The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Hey! I'd love to join and have the chance to get to know everyone.

My IGN is ErzaFierce.

looking to join my first guild
IGN - Onvergeofquiting

Hey looking to join <3 add Fexun thanks
In Game Name: Fexun
IGN Name: Purdilicous

I've played over 700 hours of Path of Exile and yet to join a guild. I think it's definitely a good time to try to find a guild to join and I think your guild might be the one. I've been looking for a good guild that's both active and friendly. I would be happy to join your guild.
Looking for a good bunch of folks to have a good time, IGN is Drazera
Looking for a guild. I have never been in one, but I think that playing with others is funniest than alone. I'm not pro but I'm always looking for learning more and more about poe.

IGN: SirHierophant
Kinda new to the game in to my second season, former d3 player that have comverted to Poe and i love it :D
IGN Themaraduuur
Last edited by Dyssen92#3948 on Nov 21, 2018, 1:18:47 PM
Going to be my 4th season starting betrayal (former ones were training wheels i guess), I'd love to join and find people to party up with :)
Hello, looks really cool guild to join...yoroshiku!

IGN: Armlols
I'm a daily player and I'd love to join.

Ign: Merpheros


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