Announcing Path of Exile Russia
Самое смешное, что в контексте игрового лора перевод названий классов как раз таки нормальный и что-то мне подсказывает, что большинство хейтеров этот самый лор просто-напросто не читали вообще.
Long live GGG. Long Live Path of Exile. Despite the fact i dont play this game very often, i really like it. That s why i return to it again and again and i'm really glad it's popularuty grows as well. I think you guys did an amazing job, and wish you to keep it up. |
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" Так никто не закрывает доступ для России через официальный клиент на те же сервера EU. GGG никогда ни одну страну не банили это беcмысленно. Выше кто пишет про "могут выбрать только один сервер СНГ" имеется в виде через клиент гарены. Логика тут проста, за место того чтобы тратить деньги на запуск, аренду серверов в Москве, организации небольшой конторки в России - GGG выбирает дешевый вариант Garena. Я не знаю точных цифр активной аудитории игры в России и тем более сколько они купили MTX в игре, но я более чем уверен эта цифра не покроет расходы на всю эту организацию, "может быть". |
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" RU PoE сообщество это те дети которые писаются кипятком потому что их любимого Shadow не перевели как Тень? :D |
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" loel, its an old tree, rly old |
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" Громче всех в треде вопят прежде всего невежды и пофигисты, но это и не новость. В тексте на сайте есть несколько сомнительных моментов, но катастрофой в духе «построить пхоеникса», «квестового бревна» и иже с ними пока не пахнет. Ребята там, может, не самые опытные, но образование и мозги у них явно есть; вопрос в том, как глубоко они готовы копать. To give a brief analysis of some of the class name translations, one thing that should be mentioned first is that a word which looks and sounds the same in either of the two languages may, and often will, have different meanings, or at least different connotations or contextual nuances. For instance, in English, a marauder might refer to a person who sustains themselves on raiding, whereas in Russian it's rather strictly understood as someone who pillages and loots, i.e. takes advantage of unfortunate situations or defenseless targets to sustain themselves. Note the very significant difference in meaning and modus operandi of the two: one is a warrior who fights and is prepared to die for his sustenance, the other is more of a mongrel who seeks out easy money but deliberately avoids dangerous confrontations. The term used in the translated version, savage, may not be equivalent to the original name, but is nevertheless adequately describing the character in question—since he and his tribesmen are, in fact, very much a bunch of savages despite all the big words, the moral codex, and such. Shadow, on the other hand, wasn't treated as well in my opinion. The actual character is aligned with Intelligence and Dexterity, which are represented by pretty much every possible aspect of its design, down to the (uncommonly brilliant) monologues and voice acting. The term shadow, while may be considered unnecessarily allegorical for a character description, encapsulates the essence of a cunning, stealthy assassin pretty well using just one word. The term bandit from the translation, however, doesn't only lose the poetry and figurative meaning of the original, but also completely misaligns it: what we call bandits in Russian are typically common thugs, characterized by neither wits nor particular prowess but rather brute force; such a name doesn't hint at all at the qualities important to the character in any way. Even something like psychopath would have described the character a lot better, considering the personality. However, translating the term literally would've hardly been correct, because when we refer to someone as a shadow in Russian, we always mean that the person resembles a hollow shell, a degraded state hinting at former superiority and long-gone liveliness. Scion's translation as noblewoman is rather amusing. It's not entirely incorrect, but is off the mark just enough to be humorous... and at the same time, annoying. I'm pretty sure a different term is needed here; hard to tell off the bat, but I'm certain there should be better options if one thinks out of the box. The term scion itself is hardly descriptive, so there is room for interpretation of the character in the same way as has been done with the Marauder. <Tyrfalger> Exactly, the next act is going outside Sarn and into those wheat fields (see the map) to become a farmer. Then we can spend our days endlessly farming. Wait a minute... Last edited by moozooh#4289 on Feb 20, 2015, 7:07:43 PM
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who made that brutus trailer? and will we get more? :o
I'm that Morty guy.
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Да кого волнует этот перевод, в конце концов тут некоторые 2+ года без него играют и норм.
Косяков у Гарены будет дохрена, как и в любой локализации. Часть поправят, часть нет. А вот возможный бан ip и продолжающийся блок евро-стим версии - вот об этом стоит волноваться. И гарена может сколько угодно писать "пока у нас нет планов запрещать вам евросервер". Веры им нет, запретили один раз - запретят снова. Если б планов запретить не было, мы бы играли в стиме с остальным комьюнити. Path of Exalteds. There is only farm.
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Whilst I'm happy about the Russian localisation, the tie-in with Garena for separate Russian zone, is not good news. Moreover, servers located in Moscow will add nothing for those of us who live in the Far East.
Personally, I don't want to play on a Garena hosted Russian server - and probably won't if it comes to it. Please clarify the situation regarding existing accounts and future access to EU servers. |
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Is Garena something akin to Steam?
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Congrats on expansion. Always a good thing.
So many games I've played are segregated by country,region,language. Poe was the first game I've played that I met and interacted with foreign players. Now some of my best internet buddies are these foreign players,that I wouldn't have met without that aspect. I hope some clarification as to if the Russian players will have the option to play in the normal realm(if none has been made),and not via Garena. Just as I also hope they will have this choice,if it is for latency issues. |
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