Community News: New Forum Management

Great job Bex! Cant wait to see the new changes
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Xavi wrote:
You can't apply the same standards to people who have never been on probation before and people who have been on probation several times. So yes those 'targets on head' are there for a reason. It's why someone who has been caught stealing five times in the past gets a way higher sentence than someone who was stealing for the first time.

Oh there are tons of whiteknights destroying valuable feedback. Calling them whiteknights gets you probated.

What they do is far worse: Before the adhominem rule."You are wrong because you are stupid"
now "WTF is you problem, L2P x is great"

I really think it's okay though. If I call you a fucker I'll get probated. If someone new calls you a fucker he'll get a warning. I guess I'm repeating myself but yeah :P

If you beat somebody up for the 10th time you get the death penalty if you murder one for the first time you receive a warning.

@FadeFX - I would like it if severe offences, like making racist remarks, would warrant a probation over a warning.

The system is broken. Some guy posted GGGestapo+ other racist remarks and got a 2 day probation, because the system is 2,4,7,10,14,20,30,30day chainprobation.

I reported a posting of somebody posting a racist remarks (forgot the nick) but he received a probation 2days at best because of the current system. Imo that phrase was worth 10-14 days.

The probationsystem should be based on offense not based on target markers there was a time Mods were that lazy they only browsed shitlisted users history like Bhavv, mine or others for posts they could remove while dozen others more offensive ones were left alone. The are literally some moderatorfree zones.

There has to be a list what kind of offense give what kind of punishment just like a ticket system. If you drive 10 miles too fast your punishment isn't as big as 20 miles too fast.

And some rules became really absurd over time. First you weren't allowed to actively shame.
And at some points we weren't allowed to about about banned users as well? What's the reason behind it? Somebody unjustful banned should be unbanned within 48h. But if some streamer admits RMT on stream for months people should be allowed to name him.
If it's too early for a final decision edit the postings with the information that the case isn't closed yet.

Best example is the recent betastreamer ban. The only open question is if the 1.3.1x ban was a mistake or not. But the case is clear. He has a cheater reputation and he obtained a key through a friend. The discussion shouldn't look like "RbS some words RbS, Rbs some words RBS."

Neogaf in particular is exceptionally well moderated in my opinion. I imagine it's because it's so hard to get in to, and so easy to get banned from, that anyone who has survived there,

Wait I think it's quiet the opposite. It's nearly impossible to get banned unless you are a new user and post GamerGate conspiracy bullhist. And some moderators have really questionable webarchive sites. HackerNews is a blog the comment section might be the only problem on bloggersites. It's more like 80% of the threads here would be locked.

Even when someone calls you a "fucker" to your face. (You know who you are.) That hyperlink "Report Post" does nothing.

Least for me, anyways.

Depends on moderator on shift. There are some extremly lazy ones only reading the shitlisted users posting history. They are more likely only reacting to ingame reports.

Hilbert wrote:

I really think it's okay though. If I call you a fucker I'll get probated. If someone new calls you a fucker he'll get a warning. I guess I'm repeating myself but yeah :P

If you beat somebody up for the 10th time you get the death penalty if you murder one for the first time you receive a warning.

Terrible analogy. I'm talking about two people commiting the exact same 'crimes', you're talking about two people commiting two very different crimes.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
The reign of Bex begins.
We tested it extensively
Any chance the new rules will target pointless posts ("first" etc.)? It's horrible trying to find useful information in replies involving popular posts due to all the noise.
Nightyb wrote:
Any chance the new rules will target pointless posts ("first" etc.)? It's horrible trying to find useful information in replies involving popular posts due to all the noise.

Yes. We already tend to remove these, but they will be covered under what constitutes spam.
This is really good to hear.
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Still upset you didn't give me a beta key though, Bex.
Last edited by Mythicpoe#7612 on Apr 23, 2015, 5:03:36 AM
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