NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions
" thanks! |
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" ... this is normal. Sorcerer boots WILL mostly turn blue. You chance them for the VERY small chance of them becoming skyforth which are worth 40+ exalted orbs. It's like a lottery. Blue sorcerer boots can't be chanced so they're pointless. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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Last edited by Dosage1#0946 on Sep 28, 2016, 1:21:20 AM
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" Anyone? |
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" You've been unlucky. There's no special hide statement for silverflasks in the regular/semistrict filters. In the strict/uberstrict all utility flasks are hidden in the endgame though. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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" so u did not understand a word i said looks like. WHen white sorcerer shoes dropped the filter was buggy and it loked like :#$$=9 (some random signs,characters,.. whatever.). i pick em up chance them they turn to blue (this is not the question). i throw them on the ground press alt to see what filter does and the magic. everythin was ok with blue sorc shoes - no random characters and signs as mentioned for white sorcerer shoes. ( blue sorc shoes have smaller font size in filter than the white ones.) . I WAS NOT DISSAPOINTED BY AN ORB OF CHANCE GIVING ME BLUE SHOES. BUT I MAYBE AM NOW DUE TO THE LACK OF UNDERSTANDING RECEIVED ON THE OTHER END. YOU FREAKIN UNDERSTOOD THAT I WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT A CHANCE GIVINMG ME BLUE SHOES. I WAS TRYIN TO SAY THE BUG ITSELF MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH FONT SIZE IN THE FILTER ITSELF, OR MAYBE WITH RESOULTUION OF THE GAME (when i played arround with different game resoulutions the same item was buggy on firs resolution and it was everything ok when i changed the resolution to the seceond size.) Maybe some font sizes are not compatible with some resoultions. Kinda what i noticed. it didnt even help when i restarted the game the first time. Reloading same filter but a copy didnt do shit and so on :) Had to restart couple of times to make a difference. Hope it will be easier to understand. LOVE THE FILTER ANYWAYS IT'S REALLY GOOD. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK :) Last edited by Hoodcrap#6655 on Sep 28, 2016, 10:59:13 AM
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" Thanks Neversink. Is it the same for other utility flasks in endgame with Regular version. I just spent a few more maps running around with Alt key pressed, and I saw a stibnite and sulphur flask drop...they disappeared without Alt. |
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Your not going to believe it but jsut ran a Coves map and guess what dropped, a SILVER flask. But I Was definitely pressing the ALT key and running regular version. Screenshot: ![]() |
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" That can't be. I just double-checked. The latest regular version displays the all utility flasks in a grey font. Please redownload the filter. ![]() " haha, relax. It's my fault, sorry :P. That being said the phrasing of your initial question/message wasn't very enlightening and very hard to understand. It has nothing to do with sorcerer's boots as you probably understand and while resolution might be connected (since this is a kerning issue, things like resolution/SetFontSize affects it). At this point I'm pretty confident that it's connected to background activity or possibly the kerning not being able to catch up. I've been able to reproduce it, by running certain background applications. Either way, there's nothing we can do, except for removing the SetFontSize's (which I'm not going to do) and it doesn't even fix the problem entirely. By changing the resolution, it'll likely just happen to other items. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Sep 28, 2016, 6:57:21 PM
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Yo. Thanks for a great filter, I really enjoy it, just one question. Does the UBER-STRICT version filter out white Sorcerer boots? Don't think I've seen anyone drop since I started using it.
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