NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Thanks for the update!

Really appreciate your work on this filter.
Thank you NeverSink!
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I would like to point out that not all items have even treatment while leveling. I will talk about rare items, section #0614. For example, we have these blocks(will exclude the lines that will just make this example longer):

ItemLevel < 10

DropLevel > 5
ItemLevel < 15

DropLevel > 10
ItemLevel < 20

We can realize that:
Item with droplevel=1 and ilvl=1-9 will be shown(highlighted)=> 9 different itemlevels.
Item with droplevel=2 and ilvl=2-9 will be shown(highlighted)=> 8 different itemlevels.
Item with droplevel=3 and ilvl=3-9 will be shown(highlighted)=> 7 different itemlevels.
Item with droplevel=4 and ilvl=4-9 will be shown(highlighted)=> 6 different itemlevels.
Item with droplevel=5 and ilvl=5-9 will be shown(highlighted)=> 5 different itemlevels.
Item with droplevel=6 and ilvl=6-15 will be shown(highlighted)=> 9 different itemlevels.
Item with droplevel=7 and ilvl=7-15 will be shown(highlighted)=> 8 different itemlevels.

So, some items will be shown(highlighted in the filter) in more areas with different level than others.

The only solution that I know would be to cover every single itemlevel individually, making the code ~1000 lines longer :(.

ItemLevel < 10

DropLevel > 1
ItemLevel < 11

DropLevel > 2
ItemLevel < 12

Item with droplevel=1 and ilvl=1-9 will be shown(highlighted)=> 9 different itemlevels.
Item with droplevel=2 and ilvl=2-10 will be shown(highlighted)=> 9 different itemlevels.

I know that not many people care about leveling filtering, but I just realized that a perfect filter could have ~10k lines. Does length of the filter impact the game or speed at which the items get filtered?
Last edited by mare6600#2311 on Mar 20, 2016, 6:01:34 AM
Use this filter since first version, really great!

Thanks for the update!
I cliked on the wrong download link, thanks for the helps boys :)
I've just updated to the 3.12 full lootfilter version, and I'm experiencing something that seems different than usual. I'm currently leveling a character, about level 20. Every item is showing, nothing is being filtered out. Colors/sounds are working, sizes of loot names, etc, it's just showing every item. Is this normal while leveling now?
Sry but where is the downloadable filter? I just found a txt file with the script.
Zittra wrote:
Sry but where is the downloadable filter? I just found a txt file with the script.

That's what you need. Copy/paste that large block of text into a text file. If you have notepad++ I'd recommend that, so you can ensure encoding is set to ANSI. Save it with a name like NS 3.12.filter. The .filter part is important. Put it in the PoE folder in My Games. Select it in game, you're good to go!

More in depth instructions are located at the top of that file itself.
duuuuuuude, thank you so much for making this. thing works like a charm with easy to follow directions.
p.s. and your bow thread rocks too.
you rule.cheers!
Why do uniques like Aurseize have a special background? They're only worth about 2C so it can't be the value I'd think.

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