NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions
Downloaded the new updated version but it's only making noises for the "rare" drops. Not filtering out non linked/crap white items out. :(
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To anyone having issues with 3.1 not filtering anything: I encountered the same problem during my play, however it was not the filter causing it. For some reason the client thought I was holding alt (The key to show all items). When I pressed alt, it fixed the problem for me.
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" I tried doing that before posting. Didn't work for me :( |
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@nivvy/sorty: did you rename it in Windows Explorer, or load it in Notepad and Save As... Neversink.filter?
I don't think the first method works since your computer still recognizes it as a .txt... could be wrong on that one... You can also do it the way he says and go to the bottom of the pastebin link and highlight the Raw Data... Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V inside Notepad and Save As... Neversink.filter... @cyranorick: The file has a table of contents for future changes... as for flasks, sections 801 and 802 hide old flasks and normal flasks in maps... you can delete them and save, or just add a # symbol in front of all the lines there so you can change it back later if you need to... the # symbol tells the game to ignore that line of code... you need to do it for all the indented lines under the Hide line, as well, or weird things could start happening or it wont load |
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I have to agree with the others here that something is wrong with the 3.1 version. I myself use the augmented 3.1 version, and a friend of mine uses the stock 3.1 version. We both see the highlighted items/hear the sounds, but none of the whites or blues are being filtered for me (I'm in the 80s). My friend gets the whites filtered, but he still sees the blues.
I tried comparing the legacy filter to the 3.1 version and couldn't find a reason as to why it's messed up. That being said, there obviously is an issue of some kind. Really unfortunate, as this is my favorite loot filter out there. Hoping to see this resolved soon. |
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Uploaded a new version of my lootfilter (3.11), that filters MUCH more aggressively during leveling!
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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First off, thanks for the continued support of this loot-filter!
I have overall been happy with most sections of it. However, the chance orb part of it I'm not really happy with, but I didn't really want to suggest any changes before I had a concrete suggestion for improvements. So, here is what I suggest: - Add an itemlevel requirement of 60, that way you can use rare failed chances in the chaos orb recipe. It's not like we're swimming in chance orbs, so better get more value for them. (idea taken from Ziggy's filter) - List items that we are chancing for in comments. - Sort the various uniques into themed groups. - Use the top tier uniques from the league challenges as a base. (I have sorted them into three groups: those common to 2.1 and 2.2, those that are in the 2.2 challenge only, and those that are in the 2.1 challenge only (this last group is commented out)) - The last group include those on NeverSink's original list that aren't in those challenges. Now, when I listed the uniques in the comments, I did deliberately list all non-legacy ones that uses those bases. I know that this is most likely counter to the intent, and that Voll's and Headhunter are way more likely the intended chancing targets. However, the point is that if there is an intention for chancing for legacy items, this should be clearly stated in comments, and it would also be good if they were highlighted in a slightly different color. Quoted below is my version of section 0703: " |
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" Hey there, thanks for the suggestions. I do agree that the chance orb list needs some improvals and I'll definitely will include a few of your suggestions. Some specific feedback-feedback. 1) I personally disagree to minimum itemlevel for chance items. The majority of players (me included) don't run chaos recipes and even if you do this short time between itemlevels hitting 60 and the chance item appearing is usually not worth the time. That being said in my personal version (that only includes sorc boots and gold rings) the gold rings do have a itemlevel req. of 75. However, different player have different playstyles and ignoring itemlevels seems reasonable to me. 2) I will definitely add to be chanced items and more instructions to the comments 3) I don't think there's any point in chancing challenge league items. 4) I will definitely clean the chancing list a tiny bit 5) I will add some distinction and additional comments for legacy items. However, adding another color seems excessive to me. You either want the item or not. Also the vast majority of people doesn't actually read the filter, however I'm pursuing a different approach here. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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" As I see it, it's only for rings, amulets and belts that I really want the itemlevel restriction, since seeing them highlighted for chancing at very low levels kind of annoys me. For the rest (non-accessories), it's like you say only a short time, so I really don't care one way or another for those. " Yeah, that's kind of a problem, isn't it? Include legacy by default, and beginners will waste their chance orbs, while not including them will lead to complaints from those that wants to collect based for mass-chancing for their Headhunter's & Voll's. Hope you find a good solution. Last edited by StarRune#3840 on Mar 12, 2016, 7:10:05 AM
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I tried to search if this was asked but I can't find a way to search this thread in the forums:
I'm getting a lot of rare items with white borders. Is that for the full set recipe? If not what recipe? Also where can I find that info? I looked inside the filter and white borders are not mentioned in the comments. IGN: WorldWideWitchDotCom
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