Race Season Ten Prizes, Patch 1.3.0k and Cheating

Selminus wrote:
Maybe if you guys addressed the AWFUL zoom limitations

Zoom is not the issue, but just that the ranges of projectiles and monster aggro did not scale (at least not sufficient) with your resolution settings.
Selminus wrote:
in this game people wouldn't be compelled to cheat.

but I doubt it would have much impact on cheating as long as its possible (and not harder restricted).

(Some) people will never find it "good/easy" enough if they can have it more.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
evilmindcz wrote:
terrex wrote:

Stop living in cavemen times and get a new computer. Stop cheating and play something how it is supposed to be played. There is no excuse.

So for example, you really think hardcore mode is supposed to be played with instant alt-f4 logoff

Yes. This was confirmed by GGG lead developer. Logging off is part of the gameplay, sounds stupid, but that's how it's meant to be played.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Grimmnyr wrote:
Samkiud wrote:
I really like that GGG is addressing the cheaters. Keep it clean.

Well, it's nice to get rid of the cheaters, but the zoom problem which is a problem for quite a lot of people is not addressed and most likely won't. As they said previously - the game is not meant to look good zoomed out more than it is, which is BS, I have played PoE since beta and I have used zoomhack around 90% of the time and I can say that the game looks fine if you zoom out 2-3 clicks further.
It might be fine for most people, but if you have a 17" display and you have to play on 1024 by 768, it just looks horrible and is almost unplayable as you will get offscreened all day long.
I am not trying to redeem "honor of the hackers", but it is still a factor and for as long as I won't be able to zoom out a bit further, I just won't play the game. Hopefully, I will be the only one and the game stays healthy on its playerbase.

So using a stone age monitor for modern gaming suddenly is a reason to cheat? I know how hard it is playing games on a 4:3 monitor, but seriously they stopped making 4:3 monitors like what, 6 years ago? If you want to game stop torturing yourself with grandma gear.
Last edited by leto2626 on Jan 21, 2015, 4:04:01 AM
ljlevend wrote:
Even worse, cheaters know that if they haven't been warned then theIy haven't been detected which will make them more bold in their pursuit of cheating.

Took 21 pages until someone made this obvious point. I'm pretty sure a lot of the real cheaters, who managed to stay under the radar are now chilling while opening arcanist box after arcanist box. I really hope I'm wrong.
Personally it doesn't affect me as I barely trade but for the average player this has a huge impact on t he value of things in the game.
If you read this, you are desperate to get an answer to your question!
leto2626 wrote:
but seriously they stopped making 4:3 monitors like what, 6 years ago?

Next time, do your research before making a statement.
We are going to shut down Beyond immigration into our maps until we find out what the Hell is going on!
leto2626 wrote:
but seriously they stopped making 4:3 monitors like what, 6 years ago?

Next time, do your research before making a statement.

lol,they are all used or refurbished.
evilmindcz wrote:
terrex wrote:

Stop living in cavemen times and get a new computer. Stop cheating and play something how it is supposed to be played. There is no excuse.

So for example, you really think hardcore mode is supposed to be played with instant alt-f4 logoff, which i know you do a lot? Like... seriously? This is probably the only game ever, where something like that is not only possible, but even officialy supported and celebrated by many. Sounds kinda funny that people thinks its not cheating, but disabled particles is.

I logout in races to save portal scrolls too.
About time. Too bad that macro's are still allowed though. I consider every advantage that is not build in the game itself as cheating.
anyone else notice the Season Class winners were almost all the same handful of players? Yikes, guys, let someone else have a chance.

But yay! Death to the cheat!

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