New Skill Development - Vigilant Strike
" The duration we're currently testing with is 8 seconds (As that's twice the cooldown on the skill). We're also considering characters that don't spend all their time in Melee using it, but keeping the effect up at all times isn't anywhere near as easy if you're not always naturally in melee range and don't have speed and damage bonuses with the appropriate weapon. Balance & Design
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I approve this message
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Is this a red/strength based gem? I am not great with colors, so just want to make sure.
Dark_Chicken - lvl 100 Marauder
Divine_Chicken - lvl 100 Duelist |
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" A ton of people are already spending most of there time in the right hand of the tree maxing evasion and block, as many do the alternative on the opposite side, every build uses the tree differently and that is a good thing, not a bad one. The cooldown mechanic already exists on multiple other skills, and often in a similar manner, this is not a new idea, it is an old one already on older gems. Cold Snap and Flicker Strike to be specific share the charge consumption property. A_Star_Pathfinder
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Seems cool, with the act 4 coming up any estimates for game optimization or new graphic settings such as particle density or just overall clutter reduction, or is this just something that isn't coming for a long time?
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"Yeah it is. |
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incoming ECoMS for damage... sick gem
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There's also the possibility of using skills that allow for a lot of mobility. Leap Slam is the first that comes to mind. But the duration seems short enough that constantly hopping back and forth to keep the buff up doesn't seem so good.
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I feel the want for the abuse of this skill deep in my soul!
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