Hideout Decoration Limits

I was in the middle of decking out my hideout to the point of hand paving a road through it using the brick floor tiles (Currently 3 hours of time invested on this road), when I get a wonderful error message that says that you're only allowed 750 decorations in your hideout at one time.

THIS needs to be changed. You get this kick ass large hideout with lot of space to be creative. You farm a metric crap ton of favor. You spend hours laying bricks, only to find out that 3/4 of the way through... You have reached the invisible unstated cap on decorations.

So Feedback idea

#1) remove the cap. If i have enough favor to be able to look like a crazy cat woman mixed with an bad episode of hoarders, let me do so. My hideout is for my personal enjoyment. If my computer can run with the high amount of garbage I pack in my hideout, that's all I need. Besides, as stated above, this is a crazy cat lady that hoards... ain't nobody wanna visit that anyway!

#2) If you refuse to remove the cap on decorations, at least do others the favor of stating in the edit screen or decorations page that a maximum of 750 items are allowed.

#3) Allow us to sell back some of the items we purchased for a fraction of the favor we spent on them. heck I'd take back just 10% of the 600 floor tiles I have sitting uselessly in my hideout stash now.

Thanks from an extremely annoyed brick laying lightning witch. -_-
Last edited by cmilles#5060 on Apr 24, 2015, 3:07:53 PM
Last bumped on May 23, 2018, 3:47:05 PM
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Sounds like a reasonable enough request, and with the current brouhaha about Hideout of the Week, it might even be granted.

Care to show us a screenshot of your 3/4ths finished hideout? :)

Each of those "Floor 7" tiles is the size of the bricks that you can see around the waypoint. Sadly, the hoarders crew showed up and (albeit grudgingly) had me take out the excessive things I wasn't "needing."

I do have to say that my cobblestone roadway was looking dope as you can kinda of get an idea from from the picture.
Bump for hilarity and well-written suggestion.
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I hate the bricks.
They really should just give floor/wall tilesets you can use and which are much easier to align.
I see them all over the main content and wish I had me a piece of that.
i agree, some items shouldnt be limited.

The item limit is probably here for performanes reasons... imagine 750 torchs overlapped and cry. You can also instant crash and "lock" your hideout because you cant enter inside anymore...

But it's completely silly with the bricks man ! BUFF the bricks! they need to create two separate kind of items : one unlimited : path/bricks and one limited : big items, lightning effects
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
I don't think the game supports an unlimited number ob objects. It gets to a point where the realm or your client crashes when someone joins the instance, and GGG can't allow that to happen. Increasing the amount of objects allowed might be possible, but only GGG knows that.
Geisalt wrote:
i agree, some items shouldnt be limited.

The item limit is probably here for performanes reasons... imagine 750 torchs overlapped and cry. You can also instant crash and "lock" your hideout because you cant enter inside anymore...

But it's completely silly with the bricks man ! BUFF the bricks! they need to create two separate kind of items : one unlimited : path/bricks and one limited : big items, lightning effects

I totally agree and understand. My brick laying, storm calling, lightning warper gets many-a-complaint about graphics overload for lower performance players (their computers not their quality of game play :P). I can only imagine what it would do on their computer to have 750 different lighting effects all stacked into a single hideout looking like an EDM festival with a splash of Disco Fever here and there.

DnAngel, you have a valid point, which I am sure is why there is a limit. I would like to see some changes to certain things like bricks/flooring/etc. Geisalt may have the solution there. Buff the size of the bricks (or allow the player to adjust the size of placeables in their hide out so it takes fewer of them and would also cut down on load time from cluttering.

Being able to sell back unusable or undesirable pieces (since you can't preview the decorations before you buy them) would also be a nice touch.
Quite disappointing to see no progress on this matter even after such a long time since this topic was originaly posted.

At one side deco limites are fine and logical due to server/client stability.
GGG uses rng decorations so we players can come up with our creativity and create a superb styled paving on a floor with several of rng decorations.
That's all great.

But... on the otherside, we cannot give our creativity a real kick, since the deco cap.


Is there noone in GGG that can solve this primitive issue?
Honestly? I mean like ORLY?
It doesn't take tons of brainusage to tinker it out, do you realize that? GGG?
Even a simple decoration like a road pattern would do it.
If you would top it out, you could implement a new way of adjusting the decorations like this one above suggested, by simply allowing us to stretch it.
Imagine a line. Create 4 points on it, those points are Begining, End and 2 inbetween those. The points are defining the angle of the line. if you move them from the line vector, they change the shape of the line, curving it.
May sound hard to understand or explain. To easily get it: check out ie. drawing program Paint.Net, use a Line brush and see what I tried to describe.

well... w/e

maybe one day we gonna see some work on HOs aside from just adding some new and newer decorations.

I mean... HECK! there is not even a simple primitive DECO COUNTER displayed, nor a command to show the ammount of decorations placed in HO, nor # of remaining to place


even the description on poe gamepedia is misleading on this matter
It is possible to buy various decorations (a maximum of 750)...

AFAIK it's the max ammount of placeable decorations into HO, not max # one can buy...
Playing for joy ♥

If interested, check out my Hideout(s): /view-thread/2226019
Last edited by Moribundus#6790 on Feb 28, 2017, 2:16:47 PM
Got same problem here.

Totally agreed, "Floor", "Brick" and "Path" things should be out of the 750's cap for the max items in hideout, whenever all the other items should stay in this cap.

At leat, those "bricks" etc does not really use all resources of the computers, only the effects, waters, shadows and tree things does. Floors doesnt really put any shadows on Hideouts!

I covered only 5% of my hideout with "Paths" items from Tora, and I used 55 of them...
I have actually 550 "Bricks" Covering about 8% of my hideout.
And I just want to make a path that cross my Hideout with "bricks" from East to West.
Simply that. And it's actually impossible due to this, because the cap includes floor items.
Everybody needs to have a great, beautiful floor before doing all the rest of the Hideout :'(

Kinda need a big up to this post.
Pretty sure that's not a real challenge to edit, and computers can easilly support that ;(
Could you do this, Please :)

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