Closed Beta FAQ for Path of Exile: The Awakening

60x7 wrote:
I'm not reading 35 pages to see if anyone else put together the fact that the beta release is on 420.

As.I read the thread, I am surprised GGG doesn't add a new line ti the beta FAQ:

Those complaining about the beta will NOT be selected to beta test the Awakening.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
A bit bummed out on how they approached this. Immediate hype followed by a quick "WTF." I totally get the reason for the beta but Act 4 is labeled as an "expansion" and if I recall, D2 and D3 released expansions without any sort of a prolonged public beta. I just bought the exp on release day, installed, and ready to resume the game.

Even though it's an "expansion," The way GGG and the media hype has positioned Act 4 is that because of Act 4, POE is basically a brand new game. The changes are so radical that it might have made more sense to title this "POE 2" over labeling it an "expansion."

If it was POE 2, all of this would have made a little more sense. I think a lot of the community assumed that when Act 4 rolls out they can just pick up where they left off. That obviously won't be the case for a couple of months.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
All current and past Alpha testers will be given access on day one, unless they were removed from the Alpha for breaking its rules.

Music to my ears.
Well, or two my eyes, as the case may be. :)
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
Great job GGG !! I hope i get picked so i can help test the best game ever !
GGG, are there any plans to perhaps allow wiki contributors into the beta? There will obviously be a lot of content and making sure it gets known about and organized for the final release will be quite helpful to the community.

Will there be a beta forum so people can contribute bugs and the like there?
Can you gift beta key to someone? Let say before downloading the client without ever setting foot into 2.0 build. Please tell me it is possible!

There is so many sad people around forums these days that I would be obliged to gift my key, if I get it, to one of those sad creatures. Just to make their bleak day a bit brighter.

Also, I'm betting most of you all know that the staff was well aware of how players would react to this news. There must be a reason behind all decisions, and as obvious it is that they haven't done their best on this, we can be quite they think and intended to act wisely! Remember: they're still people, and what they're doing is not easy, believe me!

True! I would replace WOULD with COULD in the first sentence.

Analysis after FAQ release:

A Closed Beta scenario is needed > Sure! This helps to improve the product. Who would dare to disagree?
It will be performed as GGG needs it to be performed > Sure!
Random access is given > Sure, see above!
Famous streamers may get in > Surely a valuable marketing strategy

All respective explanations sound legit to me. The community should respect these.

Lack of information and precise statements when announcing the end of the press tour/the expansion/the CB > Too much space for interpretation and false hopes (unfortunately slightly too much spreading-the-rumor-marketing-strategy)...may lead to frustration...

In the end it's all about communication.
Last edited by Serpent_Soul#2539 on Apr 13, 2015, 4:01:59 PM
cgexile wrote:
A bit bummed out on how they approached this. Immediate hype followed by a quick "WTF." I totally get the reason for the beta but Act 4 is labeled as an "expansion" and if I recall, D2 and D3 released expansions without any sort of a prolonged public beta. I just bought the exp on release day, installed, and ready to resume the game.

Even though it's an "expansion," The way GGG and the media hype has positioned Act 4 is that because of Act 4, POE is basically a brand new game. The changes are so radical that it might have made more sense to title this "POE 2" over labeling it an "expansion."

If it was POE 2, all of this would have made a little more sense.
I think a lot of the community assumed that when Act 4 rolls out they can just pick up where they left off. That obviously won't be the case for a couple of months.

As to the underlined, it makes sense if you consider the release version for Act 4 is being called 2.0, instead of the original 1.4 that we'd expect in linear progression from the most recent patches. Being such a big leap, it is closer to being "PoE 2.0" than anything else.
For POE Devs:
Died like this in HC before:

Serpent_Soul wrote:

True! I would replace WOULD with COULD in the first sentence.

Yup! Sorry for my quite bad english...I know it's no excuse but i'm French ^^' I hope people will welcome my post as well as you did!
Peripherally wrote:
cgexile wrote:
A bit bummed out on how they approached this. Immediate hype followed by a quick "WTF." I totally get the reason for the beta but Act 4 is labeled as an "expansion" and if I recall, D2 and D3 released expansions without any sort of a prolonged public beta. I just bought the exp on release day, installed, and ready to resume the game.

Even though it's an "expansion," The way GGG and the media hype has positioned Act 4 is that because of Act 4, POE is basically a brand new game. The changes are so radical that it might have made more sense to title this "POE 2" over labeling it an "expansion."

If it was POE 2, all of this would have made a little more sense.
I think a lot of the community assumed that when Act 4 rolls out they can just pick up where they left off. That obviously won't be the case for a couple of months.

As to the underlined, it makes sense if you consider the release version for Act 4 is being called 2.0, instead of the original 1.4 that we'd expect in linear progression from the most recent patches. Being such a big leap, it is closer to being "PoE 2.0" than anything else.

Exactly. PoE version 2.0 is pretty much PoE 2.

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