Doeboy™ 👊 #1 Cast On Cyclone Discharge HP/Dodge or CI
Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! Last edited by Gary_GGG#0000 on Feb 2, 2016, 6:59:03 PM
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_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO FIGHT ATZIRI! ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fighting Atziri and the usage of RF is some kind of a thing that needs to be practised. A good way to learn the flask times and like automaticly pop the right flasks to sustain it is running linear maps while triing to keep RF up the whole map. Also Fighting in Apex/Alluring is a thing u need to get used to, Movments, Timings, Flasking is always the same. The Fights can be planned very well and always handled in the same way. Important is: Use your Flasks, dont waste your flasks, dont be nervous, atleast dont act like that. Apex is a nice way to train how the Fights can be handled, once u feel very confident you can try Alluring.
1) Stepping into the BossRoom you walk to one of the vaals spawns points, once it's activate u w8 about 3-4 secounds and activate the other one.
2) Going back to the first activated one. 3) Once the Vaal appears u activate RF (Pop your Ruby Flask at same time), right after we also pop Vaal Haste. Curse him with Assasines Mark. 4) Cyclone him with a popped Atziri Prosmise Flask. After like 2-3 secounds you whirl(whirlingblades) to the 2nd vaal (the other should be Dead or close to dead), while whirling use the Ruby Flask + HP Flask. 5) The 2nd Vaal will spawn his toons, time to curse him and drop him to very low HP or even kill him. 6) If he hides again in the ground we pop Vaal Grace, active our Ruby Flask + Topaz Flask and finish him off once he's back up! 7)After the fight just let RF drain your life down and use the HP Flasks once RF takes off.
1) By entering the Room walk along the right side up to the top right cornor.
2) At the cornor (close to the pillar) we active RF (popping also the Ruby Flask), active Vaal Haste. 3) Whirl(whirlingblades) to the Cycloner make use of the Evasion Flask, curse him with Assasines Mark and cyclone him down. (use 1 charge of the Atziri Flask here) NOTE: Try to pop the Evasion Flask in the whole fight. 4) The 2nd enemie we wanna kill is the Spike Titty, keep popping the Ruby Flask to keep the RF deregen as low as possible. (use the Atziri Flask again) NOTE:Black Clouds will spawn after 4-5secs where we killed a Boss. Those clouds dealing a lot physical damage - try to hide them if possible. and Use the 4-5 sec gap to kill the Titty. 5) After we killed Titty > whirl away, pop Ruby+HP Flask to regen up your Health. Now activate Vaal Grace. Facetank the Dualstriker, make use of the Evasion/Ruby/HP Flask. " NOTE: You should also hide the physical Damage black clouds from killed bosses. After the fight just let RF drain your life down and use the HP Flasks once RF takes off. Best Order Cyclone > Titty > Dualstriker
As in the other two bossfights before we gonna use RF aswell.
1) Pop Ruby + activate RF, whirl to atziri and spin. NOTE: Since we got Curse immunity from our Ruby Flask (which we have to pop anyway to sustain the RF) we can always curse her. 2) In the feed phase use the HP Flask to regen up your HP, alsways switch between HP and Ruby Flask, recurse Atziri. Killing her feed-minions will recharge our Flasks. NOTE: To Kill the Feeds we just cyclone Atziri in the middle. 3) In the Split phase of the fight, we always attack the split which is directly on the opposite side of the one holding the mirror (attacking one next to the one holding the mirror increases the chance of selfoneshoting us). 4) Between the different phases (Atziri > Split) we use the HP flask to slightly regen up, right before the enemie is attackable we pop the Ruby+Eva Flask, curse the enemie and start spinning. NOTE: The Flameblasts can be ignored (Ruby is always active and we got 95/96 Fire Res, so we can easily tank it), the storm calls should be dodged (the topaz should always be popped aswell). 5)Repeat this tru the whole fight. Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! Last edited by Doe#2466 on Dec 8, 2015, 12:33:55 PM
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_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LOG ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ FRIDAY 06/02/2015 - GUIDE Creation Date SUNDAY 08/02/2015 - Added "New Char Level Progression" > Post #2 MONDAY 09/02/2015 - Finished the Leveling Progresson with 2*Atziri Kills > Post #2 TURSDAY 10/02/2015 - Added Witch passive Trees + Shadow Leveling Progression Trees WEDNESDAY 11/02/2015 - Added a little "How 2 Atziri" > Post #2 MONDAY 16/02/2015 - Added "ITEM UPGRADE PRIORITY" List to Gear section FRIDAY 20/02/2015 - Added 2 New Deathless Speed Uber Videos (fullclear) TUESDAY 17/03/2015 - Reworked the "How to fight Atziri" Section WEDNESDAY 18/03/2015 - Added DPS Clac by "RicoKGB" > Post #2 WEDNESDAY 17/06/2015 - 2 Man Uber down! Check out the Vid Section MONDAY 29/06/2015 - Added Pre 2.0 Tree and GearChange SUNDAY 05/07/2015 - 1.3 Build Archived SUNDAY 26/07/2015 - Build revamp + UBER viable again! TUESDAY 28/07/2015 - Finally Voded up some Deathless Uber Action > Vid Section WEDNESDAY 29/07/2015 - Added some Community Help Quotes to the Post#2 WEDNESDAY 08/08/2015 - Added Trees for other Classes + DMG Pics SUNDAY 06/12/2015 - Finally retiring the Guide ~ iam just to bad at PoE and dont know anything about mechanics and stuff. So iam preventing you from reading false stuff and myself for giving wrong advises by deleting the content of this guide. /PCE Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! Last edited by Doe#2466 on Dec 9, 2015, 9:42:35 AM
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nice guide
IGN: _AXN_ (standard Server) MY SHOP: provide mirror service on the best item only. (#1 crit bow, #1 crit staff, #1 crown of eye shield, #1 pdps dagger, #1 pdps 1hd sword, #1 ES/Armour shield, #1 belt, #1boot...and alot more) Last edited by axn1314#7407 on Feb 6, 2015, 10:58:55 PM
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....FPS DEATH INC 10 more acts and 1000 years of PoE !!!!!
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Great build, running it on my lvl 81 Shadow
It's actually quite budget if you leave out legacy Saffell and Acuity. I would highly recommend Voll's amu though! Gear:
Last edited by Kussler88#5578 on Feb 6, 2015, 8:41:41 PM
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This person is amazing i saw lot of his videos and i discuss with him ingame , super friendly!
really helpFULL --- I would like to know if someone is selling HIS same dagger 99%crit spell Hit no evade i will buy it immidiatly =) ign BlackBozambo |
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Very nice build. However, have you considered using starkonjas head for better survivability?
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Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! Last edited by Doe#2466 on Dec 8, 2015, 1:51:37 PM
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Played with this build in a rotation today. Carried full party ezpz.
I did try to sustain RF for an entire map after you left, was easily doable with a 2nd Ruby flask. Es based so no flask to keep hp up, but with 100% uptime on ruby flask, there was only a small degen between packs. |
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