Feedback from Season 2
" tried srs myself(my pve build) and I like it but it's bad how easy its to counter and that it just feeds charges :( It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" -Teams (1v1 swiss too ofc) -Swiss/Bo7-[10?(:] -let others talk about skills. If you want more people to participate don't make pvp so expensive. The number of points you get for swiss events (arguably the most skill intensive event) is very low compared to blitz, FFA, etc. WTB Claw rework/viable stats/tree/abilities pls and TY. Would be cool to see mace,staff,axe get some love(I let Hege know some ideas for this) -----------------MAPS----------------------- Big issue I see now is the maps. The forest map is awful for pvp atm(I'll let others get in on this, Lapiz that means you ;) Mono bottle necks, tons of clipping and moving down screen. Maps with Large obstacles need to to have the large blocks (that promote running around in circles) shrunken or chopped up in a way that they still provide the large amount of cover and break los etc, but don't allow running in endless circles. Crypt is a "good" example of this it has a large square at the bottom which provides cover in some directions, breaks los but you can leap/blink/throw over it in some directions. This promotes interesting game play(The top of screen peak of crypt map still seems too large). Dungeon with a large upsidedown V creates a lot of running/hiding. Docks multilevel map creates tons of desync and also has another large upside down V which leads to a lot of turtling (at least you can get down screen of this i guess). Would like to see more side to side maps and less maps with a corner at the bottom of the map(Think of how many maps are like this). Last edited by Lordsidro#6913 on Mar 17, 2015, 7:27:29 PM
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why do people reserve posts?
does it matter if your post is read first or before others? will people who already read the thread go back pages to see if that guy has finally edited in his reply? would they even remember? |
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" This.. geez Also for some reason every other post is mulla's or tommie's and its traditionally about 2handers being shit in HLD. Last edited by lapiz#7973 on Mar 18, 2015, 4:56:59 AM
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" Solo events were fine but I think pvp really shines in team events. FFA is still pretty horrible, CTF could be fun if there were more than 3 rounds, swiss is still fine and there were WAY too many blitz events. I think the pvp scene could benefit from team-based swiss events, having to adjust your strategy versus a particular comp during those 4 to 7 rounds is a big part of winning and in blitz events, this part kinda gets lost. Also, please add 2v2 events :) Last edited by Monstacookie#3096 on Mar 18, 2015, 5:33:54 AM
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Unfortunately i didnt take part in the torment/BL events since i'm busy this time of year so i cant really comment on that, but from pvp-ing a lot in the parent leagues i personally enjoy any type of pvp.
As underpowered skills go: i only do HLD so all of these from the HLD point of view Arc feels pretty weak in 1v1(its good in 3v3 though), the problem is that the difference from the low end and top end damage is too high, which means you can get unlucky streaks of low damage quite often, it feels too risky because the damage can vary so much Poison Arrow can be hardcountered very easily with high chaos resist and regen, even the best poison arrow geared characters can not do enough damage to kill high regen and high chaos resist characters. To me this seems pretty unfair considering said character is specialized and specced into PA just to be made completely useless with a few gear swaps that give chaos resist. I think it should have some form of chaos resist penetration like a gem that gives 20% penetration at max level. Ethereal knives is one of the weakest skills in pvp, ive tried a pretty much every gem combination and it simply does not do enough damage, even with 70k EK tooltip it feels like nothing. Theres a few reasons why it is so weak, the damage will be at least 50% physical (phys to light gem helps), physical damage gets mitigated completely in pvp by IC setups, it can not shotgun unlike most other good caster skills, the mana cost is tremendous and it can not benefit properly from penetration gems unless you go AOF which makes it do too little damage. A way to improve EK would be to buff its base crit chance, this would buff its overall dps and make it worth using. Lightning Strike is pretty weak in pvp, the only reason you would use it is to be at range from characters and unfortunately the projectiles do not do enough damage, they get stuck on anything in the arena and theres no point in using it as a melee skill because you have much better options for melee. Buffing the projectile part in pvp would be a nice improvement. Double Strike i really like this skill but it has a damage effectiveness that is too harsh, the dps is just not high enough because of the this, if the damage effectiveness would be buffed to about 80% then it would be a properly good option. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral |
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Team events were the most fun! I hope for more and was really excited to play in this season because of so many team events. Hoping for Team swiss events and some 2 vs 2 events. Would like to see FFA events better implemented because they are awesome when they actually work. I didnt like the way the alienware prizes are singular large prizes for just the winners of invitational rather than a variety of different tier prizes for multiple ranked placements.
I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Mar 19, 2015, 12:40:15 AM
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In season 3, please, for the love of god, let us compete with standard characters. Myself and many others have had years perfecting characters to use in meaningful PvP. This is what a lot of people are seriously just bumming around waiting for. LET THE GOD TIER CHARACTERS COMPETE :)
IGN - Xukai
Mirror Service - /1046531 |
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pvp needs more players. when playing on standard, it will prevent a lot of players to get into pvp... poe is all about the leagues and new markets, more than 90% of the player base is playing in temporary leagues. Most of them will have a hard time gearing up to challenge with u standard guys.. i cant see any reason to do any further pvp season in standard league.
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" It's not more than 90% It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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