NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Check the FAQ for the sorcerer boots.

For the wand, change the "Hide" to "Show" in the following ruleset (you'll find it in section "[0215] Chromatic recipe items ("RGB Recipe")"

Hide #$rgb, small %H3
SocketGroup RGB
Width <= 1
Height <= 3
Rarity < Rare
ItemLevel >= 65
SetFontSize 36
SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Rares - Size - Small (+Good basetype), Recipe: small/high qual
SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 # BACKGROUND: Recipes

Its what I had done, sorry to bother, turns out that I forgot to reload it on the game so things werent showing up.
Pity the emperor who sits alone on his throne.
destrock wrote:
I'm making my filter based on the saya one. Every time I think it's finished I spend hours in it lol. So I'll just say it's near finished...

I was curious to see how you made yours cause your filter is in the top 3 most used (I think).

I took the time to come here, and write all this to say only one thing : your filter is a complete mess hahaha. Man seriously there is blocks and blocks and blocks and even more blocks and blocks again with items always repeating themselves wow. How the hell are you managing to use this I have no idea.

Oh and, why the crude bows lol ?

I finally finished looking at your filter. You gave me a couple ideas thank you. (Example : instead of just showing the divination cards with a special colour, I added 2 other blocks. One for the value between 5 chaos and 1 ex, and another for the 1+ ex [But I'll have to recheck after the league cause some cards give legacy items and the prices are of course all fucked up right now in legacy])

I was wondering, is your last block in your filter working ? (to show all items you forget to add in your filter maybe) Or you saved it only to keep the colour lol.

I wouldn't call commented, structured code and well maintained code a mess. It follows a very specific architecture, with parsing performance speed, "exception" detection as a number 1 priority and also contains formatting tags. I can understand that it's purpose or structure may elude one though, without sufficient ruleset based language editing experience.

I'm also using some personal tools to automate some processes and auto-generate styles and strictness subversions and maintain a certain quality level.

Check the FAQ for the crude bows.

The final section works. You miss-understood it's purpose. It's useful to for outdated versions as a failsafe or for manual/automated tests.

That being said, I'm glad it provided some ideas and inspirations to you.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Mar 15, 2017, 10:13:48 AM
Just a quick, picky suggestion: switch the new appearance item level requirement on higher item level maps to the lower item level maps. That way it's easier to disable/enable the new appearance for people who want to lower or raise the threshold :^)

Just a quick, picky suggestion: switch the new appearance item level requirement on higher item level maps to the lower item level maps. That way it's easier to disable/enable the new appearance for people who want to lower or raise the threshold :^)

I'll consider it


New version released: 4.62


- Added the purple (Necrotic) style. It includes all strictness subversions and is very breach/prophecy themed.
- Some divination and unique tier list improvements
- Added the bloodline leaguestone to the "expensive" leaguestone tier.
- Increased the tier of Skean daggers
- Shard/Scroll fragment visibility improved, to adjust the filter to the transmogrifying tempest
- The Uber-Strict filter now hides, transmutations and blacksmith whetstones
- Changed the ancient relic key color from green/white to orange/white. I somehow didn't include this change in the last update.
- Minor fixes and polishing things, I somehow didn't commit in 4.61



I'll just leave this here: FilterBlade preview
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Mar 15, 2017, 8:46:34 PM
Thank you Neversink <3!

NeverSink's itemfilter - version 4.63 - Bugfixing


- Hotfixed a bug in 4.62, that didn't highlight rare 6-links correctly (it highlighted them as 6S, instead of 6L)
- Moved emperor of purity a tier down
- Removed the custom purple style currency color for now. I'll change it to something else later.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Updated, THX again for Your work.

Was just playing on shaped mesa t10 and I noticed that a white dunes map would show on very strict, but a rare dunes map would not.
It's just me or magic jewels got nice candy palette?
Last edited by K4r4k4s4#5749 on Mar 18, 2017, 3:04:16 AM
This item is listed for over 3 exa on Should probably have the white valuable background. It looked like a common unique drop.

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