One-Week Cut-Throat (IV008)

unsane wrote:
3% of the top 2000 are online on a Sunday (10 AM PT) - 55 people level 15+.

Using statistics from the worst time to gather numbers is a bad idea. Everyone's staying up or drinking on Saturday night and sleeping in Sunday morning.
To give a different approach of playing:

The most satisfying in this event for me is not killing people, more it is to escape them. I love the thrill of beeing hunted and laugh in peoples face if they fail. After some encounters and kills on both sides at the beginning this was more rewarding, because it needs more skill and mindfulness to prevent confrontations or to flee clever, compared to beating people at higher level with freezing-skills, grouped up or map-/zoom-hacks (we all know there is no effort in it).

Sounds sadistic, but it's so good to reveal some campers incompetence, so as shiftlessness/awkwardness. Epecially nice when you are selffound doing the pacifistic way with no extra loot and no extra exp, which is another disadvantage compared to them.

I had no death since day 2 of the league and I always was parallel to monsterlevel, not as PK'ers several level higher. They obviously cannot compete with those players the act above, so they stay and camp on WP's for low-level ones (I am not complaining, that's part of the game). Challenge accepted.

For instance some guys desperatly look in act 1 cruel for people entering Hillock-area (or elsewhere). I run with ONE Quicksilver to Hillock, make a TP, wait for encounter while killing monsters, go in unlocked TP as the next happy evil-minded Coldsnapper arrives, let him stand alone in the dark after he was running the whole beach across for me. I'm really having a blast with these poor guys! ^_^
Last edited by bipola#7849 on Jun 14, 2015, 7:29:07 PM
Currently giving away ALL of my items at The Coast in America gateway :) So much loot to give away!
My first cut-throat league and I have to say that I did enjoy it.

I played for several hours the first day... right away, my level 2 Marauder got Glacial Hammered by a level 5 Dualist camping right outside Lioneyes and I lost what little gear I had collected from Twilight Strand. After that I just kept running naked with a club into empty versions of the Coast trying to get a few pieces of white gear here and there before running back to Lioneyes to stash it until I had enough to be fully equipped.

One time I forgot to "Ctrl+Click" to join the Coast... and entered an instance where two players were beating each other up... one killed the other and I was able to kill the weakened victor. Was able to pick up a few blues from that loot.

Finally worked my way to the Mud Flats and was almost killed on my way to click the way point by someone camping out... barely had time to use that way point to get back to town.

In the end, I slowly got my Marauder to level 5 by just trying to run through empty Coasts and doing more hiding and running than fighting... along the way I killed a few and got killed by a few more ! :)

* Solo play. If players were going to team up to gang kill others, they had to be wary of friendly fire (i.e. two people using ranged attacks camping around a way point still worked but not as bad as what I would have faced if people could party)
* Keeping your gems/flasks was nice

* Too big of a "level difference" allowed per instance.
* Losing ALL gear on death!

Overall, while I liked the league, the "lose all your gear" was the biggest thing that held me back. I'm not a skilled player and rely on good gear, so I would have preferred the league set up to only lose 1 random piece of "equipped" gear and all of the unequipped stuff I'm running around with. However, if I'm going to lose all gear on death, then make it so I'm only fighting someone 2 max levels above me (2 max during Act 1, 5 max during Act 2 and 10 max during Act 3 or something like that).

With those changes I would have been much more likely to keep playing the league.

Anyway, thanks for the Achievement :)
bipola wrote:
To give a different approach of playing:

The most satisfying in this event for me is not killing people, more it is to escape them.

lol bipola!!! I have to admit I did have a lot more fun in my narrow escapes from campers than the few kills I actually got.
6 people on in top 100 :(
fractured devourer:

@ScionLeTard @Tardesis
R33T4RD wrote:
6 people on in top 100 :(

Top 100? You mean the level ranges where no one really plays at anymore because all the action is at lvl 20 or so? And at 5:31 am Monday morning? Of course no one is going to be online at that time and at that level.
no perma death made me not wanna try this league.
nakieon wrote:
R33T4RD wrote:
6 people on in top 100 :(

Top 100? You mean the level ranges where no one really plays at anymore because all the action is at lvl 20 or so? And at 5:31 am Monday morning? Of course no one is going to be online at that time and at that level.

You keep quoting timezones like everyone lives in yours, the permanent leagues are swamped so the "everyone is drinking or sleeping" excuses dont fly, we all know you had a good time holding down right click and calling it pvp but its obvious to GGG and the hundred thousand online players not participating in the league that a 1W cutthroat was about 6 days too long.
I hope we get some more information this time GGG. participation, what you've learned and what you'll probably change, how often you want to have events like this etc.

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