Preemptive heavy strike nerf
When they nerfed flicker for LLD, did it nerf flicker for HLD or PVE?
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" It was nerfed for HLD yes, so what's your point? Yes, none It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" I just asked a question, so that I could understand whether it was likely the upcoming nerfs are lld specific or not. Chill out. It's a game. And I haven't even said anything provocative, I literally just asked a question. |
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" Yeah sorry, I was angry from playing with russians in cs go >.<. But yeah, sofar if they nerf something for LLD it affects HLD aswell, which to me is sad, however surely flicker was strong HLD too It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" :^) |
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at least you can response against a HeavyStriker by wearing anti-knockback gear while against moltenstrike and cyclone you have no immediately counters for them, let see how it goes with the nerf....
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I don't think people understand that the knockback effect is a negative to heavy strike (for LLD since that's the focus of the season). If you get Cannot be knocked back boots, i'll just kill you even faster.
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" thats not true knockback would lock another melee user, if the other dude hits harder than you then knockback + weapon range gonna decide the winner, also helps vs Freezing pulse. | |
" Yeah, if my weapon has less range than yours, having anti-kb would be the only way for me to land consistent damage. If my weapon range is greater than yours, I would be lucky to have you knocking me back. |
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Pvp re-scaling should be "This does less damage for level 1-10 then slowly increasing till it's back to normal at level 15+" instead of flat 20 or 30% damage nerfs across the board.
and I know it won't be like this since GGG doesn't even pay attention to anything on the forums or give any responses or even acknowledge we're discussing pvp balance. |