Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100

capSAR273 wrote:
Global 100 is not used for guild recruitment anymore, I suggest deleting/renaming the thread so people stop coming here asking for guilds.
is there a dedicated place to look for guilds?
capSAR273 wrote:
Global 100 is not used for guild recruitment anymore, I suggest deleting/renaming the thread so people stop coming here asking for guilds.
is there a dedicated place to look for guilds?

Reddit maybe? Not sure but its not the g100 channel. I use that channel every league and any time someone comes in asking about guilds there is no reply because that channel is not used for guild recruiting. It has been years since the channel was actually intended for recruitment.
Hey guys, Im looking for a guild. Been playing since 2014, stopped for 2 leagues and now im lvl 92 on this one, Shadow. Thanks ! IGN - RabbitB
Its unfortunate that this thread has died. I agree with statements above please remove this thread. I even came here to find a Guild only to find it to no longer be in use.
Hi, I am looking for a guild. If someone can invite me to an active guild that would be great.
We are currently looking for permanent guildies for PoE/PoE 2.
Right here 👉
Last edited by tiRo_DjzX#5832 on Sep 24, 2024, 6:56:50 AM

From Europe im and old Veteran from PoE Early access times. Looking for a hardcore guild in PoE2 EA or simply just people to group up with.

Im a chilled out player. If anyone who reads this is looking for a Hardcore buddy just add me on Steam. Friendcode: 71813295
Pie Jesu domine, dona eis requiem! *bonk* Hardcore4eveR
Last edited by Dragonhearth#5290 on Dec 4, 2024, 4:04:14 AM

Returning old time player,
Refreshed the basics, now I aim to finish the end game content.

I play Warden FB.
Looking for a casual guild, I player in Europe. +2 UTC
Hello, if someone want a chill Guild let me introduce :

Le Cercle Noir, mean "Black Circle"

for chill players, help for bosses, trades and more.

You want it darker, I made it.
extra omnes.
Hi yall... I am looking for a guild.

Playing a lot, have 6 characters one of each class in Act 2. Still trying out all characters and I fell I learn more about the game and its many intricacies playing all classes.

Username: OTSeraph#7705

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