and use EA or PA, you cant nerf all methods either.

I hope you realize that dont matter how much more you nerf low life, bows will reign.

Sure, melee will perfom better, a lot of people will use melee and feel a bit better for it. You know until then? I tell you, it's simple, until they get a decent level, go do maps in party and could not reach a single mob before a tornado shot kills everything.

Then all this melee mass will come after you complaining.

idk i rotate all day and the carry builds i see is mjolner, coc and flicker. i do deffently not see TS reige... agree 100% of the bow power u talk of thoe.
IGN jauertemplar
At first, I was going to say that this was going to be the last update that broke my camel's back. Seriously, I've had numerous updates already that I've had to re-align and farm for ridiculous amounts of time just to get the currency back to fix my builds...if they could even be salvaged.

Yes, I wanted to rant and rage about these new "knee-jerk reaction" updates that seem to be the only things that our "friends" at GGG can come up with in their brainstorming.


I read a particular post that started to turn my attention elsewhere. It is now my belief as well that GGG has a grand opportunity to fix some of the worst screw ups that have happened so far. The one fix to stop the new tier mods from becoming abominations and legacy killers would be...

...make them non-mirrorable! If you take that away, you take away the drive for RMT users to make this ludicrously powerful gear. They could be traceable as copies if you created serial numbers within the coding for each of those new tier 1 stats.

Don't say it isn't possible either, because I've seen where it can be on another game "Dungeon Defenders." Duplicated items would annihilate when faced with other duplicates or the original. If some of that was brought to this world of POE...we could have a real opportunity to believe that persons selling top gear were directly responsible in its creation, and actually have pride when we can make it happen ourselves.

...Though...I won't hold my breath...
now get rid of Eternals and all is fine :)
cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
Nazaron wrote:

...make them non-mirrorable! If you take that away, you take away the drive for RMT users to make this ludicrously powerful gear. They could be traceable as copies if you created serial numbers within the coding for each of those new tier 1 stats.

That would be the perfect solution indeed but for some "stranges" reasons, ggg stil alow this abomination that is the mirror systeme.

If they were only exalts and eternals, once could work his way to craft the perfect personnal items and it would feel like a huge achievement/
fiqst wrote:
I would think that because there's a loathe bane/glyth mark, noone is willing to invest currency into making a new 6t1 ambusher/harbinger, there's no point when you can spend 1/4 of the required currency and mirror one.

So by adding a new mod, more weapons can be made by more people and adds variety.

Dies anyone remember the race for the #1 6t1 ambusher between loathe bane and honour etcher? That was exciting as watch unfold and i can't wait to see what happens next

I'll maybe craft a new harbinger, but need some talk before that, maybe a crossproject.
A better ambusher also exsist.

It's btw also a players goal to have a charsetup full of toptier item which arnt mirrroed from other players, which will result in crafting new items, nomatter what the costs will be.

Eraqi wrote:
Malone wrote:
Eraqi wrote:

I see this small affix change to be a insignificant and nearly usless

definately, so why complain ? your weapon is still good.

I mean yah ur right but I now cannot do a mirror service on it which was the ultimate goal

and ofc don't get me wrong I still love the wep but lost a huge goal that I wanted to complete in this game
ofc ppl will still mirror the items since fresh new 6t1s will avail with fee of 200+ex
(atleast for weapons, chests are easy to craft tho)
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Last edited by Doe#2466 on Jun 15, 2015, 3:26:07 AM
Nazaron wrote:

DDuplicated items would annihilate when faced with other duplicates or the original. If some of that was brought to this world of POE...we could have a real opportunity to believe that persons selling top gear were directly responsible in its creation, and actually have pride when we can make it happen ourselves.

Never heard of duplicated items so your idea is no needed but
I heard that currency was easily duped so here's the problem. Oh and most important :
Nazaron wrote:

"we could have a real opportunity to believe that persons selling top gear were directly responsible in its creation"

How you can be sure that item was legit created? He could made it with thousends duplicated eternals (as example :the guy banned recently in temp league after creating few perfect 6xT1 weapons) or he could made some gg weapons thanks to some guy selling him 100 eternals for 300ex ( crafter thinkin what a great deal so cheap eternals - but in reality they were duped)

Imo the best solution is to stop mirroring items or reducing possibility to mirror. Both solution will be good for most players and also for those who have mirrored items.

1st solution - mirror dont drop anymore, mirror mechanic changed so they cant be right clicked to use them, vendor recipe will give now stacks of eternals when sold to vendor ( need balance how many eternals) - so no1 who got mirrors lose anything.
All mirrored items and original crafts keep their value or even raise in value, so nobody lose currency, they become "legacy" but it affects only standard and hardcore so many players and GGG as well dont care.

2nd solution - mirror drop as usual but any item can be only mirrored once (or twice or few times but not more then 5 imo - need balance this), after that operation original item cant be mirrored more times. All original items now and mirrored items keep value or raise a bit, new items will be still crafted and they will be worth much, mirror fee will raise drastically ( like some part of item creation cost - depending of it can be only mirrored once, twice or more) but mirrors of Kalandra value will drop a lot enabling possibility to mirror some non perfect 6xT1 crafts too witch will be good overall for not rich players mostly.

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)
Last edited by Kingoko#5987 on Jun 15, 2015, 1:10:14 PM
PLz remove kalandra from the game and ban all those RMT and duppers plz... they ruined std economy.

STD needs a reboot asap with a banwave to all those damn cheaters and gear buyers...
l2p a game without hacks and money!
welcome to path of trading!
Last edited by meumaxu#4640 on Jun 15, 2015, 1:52:35 PM
thats why ill never play in std ... full of rmt that like to spend thousand of $$$ in pixels cause they arent good enough to play and farm without mirrored gear!
welcome to path of trading!
Last edited by meumaxu#4640 on Jun 15, 2015, 1:53:03 PM
robmafia wrote:
AllanRamires wrote:
"Omg now my stash is only worth 800ex now, ohh i quit this game"

What a funny thread...

it's crazy - some of us don't like being lied to. some of us despise carrot on a stick. some of us realize the broader/long-term implications of this. some of us already crafted their own gear, and absolutely will not REcraft gear. some of us despise power creep.

i really don't get why so many seem incredulous about people quitting. it's a game, if it's no longer fun to me/if it seems like ggg just betrayed us and became path of blizzard, why would i want to stick around? to get carrot on a sticked and recraft gear... only to again be carrot on a sticked when 3.0 comes out? wow, that sounds like real fun.


densan1587 wrote:
And no one will miss you

boo, hoo. woe is me. i won't be missed... in a video game. oh noes!

Malone wrote:

There are many other things that can devalue mirrored gear, nothing new here.
And keep in mind that 99,5 % ( +- 0.49 % ) of the player base doesnt give a shit about these new mods anyway. How many players will be ready to pay 500+ exalts to get 3 % more dps...

i like how every post of yours is pretending that this only affects weapons.

you're in every thread spouting the same broken, irrelevant record - dps, dps, dps. meanwhile, there are only 9 other equipment slots affected... herp derp.


huh? wha...? what? did i miss something? nope? okay. bye bye then see you in 1 month when you realize there isn't anything better.


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