NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Daeron1988 wrote:
SamuelMSr wrote:
I very much like this except for one thing, the items that show disapear after like 5 seconds. Is there a way to stop that from happening?


Yep, then it shows everything, even the stuff it is told to hide. Or at least that is the way it seems to me.
Guyes, please let me know how to show loot button , because seems in my game there isnt any as you could see...
Last edited by LorimaRBG#1198 on Mar 5, 2016, 9:32:59 AM
great filter but i hate only quality flasks show - cant chance taste of hate or find the new utility flasks
LorimaRBG wrote:
Guyes, please let me know how to show loot button , because seems in my game there isnt any as you could see...

"If you can't see the filter, you either saved the file in the wrong folder, or failed to give it .filter file extension"
Your filter is amazing, but I have to ask you one question.

Probably I am a bit retarded and it's possible that I made some mistakes but the filter shows me every item on the ground. In other words, I see every common just like without any filter and filtered items are highlighted in the correct way. It's this intended or I made something bad? If it's intended, is there a way to hide commons? Thanks in advance.
SamuelMSr wrote:
Daeron1988 wrote:
SamuelMSr wrote:
I very much like this except for one thing, the items that show disapear after like 5 seconds. Is there a way to stop that from happening?


Yep, then it shows everything, even the stuff it is told to hide. Or at least that is the way it seems to me.

That's certainly because you're low level and at low level, this filter does not hide so much things because you may want them. It will progressively hide more items ;) (btw you can press ALT to see items hided by the filter because even with "Always Highlight" the point of the filter is to hide items)
Daeron1988 wrote:
I very much like this except for one thing, the items that show disapear after like 5 seconds. Is there a way to stop that from happening?

That's certainly because you're low level and at low level, this filter does not hide so much things because you may want them. It will progressively hide more items ;) (btw you can press ALT to see items hided by the filter because even with "Always Highlight" the point of the filter is to hide items)

Ok I get that, thanks for the info.

My biggest issue is that the stuff that does show very quickly vanishes, then I have to press the ALT key to see them again, and then everything in the area shows.

I would like to keep those items that show to not stop showing after a couple seconds.
What is a quick fix I can use in order to see all flasks?
SamuelMSr wrote:

My biggest issue is that the stuff that does show very quickly vanishes, then I have to press the ALT key to see them again, and then everything in the area shows.

I would like to keep those items that show to not stop showing after a couple seconds.

You turned off item display. Hit 'z' to turn it back on.
NeverSink wrote:

All versions updated for PoE 2.2x!

I'd like to share a lootfilter I designed over the 6++ months.

Note: You can receive information about updates/progress on the lootfilter and my other guides/stream/videos, by checking out my twitter or ask me questions or watch me use this filter on my stream

Note: This filter is auto-up-to-date. It will NEVER hide new items, such as uniques, gems, orbs, maps and divination cards. Even if entirely new item types are introduced, the filter will display them (with a massive huge background, it's a failsafe to prevent the filter from malfunctioning). New versions usually only introduce minor visual improvements.

Here's your usual map drop. Try finding the most valuable items without scrolling down! See how long it takes you to find the exalted orb:

And this is how it looks with all the junk gone. How much faster did you spot the valuable stuff? (Note: this is a special example, you usually won't have this many items/colors spread at once):

The filter is designed to:
  • Highlight and notify players when worthwhile items drop.
  • Valuable items have recognizable item sounds. You'll know something good dropped, even offscreen!
  • Light filtering during levelling, it'll get more and more strict with each level!
  • Comprehensive and in-depth filtering during endgame play.
  • Evaluation help for high level rares - juicy, small and valuable bases get a green background
  • Evaluation help for high level rares - clunky rares get a red background, you can still see them though
  • Highlight recipe material (Regal, Chromatics, Glassblowers, Jewelers)
  • Use intuitive colors, without breaking the PoE feeling and immersion. No Whimsyshire!
  • User-friendly, 2000 lines of clean and structured code, easy to modify, compatible with Filtration
  • Support for special features (by default disabled), such as animate weapon builds!

Overall this script will clean up a lot of screen space, while providing an intuitive system to prioritize rare loot pickups (without FORCING it on you) and ensuring that you'll notice the worthwhile drops in the usual PoE clutter

Here's an example of how map-level filtering can look like:

(no the orb of transmutation is not filtered, I just accidentally picked it up)
How to use it

I recommend using this instruction to setup the filter:

A video guide by ZiggyD by ZiggyD
A short video by Exanimumque on installing this filter
The Guide to Loot Filters

Alternative instruction

# 0) Select a script version you like from the links below and click on the link!
# 1) Select-All + Copy the script from the "RAW Paste Data" at the bottom of the page.
# 2) Paste the contents into a notepad/txt document anywhere on your PC
# 3) Click File/Save As and select the following settings:
# SAVE AS TYPE: Select "All Files"
# FILE NAME: "NeverSink.filter" (Without the ")
# SAVE LOCATION: C:/Users/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile
# ENCODING (if available): ANSI
# INGAME: Escape -> Options -> UI -> Scroll down -> Select NeverSink.filter

When this is done, the option to use the filter will show up in your UI settings, at the bottom. select the filter you want to use, then hit "reload filters"

Colors and filtering
-Super rare items such as mirrors/exalted/eternal/6-links, have a huge text size, special drop sounds and very distinct white/red color/text/border/background.
-High currency has a golden background
-Normal currency is unchanged
-Utility items (such as utility flasks) and recipe items (6socks, RGB, quality flasks) have a grey background. Better utility items such as 20% flasks, small RGB items and 6sockets have a slightly brighter border.
-GOOD high level rare bases have a dark green background
-BAD high level rare bases have a dark red background
-Regal recipe rares have a orange text color instead of a yellow one
-Good items have a bigger text/display size
-Rare rings/amulets/belts have a border in addition to the background

If all these colors are too much for you and you don't want the rare-evaluation, consider using the "Zero" version.

Crafting and Chance Orb bases

By default the filter displays the following chance bases:
"Occultist's Vestment" "Imperial Bow" "Prophecy Wand" "Judgement Staff" "Gavel" "Gold Ring" "Agate Amulet"

It'll also display all top-tier maraketh weapons.

Finally it'll display white and blue Harbinger Bows and Ambushers.
You can easily change those settings in the filter or using the tool "filtration"

If you don't like those settings and don't want to see any of this, feel free to use the "Light" version, that will display no whites/blues (during endgame maps, you'll still see them while leveling), unless they are important for vendor recipes or have high link numbers (5L, 6S, RGB...)

Examples of what the script does:
A rare royal bow drops in a 75 map. A royal bow is a rather weak bow, it takes up a lot of space. The script will highlight the Royal bow with a RED hue, which means it's likely NOT a good rare to pick up... HOWEVER, it's a level 75 map and 75+ rares can be used for the regal recipe. The script will highlight it by using a slightly darker text hue.

A level 65 rare gold ring drops. It'll receive a nice green background and a non-intrusive border to display the potential value of this drop.

A level 30 magic grove drops. The script will do no highlighting. During leveling every magic/rare item can be potentially very useful :)



Each player has his own preferences, when it comes to sounds, chancing bases, crafting and some other aspects. The settings you see in the filter are my preferences. You may suggest changes in this thread, but I will unlikely implement them if they are orientated for "your build".

I will not create any further sub-versions of this filter. However, you can adjust the filter for yourself within a few minutes. And that's how:


First of all open the filter. You can do this with notepad, notepad++ (recommended) or any other text editor

Q: The itemsounds are too loud!
A: Hit "Ctrl+H" while editing the filter replace all occurrences of
"PlayAlertSound 1 300" -> "PlayAlertSound 1 150"
"PlayAlertSound 4 300" -> "PlayAlertSound 4 150"
"PlayAlertSound 6 300" -> "PlayAlertSound 6 150"

300 was the old volume, 150 the new one, you can obviously use another number for the new volume

Q: I'm colorblind and can't distinguish good rares and bad rares.
A: It's easiest to replace the bad background for this. Hit "Ctrl+h" and replace all occurrences of "SetBackgroundColor 65 25 25" with "SetBackgroundColor 25 25 65". The bad items will now have a blueish hue (I hope you can see that, you can obviously adjust the new color)

Q: I want to (not) chance base X
A: Search for "CHANCE ORB BASES", then add or remove the basetype into the list. You can also remove/comment the entry below if you don't like it

Q: I (don't) want to see white rings in maps or want to see some special jewellery.
A: Search for "HIGH LEVEL WHITE RINGS/AMULETS FOR ALCHING". Remove the entry below if you don't like it.

Q: I don't want to see any chance bases, maraketh bases, alchemy stuff etc
A: Use the light version

Q: I don't want to see any maraketh weapons
A: Search for "MARAKETH WEAPONS". Remove the entries you don't want to see.

Q: Will you make a special version for my guild/stream...
A: No

Q: Will you check/improve my version/pricecheck my items?
A: No

Q: You're a bit rude, no?
A: Nope, I'm just receiving way too many PM's/Whispers and also have a family, PHD, job and girlfriend to take care of.

The script itself:

LEGACY version 3.0 - Use it BEFORE the ascendancy expansion hits

NeverSink's Filter 3.1 - Full version (RECOMMENDED FOR 2.2) - full features, updated and REQUIRES PoE 2.2

NeverSink's Filter 3.1 - Magic Find / Cullparty version (WARNING: FILTERS A LOT) - MF version. NOT recommended for levelling/solo play (under ~300 rarity)! REQUIRES PoE 2.2

NeverSink's Filter 3.1 - NeverSink's Adjusted Version - only chance items are Sorcerer boots, no blue/white endgame jewelry. This is my version, so if you don't like it, use the full version or edit it yourself. REQUIRES PoE 2.2

NeverSink's Filter 3.1 - Zero-X version - barely rare evaluation, no unique/divination card evaluation, barely any sounds, colors, background etc. This version is designed to create your own filter from a template full of comments and modules to use. Have fun. REQUIRES PoE 2.2

Buy me a beer (FAQ included)


Q: Why now? It wasn't here before
A: I received several suggestions/questions/requests about a donation link before. During that time I had a stable job and didn't want to accept the money. Maybe I was foolish. Right now I'm taking part-time jobs and it's hard to find time for POE/guide/filter updates, so it'd help me and would also open more time for working on the filter.

Q: Will supporting you give me any extra advantage? Special versions? Feature inclusions?
A: No. This filter will always be updated and free for everyone. I enjoyed writing and keeping it polished. Supporting me should only be done out of gratitude/wish to support. I can list your name/nickname, if you wish though, PM me for that.

Q: I'm a admin/mod and I object
A: There is no trading involved, so it's not against the forum rules AFAIK (it's like supporting streamers), however if there's any issues, please contact me.

Q: Will you add this to every thread?
A: No, this link will only exist here, in the stream and in the archer guide.

Q: So how can I support you?
A: If you're confident that you want to do it AND can afford it (also donate to GGG first, they're doing the real work here, click on this link:


3.1 -- refined EVERY aspect of the filter. Rewrote entire leveling section, refined rare classification. Small rares (2x2 or 1x3) have a grey background. Improved 83-84 crafting section, added ascendancy material, changed divination card colors, refined sizes and colors of a lot of items.

3.0 -- reworked: unique tier list, 83+ crafting list, chance list, improved rare rarity list, added whitish borders to good vendor recipe items (6s, small RGB's), lots and lots of polishing.
2.9 -- added sorcerer boots to the chancing list (skyforth), added a "high-detection" chance list (disabled by default), minor improvements.
2.8 -- fixed the way too harsh potion filtering (while leveling) bug, I introduced in 2.7, rare and unique talismans now give off sounds, minor adjustments to the divination card and unique tier list
2.71 -- fixed a bug where tabula rasa had no dropsound, removed dropsound from detonate mines and added chaos damage
2.7 -- added talismans, added 2.1 divination cards, improved color values, improved leveling, reshuffled the unique tiers and added a new medium tier. Tons of other minor tweaks.
2.6 -- included divination cards from 2.0.5 and 2.0.6. Re-evaluated the unique tiers list. Made the green/red highlight for endgame rares less bright and "neony" (feedback welcome). Did several fine adjustments to text font sizes. Changed the endgame rare evaluation algorithm to be more picky about the "very good" weapons. Added iron rings and rustic sashs to the craftable material list. Improved the leveling section of the filter. Utility flasks without quality won't be shown in 74+ maps. Cleaned up parts of the code and reworked several sections. Added experimental code for POE2.1 talismans (not enabled)
2.5 -- updated with new map names/divination cards from 2.0.3
2.4 -- "CRYSTAL version" - Improved colors and font sizes for rares, warband items and filtered out items. Added currency shards for transmog. tempests. Improved the unique/divination/map tier lists with material added in 2.0.1 and 2.0.2. Added a few rare items to the "recommend rares" category due to popular demand. More stuff I likely forgot.
2.3a -- changed the alertsounds from volume 100, to volume 300. Might be too loud, needs testing.
2.3 -- improved sounds. Unique drop sound is now used only for uniques and the very best drops. Completely reworked the unique tier list. Changed the color of some top tier drops. Fixed a saintly chainmail bug :). ADDED A MAGIC FIND VERSION OF THE FILTER. IT'S DESIGNED FOR MASSIVE MF (300%+) OR CULLING PARTIES.
2.2 -- tons of new features. Map tier list, unique tier list, divination cards tier list. Added and adjusted the sounds on some items. Rescaled font size in some cases. Added ilvl 83+ weapons/jewellery. Improved structure and reworked some sections.
2.1 -- improved jewel visibility. changed chancing material code. Made the filter a bit more strict. Added warband functionallity! Magic gloves/boots/helmets are still hidden (over 60), but if you display them, their font size is not reduced and you can see borders around them. The borders equal the type of the warband. (Pick up red magic items dropped from the fire warband, greenish from ice and blue from lightning). Made chance/alt/chrom/jeweler orbs a lil' bit more visible.
2.0 -- cleaned the code up! Added better entries for maraketh weapons, adjusted highlighting for chance and crafting bases a bit, added filtration support, optimized the filter all around. Added support for animate weapon builds. Can be enabled on line 1400. Split the filter into 4 version: regular, light, zero and zero-x. Ready for the 2.0 release!
1.91 -- fixed white socket corrupted whites bug
1.9 -- improved good/bad rarity highlights, improved divination card colors, improved the leveling filtering all over.
1.8 -- minor changes, divination cards added! Color might be temporary.
1.72 -- adjusted the font sizes of some gems, rare drops and improved the structure of a few sections
1.71 -- changed a few font sizes for white items, improved "tabula rasa detection", changed PlayAlertSound 3 to PlayAlertSound 1
1.7 -- major restructure, it's very easy to look up/jump to any part of the filter. Added and refined leveling part. Improved alert sounds. Improved white/blue item filtering. Added highlight colors for white and magic items. Added flask highlighting (kudos to Antnee). Tons of small other changes.
1.61 -- minor bugfix. White belts between level 12-20 are no longer filtered.
1.6 -- polishing work. Improved text sizes, minor adjustments to improve visibility, fixed a small bug with blue harbinger bows (not displaying RGB combos) and greatly improved the structure of the filter.
1.5 -- fixed a few bugs, improved filtering of several items, removed some white/blue bases, improved drop sounds, improved structure, made the regal rare color slightly less unique-y
1.4 -- added a lot of polishing work, based on my leveling/mapping experience in beta.
1.3 -- added font size (work in progress), improved high tier currency colors, fixed some bugs
1.2 -- added a better leveling script
1.1 -- tested and improved sounds, added beta version 1.2 (better leveling script)
1.0 -- fixed RGB bug

You can test the script out here:


NOTE: As of the 10.5.2015 the website currently is not up to date and does not support "PlayAlertSound" with 2 arguments, if it displays a mistake there, just ignore it

However, it's NOT an appropriate test. The picture on the website has itemlevels ranging from 1 to 78. Practically it'll filter 95% of whites/blues in maps.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to post here :)


Also credits to Ghudda for his original script, I used it as a template and modified most of it


Could you tell me what these huge texted magic items stand for?
Click for Full Image
Last edited by I_SAG#5829 on Mar 5, 2016, 9:26:03 PM

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