State of the Beta - Post #5

innervation wrote:

In any event I'm more concerned about the future of 'polish' focused development than I am about The Awakening. GGG has a solid track record of delivering content - they've been polishing the game as they go up to this point, and I think it's worked out well for them and for us. I just hope they stick to that process.

I completely agree with this mentality. It's what keeps the game fresh and entertaining. Everyone who doesn't like this style has already left this game, and I can't see returning. For example, I have some friends who love this game and have been playing for years, and a couple other friends who I thought would love it, but just didn't get into it. I can't see them coming back now to try it again.

On a side note, it has blown me away at how fast GGG has responded to some of the bigger bugs or exploits in this game over the years. I would rather be impressed at how fast they can fix something that comes up, then wait months on end to have a more polished game, because there are always going to be bugs and exploits anyway.
melee vs caster, that caster is better in anyway? :D
IGN: Abnx
Abn wrote:
melee vs caster, that caster is better in anyway? :D

It is the age of melee now, caster is dog shit. Though I suppose bow users are okay as well.

Doesn't matter if you play Softcore I guess, if you don't mind dying every 5 minutes.
CorranHorn wrote:
How can you be "a couple of weeks away from introducing this into the beta", when it's supposed to be on the LIVE realm in 4 weeks?

release will be early september ;)
IGN TylordRampage
CorranHorn wrote:
How can you be "a couple of weeks away from introducing this into the beta", when it's supposed to be on the LIVE realm in 4 weeks?

''a couple of weeks'' are 2 weeks. So if they add this to beta in 2 weeks then they have 2 weeks until the optimistic release date.

What's wrong with that?
over 600 issues sound like a lot to me. lots of work? :)

thanks ggg for your hard work with act 4.
I know this has been mentioned a lot in the comments, but casters really have no defense right now, except for a good offense. That's fine.. In softcore. In hardcore all it takes is one slippery rhoa to ram its head up your ass and you're gone. And right now, we have no way to realistically prevent that. CI is a bitch to make work because of how stun/freeze works. Meaning to make a defense that sort of works, you'd have to give up a considerable amount of damage, which is what spell casters, IMO, are meant to be doing.

Melee is fairly good where it is. I like the changes that are making it viable. It's very realistic now and I think that adds a lot to the game. The only thing I don't like is if you want to go crit melee (other than dagger) it's pretty god damn hard. Even with the new crit staves (haven't personally tried the axes, although I know they were nerfed (so I've heard for good reason)), with every melee crit on the left side of the tree (I think its reasonable to say an in-your-face melee character isn't going to go through the witch tree) you end up with less than 50% crit. I would much rather just go big damage and avoid crit altogether. I know that is a hard balancing issue, but I think it should be addressed as the main concept of this game is you can build whatever you want.

If there's a "melee vs. caster" debate, it shouldn't matter. Whichever playstyle is most popular shouldn't matter. What should matter is that every play style (melee/range/caster) is equally playable in both hard/softcore.

Right now casters have no plausible defense. Give them a skill, as casters use lots of those, or make stun and freeze go off of energy shield (keystone?) so CI is easier to run. (NOTE: I realize that would make CI ridiculously OP, it's just a sort of suggestion)

On a brighter note, I really enjoy the beta, and the QOL changes are fantastic. The balancing changes are in the right direction, they just are still requiring a bit of work. Keep up the good work GGG :)
Malone wrote:
CorranHorn wrote:
How can you be "a couple of weeks away from introducing this into the beta", when it's supposed to be on the LIVE realm in 4 weeks?

release will be early september ;)

Nah man, late August. Worse comes to worst, it might be a couple days into September.
Coasteroli wrote:

If there's a "melee vs. caster" debate, it shouldn't matter. Whichever playstyle is most popular shouldn't matter. What should matter is that every play style (melee/range/caster) is equally playable in both hard/softcore.

Right now casters have no plausible defense. Give them a skill, as casters use lots of those, or make stun and freeze go off of energy shield (keystone?) so CI is easier to run. (NOTE: I realize that would make CI ridiculously OP, it's just a sort of suggestion)

This is far from true, and you are looking at things pretty much from a standard mmorpg way.

A Caster can be just as tanky as Melee, and dodge/evade just as much as a Ranger; as in the same tree is shared by all classes, nevertheless your starting point, 120 points are enough for any class reach any side.

Leech is about the only thing that separates this 3 roles, and is imo the key to balance a greater offence with a plausible defence.
Back to The Melee (Reaving Insight): view-thread/1240462
Fusion Skill Engineering: view-thread/1095291
Last edited by jahcinto#3693 on Jun 1, 2015, 11:52:41 AM
jahcinto wrote:

This is far from true, and you are looking at things pretty much from a standard mmorpg way.

This is a standard mmorpg. Classes: Ranger, Mage, Melee. Add a couple different mechanics on a scion doesn't differentiate it much. The game doesn't need to be completely novel--and it isn't.
Last edited by CrypticksVoid#3296 on Jun 1, 2015, 11:55:59 AM

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