NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Is there a quick way to hide certain bases totally without missing 6-sockets/links?

I would really like to hide all armors at some point (for instance) that aren't vaal regalias unless they have at least 6 sockets.
Warbands members now drop their signature items already identified.

Has this been added to the loot filter? Checking the last 5 pages in this thread came up with zero discussion which is somewhat disturbing.

Oh and i think that silver coins should have a silver look instead.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Nov 27, 2016, 1:53:10 PM
*figured out*
Last edited by Feriath#0847 on Nov 28, 2016, 2:33:45 AM
I just started this filter, and I noticed two white 'sanctified life flasks' were different sizes. I noticed the ilvl-56 one was much smaller text than the ilvl-54 one. Is there a reason I'm missing, or is this an oversight?
fdsdfg wrote:
I just started this filter, and I noticed two white 'sanctified life flasks' were different sizes. I noticed the ilvl-56 one was much smaller text than the ilvl-54 one. Is there a reason I'm missing, or is this an oversight?

It's not an oversight.

The itemlevel is used to decide what area you're in (it depends upon the level of the area, +1 for magic monsters, +2 for uniques/rares, the filter has no way of telling your level). Flasks have a tier list. As you level certain new flasks will get a stronger highlight, while lower level flasks, will become less highlighted and eventually hidden.

In very rare cases this causes visual anomalies, such as if 2 border-level flasks with 1-2 level differences drop at the same time.


Has this been added to the loot filter? Checking the last 5 pages in this thread came up with zero discussion which is somewhat disturbing.

Oh and i think that silver coins should have a silver look instead.

I've added it in my internal version, that I've been testing since days and going to upload it these days.

Also, I'm trying to limit the number of colors. New features, usually get a new type of highlight, but if they're to stay, they're eventually categorized. I see no reason to treat silver coins differently from any other currency type anymore.

Is there an easy way to get these filters to color code the map drops based on their tier? Ideally I'd like to make white maps white, yellow maps yellow, red maps red, and guardian maps the red/white rare drops.

Is there a quick way to hide certain bases totally without missing 6-sockets/links?

I would really like to hide all armors at some point (for instance) that aren't vaal regalias unless they have at least 6 sockets.

It's going to be significantly easier in the upcoming version (I'll likely release a post/video about it) and even easier with a special upcoming tool.

Check the thread in a few days.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Nov 29, 2016, 10:40:16 AM
Hey NeverSink,

I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if this has been brought up. I noticed a lot of hybrid armour is showing with the darkgreen background highlighting (indicating it's a good rare). In your script (semi strict is what I used) I can't find specific mentions for these higher level hybrid armours. An example would be a General's Brigandine (and there's at least 10+ more hybrid bases).

I feel like this is an oversight since the lower level versions like Desert Brigandine have a specific rule at the start of "# 0613 # RARE BODY ARMOR". The rule which applies to a Desert Brigandine is the following "Show #$good %HB2" from's%20filter%20-%20SEMI-STRICT.filter#L2079 .

Why are these other hybrid bases not included so they show up with dark background, indicating a bad item bases for rare items, but still shown for chaos recipe etc.

Thanks in advance!
Last edited by 2slow4flow#2268 on Nov 29, 2016, 1:56:16 PM
Thanks for the thorough answer, that makes perfect sense!
Will there be an updated version for 2.5?
sims34 wrote:
Will there be an updated version for 2.5?


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