State of the Beta - Post #5

I dont like this post.

"The artists have really pushed the boundaries, of their own skill, and the level of unpleasantness and horror."
this is irrelevant and compromising information, we work really hard to make thinks happen - right, we "push our boundaries" aka "i did everything what i could" - wrong

"I have spent a lot of the last week looking at each team member's issues and the overall feature list. This is important for making sure people are working on issues required for release, and also to make sure all the features have issues created for them."
this means - we doing our job, which is nice, i guess, but this is not a something which you should post as a announcements

sorry if this sounds rude, for some reason this is bother me, i guess this is because i want to play new staff but cant
Necrogue wrote:
If you want to help casters then reverse the shotgunning change for LMP and GMP. Yes the change for monsters helps melee but killing it for players takes the game in a direction twords being generic and bland like other games.

You would seriously take shotgunning over the old EB???
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
Unless you're planning on leaving a bunch of issues open after release, only burning down the bug list from 698 to 629 is rather worrying. Unless the rate of new issues being reported drops at lot (or the rate at which you're closing issues accelerates greatly), you're ~10 weeks out not 4 (as implied by 154 items closed this week), which would push the release date all the way back to September.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
At the current state of the beta and with this weeks post from Qarl I hope they delay the release to at least september.

Changing gem xp levels doesn't really improve caster survivability! Even undoing the EB/MoM changes wouldn't improve the caster survivability enough to help them survive long in high level content as the dmg scaling is beyond reasonable.

Thanks a lot Qarl for this update, really encouraging that GGG is dedicated to quality and precision! Very pleased to see the focus on self casting and rebalancing those archetypes.
I don't understand why you change leech again. What is wrong with leech now?
ellefanor wrote:
I dont like this post.

"The artists have really pushed the boundaries, of their own skill, and the level of unpleasantness and horror."
this is irrelevant and compromising information, we work really hard to make thinks happen - right, we "push our boundaries" aka "i did everything what i could" - wrong

"I have spent a lot of the last week looking at each team member's issues and the overall feature list. This is important for making sure people are working on issues required for release, and also to make sure all the features have issues created for them."
this means - we doing our job, which is nice, i guess, but this is not a something which you should post as a announcements

sorry if this sounds rude, for some reason this is bother me, i guess this is because i want to play new staff but cant

Seriously... u make a rude post cause u can't use new staff? This makes no sense
After playing freeze pulse and incinerate in beta I would be upset if they reversed the decision for shot gunning; particularly when considering incoming damage. I don't think this decision is likely to be reversed anyway though; at least in it's previous iteration. It could be possible to have a unique where projectiles shotgun though. Or even a support gem in the future.
Return to this flameless sunder
Where exiles burn and the joyless wander;
Frozen lore beneath chaotic thunder,
Dominus returns to send us under.
Last edited by ckay27#1488 on May 31, 2015, 7:29:52 PM
Catchafire2000 wrote:
In addition, can we get an update on divination cards?

The guys are working on them and we'll put some on Beta once the first set are ready!
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late july please

too many tests in july and couldnt play a single minute :(

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