NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Quite new to the game and I thought I had gotten another janky unique.
Shouldn't this have some kind of highlight, considering the 2-3ex price?

Last edited by muzein#2324 on Mar 6, 2017, 7:34:33 AM
Garfunkel wrote:
Why Victario's Flight Goathide Boots is shown as a valuable unique? It is 1 alch in Legacy league.

Loot filters work off the BASE ITEM TYPE. In this case, Abberath's Hooves shares the same base and is HIGHLY valuable.
I've recently noticed that the regular filter as of v4.6 doesn't show all the RGU chrom vendor recipe bases like before. Some (low-lvl it seems) bases are not highlighted in any way, and are actually hidden with very tiny font intstead.

Is that normal?
Is there a guide in this post some where with instructions for activating the animate weapon script?
NeverSink wrote:
pannendienst wrote:
does not highlight Reliquary Key no drop sound ez to miss --------

Someone said the Neversink Filter doesn't catch Reliquary Keys is this true if not... nice job again on a loot filter.

It DOES highlight the keys. They're just super rare.

It's handled by the section on line 2363. As long as you have the latest version (4.6) - the one I've released before legacy, you'll see them without any issues. Keys are "Misc Map Items"

Show # %-TB-Breachstones-Relics-T1
Class "Misc Map Items"
SetFontSize 45
SetTextColor 100 220 145 255
SetBorderColor 100 220 145 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T1 Global High Value Drop
PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Drop

Now please stop spreading this ridiculous rumors and panicking. I've must've answered this question ~20 times on stream today.

I've also found 2 keys already, in my 5 man party, but as I'M saying, they're VERY

For those claiming the filter doesn't show the Reliquery Keys, this is what it looks like: Yep, pretty sure it shows up! Neversink, thanks for the awesome filter. Been using for a year now!

Just found my first one. It was a very clear drop. I'm still deaf 😂
T_Reich wrote:
I've recently noticed that the regular filter as of v4.6 doesn't show all the RGU chrom vendor recipe bases like before. Some (low-lvl it seems) bases are not highlighted in any way, and are actually hidden with very tiny font intstead.

Is that normal?

I've noticed this aswell. I've been running around holding ALT on bigger piles of loot just to catch RGBs the filter didnt pick up.
Very annoying and I hope it gets fixed soon.

Amazing filter though besides that and great work NeverSink :)
IGN: korgan_bloodarrow
Last edited by korgan_bloodaxe#0435 on Mar 7, 2017, 11:41:30 AM
Hello, could you please adjust "good" claw base types to contain terror claw and eagle claw

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