NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Hello, thanks for update :)
Edit: seems to be a common bug with the game. restarting the game fixed it

Hi, I experienced a little bug

This was in normal daresso's dream, the belt dropped from a rare mob and I'm using the 4.0 filter (same result on any version).

Last edited by OceanDragonLord#1239 on Sep 3, 2016, 4:58:13 AM
Gonna give this a try. Thx for the work you put into it, regardless of if I even like it.
IGN @Baezil
The filter doesn't work after the last hotfix because of mountain ledge map. O_o
For some reason it is listing items in russian even though the rest of the game is in english. when i disable filter items do not drop in russian titles!!!
Thanks for the filter. But i'm currently getting a bug.

Line430: Unable to parse parameter for BaseType rule " No base types found matching "mountain ledge"

Does anybody know to how to fix this problem? Thanks!
Zankio wrote:
Thanks for the filter. But i'm currently getting a bug.

Line430: Unable to parse parameter for BaseType rule " No base types found matching "mountain ledge"

Does anybody know to how to fix this problem? Thanks!

Use the latest version, you're using the old one.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Same probleme here with "mountain ledge". There is only one version (4.0) I can found. Is this the latest version? It doesn't work. :(
Mijitsu wrote:
Same probleme here with "mountain ledge". There is only one version (4.0) I can found. Is this the latest version? It doesn't work. :(

Then how come i am playing now in essence league with this filter? Explain that one to me.
@Neversink why didn't you include Zodiac Leather as T1 or T2 rare? Also I think that Runic Hatchet and Infernal Axe are not showed as good rares (only Siege and Vaal Hatchet). Didn't check ingame, only looking at the code atm.

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