PoE API information?

Michael_GGG wrote:
...along with a method to provide access to some user data without requiring a login.

Which I assume is NOT a way to access stash information? :)
MCAussie MCServer. MCWin.
Michael_GGG wrote:
We're aiming to make some updates on the documentation in the future along with a method to provide access to some user data without requiring a login.

Would be a really nice step if this could proceed in the _near_ future. But there are some facts around the actual API that alarms me:

-if its 'meant' to be public knowledge, it has to be(made) public, and not hidden behind some links that are only direct-accessible (http://www.pathofexile.com/developer/docs/api)

-if its intended (allowance implies intention!) to be used by external tools, these informations have to be correct and actual. Accountname was added as neccessary parameter without notification, and it seems the access to hideout stash has also changed, while delivering some very strange results (tabs with same name and the attribute 'hidden' set to true). Same shit with the additional item parameters ('set') on item 'name' and 'typeline' - changes happen, but such things should really NOT happen without official announcing to keep tools with features GGG has 'outsourced' to the community uptodate.

Another bad fact is that we are called to use parameters ("If your application makes decisions based on the error response make sure you use the code rather than the message as the message is subject to change.", from http://www.pathofexile.com/developer/docs/api-errors) - while the site itself doesnt deliver that 'code' parameter at all. Fix this!
(and this call alone implies that its allowed and intended to build 'applications' based on given API-based data access)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
Wow these Api's seem very powerful are you worried about people using this power in unintended and potentially nefarious ways to high frequency trade ?

See all my reddit posts (even the shadowbanned ones)

So what are those for and how do I use them? Maybe this side game could bring me back to PoE.
Legacy items are BS
any news on the API side of things, devs?
My program broke long ago, only returns "false". so Stuff has changed. But there's no new info on the official API page: http://www.pathofexile.com/developer/docs/api
rawr. fear me.
goodness a necro thread
I dont see any any key!
better than a duplicate topic scattering all relevant information into many different threads.
never understood why people dislike necro posting. Keep relevant stuff in relevant topics, not a bunch of topics. Also, don't lock old topics just because they are old.
rawr. fear me.
They've mentioned that there's a series of changes in the near future. I'm not all that interested in it, so can't give you the details. Read up here:

Jentry wrote:
Wow these Api's seem very powerful are you worried about people using this power in unintended and potentially nefarious ways to high frequency trade ?

Funny, from 2015.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes


https://www.pathofexile.com/character-window/get-stash-items?league= [League] &tabs=1&tabIndex= [Stashnumber] &accountName= [AccountName]

http://www.pathofexile.com/character-window/get-items?character= [Charname] &accountName= [AccountName]

working URL templates for path of exile inventory API - no idea how long these will work but enjoy
fill out the [ ] with your details (removing the [] and spaces as you go) - be sure to be logged into the site before you enter these URLs and it displays your information

none of this information is on the API documentation, but should be
Have fun
Last edited by Bugz000 on Feb 11, 2016, 6:17:51 PM

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