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State of the Beta - Post #5

Well that's it. Casters won't have any more defense than today. GG GGG.
So far i`ve been loving all the art and new areas and music in act 4.
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
A lot of crashing lately, hoping it gets resolved.
GGG, you're having me impatient! From the Keysus torture device to another, more inhumane one called Hype.

SL4Y3R wrote:
dnmr wrote:
I sincerely hope you guys realize that you're not getting reliable results for anything above level 60, since the endgame is absolute bullshit without trading.


Another quality ZAP! post.
2 years melee is in a bad spot and nothing been done until recently, casters get nerfed for 1 month few qq and it is already looked on and balanced back.

I mean why are you so in love with casters GGG? I wish Melee would have had the same love in past.

Also boost 2h please.
Forum pvp
XxLabanxX wrote:
I can't wait to see the leech changes. Is there a planned wipe when those changes go into effect with that patch?

GGG won't announce a wipe in advance; because after they did so the first time everyone stopped playing the beta. I doubt leech changes will be enough to trigger a wipe. My money's on when they add more of act 4; it's entirely possible that the leech changes will be bundled with that major update though.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
If there are more content, thats mean more "Beta test, and in the end, i think you should release act4 when you feel ready for it =))..

I am holiday 10 July-19 Augusti... Please GGG release Act4 20 Augusti ;)
Poe veteran! Have been here sense November 2010.
Thanks for the info Qarl.

Can you tell us if there will be any long term (e.g. 1 year) leagues in v2.0?
The idea of starting fresh with new economy is so appealing, but 3-4 month periods are too short for non-nolifer players.
The anticipation for this upcoming expansion is almost palpable.
''We are still a couple of weeks away from having this added to the beta.''

With an early July release?

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