Five Day Solo Event (Hardcore)

Guys, what build you think is more OP for this race?
I'd suggest playing scrubcore if you dont know build yet :D gonna be plaing till I DAH
One last fling with flameblast ? nty
I really hope that those that already have beta access show good manners and RIP their hardcore racing chars and deletes their softcore racing chars if they hit 70+ or more importantly top 35 before the race ends, it's not like you will be getting a key you can give away but you might be blocking someone else from getting in depending on how GGG does it. (maybe they answered this somewhere, but I haven't seen anything on this)
nice race cant even join getting dc everytime i try to join
failed to join instance, 2nd time in new instance too
the only thing I was interested in was the illusion of competition but eu servers fucked it up as usual
it's a bit annoying having to play on usa gateway to have a chance
Have had problems with EU servers since before the event started....still continues to dc and fail to join instances :\
I'm lagging and desyncing so bad it's not even playable. 6 seconds to control click an item to the vendor. 10 seconds to open the stash before items show up. In combat I have no idea where I'm at or what I'm hitting. Maybe I'll play softcore for a while.

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