New Skill Development - Part 2

How does this new group affect the CWDT/Enduring Cry/Immortal Call setup?
taunts enemies but enemy is slowed down. i think kiting between 2-3 players can exploit this. trap/taunt combo.

still it makes a very interesting skill. and since POE is gonna go into taunting mechanics, where is the "taunting hit" support gem that taunts enemies hit by a skill?
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Without CWDT + EC + IC, what can we do against devourers and jumping frogs?
Baxta wrote:
How does this new group affect the CWDT/Enduring Cry/Immortal Call setup?

Yeah, that's exactly what will change. Your EC/IC setup won't work anymore, since they won't be affected by CwDT. Like I said, it's probably for the best, though.
Wooser69 wrote:
Removing EC from triggers sounds like an extremely big change. I know I'd be tired of hitting the EC button every few seconds like I used to be, but on the other hand it'd be a sure fix for the current ec+ic trigger trivialising physical damage.

no way ec + ic trivialise physical damage , it helps a lot but trivializing is a bit exagerating here :P

but i agree its a big change and indirectly it would be a big nerf to our defense(uneeded) unless you can generate ec (stun,etc)

so i hope that warcries will be powerfull enought o justify casting them manually :)

Edit : Has an afterthought , this gonna be hell with casting curse lol (of course there is coh)
Last edited by ffogell#6809 on Feb 16, 2015, 8:51:17 PM
Stirnwand wrote:
Without CWDT + EC + IC, what can we do against devourers and jumping frogs?

I'm definitely interested in what strategies will arise to deal with these scenarios in the wake of these Warcry changes.
I too agree the 4L RRRR is far from ideal, but it is a response to type of sudden dmg that you cannot reliably prevent otherwise (devos, frogs, bird spikes, etc...).

Above all, making these Warcries not usuable with trigger gems, will slow back down the game a lot.
I remember how good was the pace change with the introduction of cwdt, and how welcome it was by the community as a whole...

This is a very risky change in terms of the fun you have playing the game!!! To handle with care.
Last edited by KlaatuZu#4103 on Feb 16, 2015, 8:57:17 PM
Uvne wrote:
Yes, kill IC/EC/CwDT. I think we all know that it's far better for the game in the long run. Saying that the reason it might not happen is that it affects existing characters is effectively admitting that you're allowing the game to be held back by prior mistakes. Address the resulting issues, like physical reflect, in their own right; don't let the mandatory 4L bandaid hold the rest of the game hostage.

Well said. +1, Upvote, much agree.
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
Definitely risky changes here, and will need to be looked at quite a bit to see how they will work given the state of the game. Of course, with other changes likely down the pipeline and hopefully they are changes for the better (like lessening the power of CWDT in certain cases), then this idea of warcry gems sounds promising.
"The possibility of having "Warcries" not be spells or attacks was suggested during development"

Does that mean that we cant use warcries with totems? I was kinda hoping to

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