k1rage wrote:
Hyskoa wrote:
Ow, I have enough experience with how they ran things, there's nothing inside the way she phrased her statement that said we'll get less censorship.
It's dreadful, if I wanted to read a whitewashed forum, I'd take a trip to the European country on my right, they have lots of experience with whitewashing propaganda there.
your probably right, but I pray your not
Should she have? A forum that has no censorship digresses to the maturity of the lowest common denominator.
It does not encourage people to participate, in fact it has the exact opposite effect: only the bottom feeders that spend more time trying to get a rise out of others or spreading their own version of venom.
Freedom of Speech does not cover you here. It is a principle that should be protected, but is not the only factor in moderation.
A healthy forum requires censorship for some forms of communication to include:
-Spewing misinformation
-Venomous responses
-Non-stop negative posts that add no value
-Name calling/Ad hominem
-Purposeful straw man arguments that misrepresent GGG's stance
-Abuse of forum mechanics (using alternate accounts to feign majority, etc.)
You get the point. Censorship to protect the product line and customers is warranted in some instances. If they had actually censored the CBT discussion, people would/should be on probation. I can 100% say the mob tactics kept me from weighing in with my honest opinions because it would have just been fuel to a fire that was providing no value.
They should have done more than they did.
Thanks for all the fish!
Posted byNubatron#4333on Apr 23, 2015, 10:17:30 AM
Nubatron wrote:
k1rage wrote:
Hyskoa wrote:
Ow, I have enough experience with how they ran things, there's nothing inside the way she phrased her statement that said we'll get less censorship.
It's dreadful, if I wanted to read a whitewashed forum, I'd take a trip to the European country on my right, they have lots of experience with whitewashing propaganda there.
your probably right, but I pray your not
Should she have? A forum that has no censorship digresses to the maturity of the lowest common denominator.
It does not encourage people to participate, in fact it has the exact opposite effect: only the bottom feeders that spend more time trying to get a rise out of others or spreading their own version of venom.
Freedom of Speech does not cover you here. It is a principle that should be protected, but is not the only factor in moderation.
A healthy forum requires censorship for some forms of communication to include:
-Spewing misinformation
-Venomous responses
-Non-stop negative posts that add no value
-Name calling/Ad hominem
-Purposeful straw man arguments that misrepresent GGG's stance
-Abuse of forum mechanics (using alternate accounts to feign majority, etc.)
You get the point. Censorship to protect the product line and customers is warranted in some instances. If they had actually censored the CBT discussion, people would/should be on probation. I can 100% say the mob tactics kept me from weighing in with my honest opinions because it would have just been fuel to a fire that was providing no value.
They should have done more than they did.
I hate to say it buy some censorship is indeed required
but I feel a light touch is better than an Iron fist
I dont want to end up with a forum where the only acceptable post is "PoE is Great" (even though its true lol)
Also I hope they dont censor posts intended as humor, if so well... im screwed lol
I dont see any any key!
Posted byk1rage#5701on Apr 23, 2015, 10:22:00 AM
It's the visibility thing again. The PoE reddit is basically one board. What we have is nothing short of a fustercluck of boards.
That's because the structure doesn't exist here.
There should be a forum called Classforum linking to Duelist, Witch.....(6 spaces gain)
Merge Race/PVP Discussion and Feedback 2 spaces gain. Add a tab PVP Event/Ratings and you gain another 3 spaces.
There are even duplicate boards now: Feedback and Suggestions and Suggestions.
Even in the time of bulletin boards, phpbb creating tons of forums decreased the popularity of forums that's why many game forums failed hard because they made a forum for every game and either you searched for the forum or you had to scroll for like half a minute.
Posted byHilbert#4232on Apr 23, 2015, 10:41:44 AM
FadeXF wrote:
Just need to say it again: I am totally ok with any style of moderation you guys choose, Bex. As long as everyone - no matter what your past is - is held to the exact same accountable standards.
I equate this to Hockey reffing - bear with me a sec... some games the officials "let the guys go" and the game gets REALLY exciting... rarely does anyone get hurt... but the hits get harder, the play gets wilder, and it's so much more fun watching (and participating). When you watch a game where the officiating is at a stage where even the tiniest of tugs on a jersey - by letter of the law: PENALTIES all over the place, the game is terrible to watch, never fun, no enjoyment.
There's that fine balance though where you don't want anyone to get hurt.
What really REALLY sucks is watching those games where the officials have "put their whistles away" then suddenly out of the blue they just seem to randomly pick a team and PENALTY - like: you either choose to "let the players play" or "officiate by letter of the law" - the worst choice is to let us go, and then choose to punish 1 poster completely randomly.
Hope that makes sense. Either way you decide you are going to officiate your forums is fine as long as it's completely clear, and completely standardized. Either rule it with a set of rules FIRMLY where EVERYONE follows the exact same rules no matter what, past history included doesn't matter... or "let us go" - just don't suddenly step in an moderate when you've made the choice to let us go.
I see what you mean but once you have a reputation its kinda hard to get rid of it.
to go back to he hockey analogy, you know that the ref keeps a closer eye on guys who have a reputation for Gooning it up
In fact the league tends to punish those players more severely
not saying its right but once you have a rep its hard to get rid of it
I dont see any any key!
Posted byk1rage#5701on Apr 23, 2015, 10:47:04 AM
ampdecay wrote:
Third wave feminism is really making me hate the term toxic :/
that remotely fits here idk what your thought process is .
Dear new mod your task is to moderate a virtual online place where angry gamers ( most of the time ) will come and complain who usually has no regards for other people in real life let alone over the internet , talk about mission impossible . May god be with you :)
chaotic neutral
Posted bynubmoj#7397on Apr 23, 2015, 10:47:32 AM
k1rage wrote:
I see what you mean but once you have a reputation its kinda hard to get rid of it.
to go back to he hockey analogy, you know that the ref keeps a closer eye on guys who have a reputation for Gooning it up
In fact the league tends to punish those players more severely
not saying its right but once you have a rep its hard to get rid of it
I think FadeXF was referring to the opposite of what you were referring to.
Posted byelitedesolator#6827on Apr 23, 2015, 10:51:10 AM
FadeXF wrote:
I really really dislike forum lay outs like Redit and League of Legends where you can up and down vote.
Why? Well - I recently asked on LOL forums a question game related - and was promptly downvoted. Not just 1 or 2 but a ton. It was ridiculous - and my legitimate game related question was never answered, but people sure did enjoy downvoting it.
What I think is that there are people who run bots/scripts just to downvote automatically.
I also tested it and was able to counter some of the votes by logging in to multiple accounts and at least I got the counter to -5 anyway. <rolleyes>
To me: up and down vote is complete garbage and if you want me specifically to just never post, then go with that style hahaha. (Maybe I shouldn't say that too loudly.)
I hate the down voting this as well
I dont see any any key!
Posted byk1rage#5701on Apr 23, 2015, 10:52:42 AM
FadeXF wrote:
Just need to say it again: I am totally ok with any style of moderation you guys choose, Bex. As long as everyone - no matter what your past is - is held to the exact same accountable standards.
I equate this to Hockey reffing - bear with me a sec... some games the officials "let the guys go" and the game gets REALLY exciting... rarely does anyone get hurt... but the hits get harder, the play gets wilder, and it's so much more fun watching (and participating). When you watch a game where the officiating is at a stage where even the tiniest of tugs on a jersey - by letter of the law: PENALTIES all over the place, the game is terrible to watch, never fun, no enjoyment.
There's that fine balance though where you don't want anyone to get hurt.
What really REALLY sucks is watching those games where the officials have "put their whistles away" then suddenly out of the blue they just seem to randomly pick a team and PENALTY - like: you either choose to "let the players play" or "officiate by letter of the law" - the worst choice is to let us go, and then choose to punish 1 poster completely randomly.
Hope that makes sense. Either way you decide you are going to officiate your forums is fine as long as it's completely clear, and completely standardized. Either rule it with a set of rules FIRMLY where EVERYONE follows the exact same rules no matter what, past history included doesn't matter... or "let us go" - just don't suddenly step in an moderate when you've made the choice to let us go.
Different games have different referees, different personalities. Moderators works shifts, and I don't recall their shift schedule being obvious to us. What might be called flagrant by one referee in the same game, might be business as usual for another.
Consistency should be important but also understand that your perception of a situation might not be how the moderator perceived it.
Taking the high road leads to the same destination so I would argue playing around or close to the line of acceptable behavior is a risk with no value -- and you shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't go as you would expect.
Thanks for all the fish!
Posted byNubatron#4333on Apr 23, 2015, 10:59:38 AM
To my knowledge, the current forum index layout is a work in progress. Bex has been very busy moving threads around, creating new boards, removing old. It's not done yet.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Posted byForeverhappychan#4626on Apr 23, 2015, 11:03:49 AMAlpha Member
This is awesome news, and a great development! When it occasionally gets to be too much (and it will) just remember"
Don't sweat the small stuff.
It's all small stuff.
Good Luck to you and the amazing GGG support team, I'm sure you will make some great improvements to the place.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Posted byDalaiLama#6738on Apr 23, 2015, 11:17:47 AM