NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

MoeC wrote:
NeverSink wrote:

Thank you for this awesome filter
I would like that every and any item with quality(superior) to show, what must I change for that?
Also another thing, I want all blue items to show, except for blue items that are more than 8 spaces.

Thanks in advaced

MORE than 8 spaces? Such items don't exist, you likely mean more than 6 spaces

At the bottom after


add the following lines (replace the "..." with numbers):

Quality > 0
SetBorderColor ...
SetBackgroundColor ...
SetFontSize ...

Rarity Magic
Height < 4
SetBorderColor ...
SetBackgroundColor ...
SetFontSize ...

Thank you very much
no I meant 8 spaces not sockets, like staves and two handed swords sizes. I might be mistaken, but according to my counting they are 8 :)

As for "replacing ... with numbers" what numbers are they exactly? how do i know what they stand for?
Thanks in advanced

Also another thing, I want all blue items to show, except for blue items that are more than 8 spaces.

You mean equal to 8 spaces, not more :p


SetFontSize X is the font-size of the displayed item. SetFontSize 32 is default. If you set it to SetFontSize 40 or something, it'll be much bigger and easier to spot.

SetBorderColor / SetTextColor and SetBackGroundColor define the Border, Text and Background of the item. Each of them is followed by R G B O

R = red
G = green
B = blue
O = opacity


SetFonSize 35
SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255

will display items slightly bigger with a red border.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
So i am new-ish, so lower level farming is still something I need to so. However I have a witch approaching 80 and this is becoming necesary especially in coop.

However I could not get the Override section to work. I just want magic and normal items of specified bases to display as if they were mid tier crafting items (i modified the color slightly too).

Here is my addition. Can anyone point out my mistake?

# SCRIPT by NeverSink ( the-dude- in reddit)
BaseType "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Wool Gloves" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Legion Gloves" "Arcanist Gloves" "Shargreen Gloves" "Buckskin Tunic" "Devout Chainmail" "Holy Chainmail" "Sentinel Jacket" "Destiny Leather" "Sleek Coat" "Tempered foil" "Primeval Rapier" "Twilight Blade" "Bastard Sword" "Karaui Axe" "Graceful Sword" "Fluted Bascinet" "Golden Kris": "Crested Tower Shield" "Spiraled Wand" "Driftwood Wand" "Sage Wand" "Crystal Wand" "Coral Amulet" "Viridian Jewel"
SetBackgroundColor 200 158 130
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
PlayAlertSound 1 300
SetFontSize 45
Rarity >= Normal

# Section: ALPHA-a # Talisman league!
loki113 wrote:
So i am new-ish, so lower level farming is still something I need to so. However I have a witch approaching 80 and this is becoming necesary especially in coop.

However I could not get the Override section to work. I just want magic and normal items of specified bases to display as if they were mid tier crafting items (i modified the color slightly too).

Here is my addition. Can anyone point out my mistake?

BaseType "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Wool Gloves" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Legion Gloves" "Arcanist Gloves" "Shargreen Gloves" "Buckskin Tunic" "Devout Chainmail" "Holy Chainmail" "Sentinel Jacket" "Destiny Leather" "Sleek Coat" "Tempered foil" "Primeval Rapier" "Twilight Blade" "Bastard Sword" "Karaui Axe" "Graceful Sword" "Fluted Bascinet" "Golden Kris": "Crested Tower Shield" "Spiraled Wand" "Driftwood Wand" "Sage Wand" "Crystal Wand" "Coral Amulet" "Viridian Jewel"
SetBackgroundColor 200 158 130
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
PlayAlertSound 1 300
SetFontSize 45
Rarity >= Normal

Are you getting a specific error message? The first thing to check would be to make sure that there is a break preceding your "Show". Put your cursor right before the S and hit enter. Just to be safe.

At a glance, this is a problem:

"Tempered foil"

Should be Foil, not foil.
A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter:

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Last edited by Antnee#4468 on Feb 2, 2016, 4:47:29 PM
NeverSink wrote:

You mean equal to 8 spaces, not more :p


SetFontSize X is the font-size of the displayed item. SetFontSize 32 is default. If you set it to SetFontSize 40 or something, it'll be much bigger and easier to spot.

SetBorderColor / SetTextColor and SetBackGroundColor define the Border, Text and Background of the item. Each of them is followed by R G B O

R = red
G = green
B = blue
O = opacity


SetFonSize 35
SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255

will display items slightly bigger with a red border.

Yeah apologies, I meant "not more than 6". Might have accidentally mistyped 8 because I was thinking about not wanting them and forgot to type "not" XD

Anyway thank you again
Why does a unique like Cameria's Maul have a background that makes it look much better than most uniques?

It's worth about an alch, I was really hyped when I saw the gavel drop :P
zankioh wrote:
Why does a unique like Cameria's Maul have a background that makes it look much better than most uniques?

It's worth about an alch, I was really hyped when I saw the gavel drop :P

I can't identify if the unique is a Cameria or a Mjölner.

So I'm using a medium tier background for it.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
NeverSink wrote:
zankioh wrote:
Why does a unique like Cameria's Maul have a background that makes it look much better than most uniques?

It's worth about an alch, I was really hyped when I saw the gavel drop :P

I can't identify if the unique is a Cameria or a Mjölner.

So I'm using a medium tier background for it.

Oh, of course, I'm a fool. Sorry man.
I'm running into a problem with the loot filter. It IS making noises when items drop, but it's NOT showing them on screen. I have to press the Alt button to see them. Chests, trunks, etc also stopped showing on the map and I have to actually hover over them to see what they are. Any suggestions on how I can fix? This just started happening about an hour ago and I'm not sure if I hit a key that made it stop working or what, but help would be greatly appreciated!!

I've reinstalled the loot filter and named it .filter in the correct location; activated it in my Input section.
Ok - I get the booby prize of the day for being a NOOB. I went to my Options menu and found out that my "Highlight All" button had become I don't know, but everything is working as it did before and I'm in heaven. :)
Hi all, and Hi Neversink :)

I Love ur loot Filter, the best with no doubt
pls if u have some time i need some help cos i added some new lines.
My core problem is that i want to show rare items > or = to 75 and this is includes all weapons and armour.
I have added line to each of your line based armour and weapos, the good thing is that he loaded in to the game but is not shown or no sounds. could u pls help me... i want the best items to show and sound. This is what i ve done:

# 0605 # RARE AXES&MACES (1H)
#1H-Axes are only used as physical weapons and only if they roll really well. That's why a high droplevel is required for an axe to be recommended

Class "One Hand Axes"
BaseType "Siege Axe" "Vaal Hatchet"
Rarity Rare
ItemLevel >= 75
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBackgroundColor 20 100 20
SetFontSize 35
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

Class "One Hand Axes"
BaseType "Siege Axe" "Vaal Hatchet"
Rarity Rare
ItemLevel >= 65
SetBackgroundColor 20 100 20
SetFontSize 35
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

Class "One Hand Maces"
Rarity Rare
DropLevel >= 66
ItemLevel >= 75
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBackgroundColor 20 100 20
SetFontSize 35
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

Class "One Hand Maces"
Rarity Rare
DropLevel >= 66
ItemLevel >= 65
SetBackgroundColor 20 100 20
SetFontSize 35
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

BaseType "Runic Hatchet" "Infernal Axe"
Class "One Hand Axes"
Rarity Rare
ItemLevel >= 75
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBackgroundColor 20 100 20
PlayAlertSound 8 300
SetFontSize 35
SetBorderColor 224 224 224

BaseType "Behemoth Mace" "Nightmare Mace"
Class "One Hand Maces"
Rarity Rare
ItemLevel >= 75
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBackgroundColor 20 100 20
PlayAlertSound 8 300
SetFontSize 35
SetBorderColor 224 224 224

#Anything with a <50lvl base won't be a priority pickup while maping.

Class "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Axes"
Rarity Rare
DropLevel <= 54
ItemLevel >= 75
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBackgroundColor 120 20 20 220
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 220
SetFontSize 29

Class "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Axes"
Rarity Rare
DropLevel <= 54
ItemLevel >= 65
SetBackgroundColor 120 20 20 220
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 220
SetFontSize 29

Thge one underline and bold is what i have added.. pls help

Many thanks bros :)
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