The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Hi I'd like to join.


I'd like to joiiiin :)
A returning player, would like to join a casual chatting guild.


Would like to join.

ign: Elemental_Throw
Hey I would like to join

IGN: JulieFoudy
I'd like to join if you'd have me. :)

IGN: Daxidol

I'm recently back from a few year break (I hear there's a desync fix on the way!), so my knowledge of the game is.. dated, hope that's okay.
I'll take an invite

IGN: OG_TripleOG
IGN: Inshiterate
So this is art? Awful lousy way to make coin
I'm a returning player who would like to join an all around guild.

IGN: ImNOTZeus or HexOfSin
Last edited by vail808#5753 on May 27, 2015, 2:13:58 AM
IGN: Dankspins
Hey so I just got back onto my action RPG kick. I'd love to play with some other people.
IGN: RosalindConnage

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