NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

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# 0701 # 83+ ITEM CRAFTING

Shows Steel Ring and Opal Rings right on the Second Group and there's multiple lists as well. I'm using the Regular Version though.
Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures.
Last edited by Atomic_Noodles#2233 on Nov 12, 2016, 10:17:11 AM
Has there been an update for the new crafting bases in atlas? ie: steel ring and opal ring?
very small and have to pay alot of attention to find in their appropriate maps.

otherwise awesome filter thanks!!

They show, and actually the textfont is fairly high. That being said, I'll going to give them dropsounds in the next update.

Azzatoth wrote:
RivalBlack wrote:
Has there been an update for the new crafting bases in atlas? ie: steel ring and opal ring?
very small and have to pay alot of attention to find in their appropriate maps.

otherwise awesome filter thanks!!

I second this. I have searched the entire file for "Steel" but the word appears nowhere, and so I'm quite afraid it won't show these 2 new ring bases...

I think there are 7 instances of Steel Ring in the filter. You fail at searching :D.

I would suggest adding Jewelled Foil to the Chance items that show. Thanks for all of your work!

Likely next update
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Nov 12, 2016, 10:37:53 AM
For some reason, this gets highlighted.

Using strict and uber-strict versions of the filter.
Looks like this...

EnvyTheJealous wrote:
For some reason, this gets highlighted.

Using strict and uber-strict versions of the filter.
Looks like this...

Check the FAQ page 1.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Hello NeverSink,

I just installed the filter (first-time user), it's pretty nifty :)

One question (couldn't find it in the FAQ anywhere). Is there an easy way to set up that the filter doesn't hide any items, but keeps the coloring/formatting that it uses?

For instance, I like the look when I have Z on and hold down Alt (basically showing everything, but makes the "bad loot" look much smaller than the rest). How'd I go about modifying the filter to make that a permanent setting?

Thanks in advance!

Here's an example of what I'm aiming for - the valuable loot (in this case the Citrine Amulet) being much larger than the rest, yet still showing the bad loot.


(for a larger resolution, the full image is here)
Last edited by KevDK#6147 on Nov 13, 2016, 11:45:24 AM
Is there an easy way to set up that the filter doesn't hide any items, but keeps the coloring/formatting that it uses?

If you really want everything to be visible simply using search and replace in your Text-Editor and Replacing every instance of "HIDE" with "SHOW" should be what you want to do (make a copy of the filter before) =)

I just took another look:
There is a section called "XXXX" at the end of the filter, which specifically says:
#You can replace the "hide" with a "show" below to display all hidden items in a really small font.

So maybe you don't even have to go through the whole filter.
Last edited by Kawaiser#7144 on Nov 13, 2016, 2:33:21 PM
Kawaiser wrote:
Is there an easy way to set up that the filter doesn't hide any items, but keeps the coloring/formatting that it uses?

If you really want everything to be visible simply using search and replace in your Text-Editor and Replacing every instance of "HIDE" with "SHOW" should be what you want to do (make a copy of the filter before) =)

I just took another look:
There is a section called "XXXX" at the end of the filter, which specifically says:
#You can replace the "hide" with a "show" below to display all hidden items in a really small font.

So maybe you don't even have to go through the whole filter.

Thanks Kawaiser, I'll give it a go :)
Hi NeverSink. First off all, i wona say thenkyou for this great filter & for your job.
But, i have question: i using my version of your filter. I modifired it by using "Filtration".
Your old version had quite understandable information line on the right side.

As you can see from the screenshot, I just removed a tick from some useless "information line's".
But the latest version of your filter contains a lot I do not understand the new units.

What do thous new "information line's" mean ?

Thnx for ansver & sorry for my bad english.

SC legues V
Last edited by zaregu#4605 on Nov 14, 2016, 11:11:02 AM
HELLO NeverSink (And everyone else)! I Love what you do for this game, it makes noobs like me understand it alot faster!

I've reached a point where i want to Edit your Filter, so that Certain White items drop.

I want the top tier Evasion items to show, Like Slink gloves & Boots, Zodiac leather ect...

I've tried fiddeling with your lootfilter code, and have followed the Example from your Q&A "I wanna cange C Base" section. But i think i am doing it wrong.

I know NOTHING about coding, so i humbly ask for anyones help. here is what i am trying to write,

#$chancing, top %D2
BaseType "Sorcerer Boots"
"Zodiac Leather" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" Rarity Normal
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 210 0 210
SetFontSize 38
PlayAlertSound 7

This is exactly the way i write it into the filter code, but when i start the game it saysa "Failed to load filter. Line 2768: Unknown rule type "Zodiac".

What am i doing wrong? :((

In advance, Thanks a MILLION to anyone who can provide me with some help!

Best of regards <3
Last edited by Bloodstoner90#5448 on Nov 13, 2016, 9:18:18 PM

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